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kaogu 2006-8

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2006-10-17




No. 8, 2006


Main Contents


Wang Hongguang, Guizhou Archaeology: Recent Discoveries and New

Understanding------------------------------------------------( 3 )

Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology et al., Excavation of 2004 on the Jigongshan Site in Weining County, Guizhou -----------------------( 11 )

Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology et al., Shang-Zhou Site at Wujia-daping in Weining County, Guizhou-------――――――( 28 )
Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Excavation of Han Period Tombs in Qianxi County, Guizhou -----------( 40 ) 

Zhang Herong and Luo Erhu, On the Jigongshan Culture --------------(57 )

Feng Shi, The Ban and the Rong Zhong Tetrapods and Their Related

    Problems ---------------------------------------------------( 67 )

Yang Xiaochun, A Study of the Origin of the Stone Sculptures  along the Spirit Roads of Tombs of the Southern Dynasties Period ------------(74  )

Wang Minghui, A Summary of the “Sino-Swedish Archaeological Forum” ----------------------------------------------------------------( 83 )





Wang Hongguang, Guizhou Archaeology: Recent Discoveries and New


KEY WORDS: Guizhou Archaeology         recent discoveries  

           new understanding         new ideas

ABSTRACT: Recent archaeological discoveries brought about some new understanding on the pre-Qin culture in this region. Meanwhile, they inspired new ideas on the late Paleolithic culture and Neolithic cultural pedigree in Guizhou, archaeological research into the ancient Yelang State, the rule of the Han and Jin dynasties in Guizhou in the light of archaeological data, the exploration and study of the Yang family tombs in Zunyi, and the study of ethnologico-archaeological problems in the Qingshui River valley.




Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology et al.,, Excavation of 2004 on the Jigongshan Site in Weining County, Guizhou

KEY WORDS: Weining     Jigongshan site    sacrifice  Shang-Zhou period

ABSTRACT: In October 2004 to January 2005, the Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, the Archaeology Department of Sichuan University and other institution carried out excavation for the first time on the Jigongshan site at Zhongshui in Weining, Guizhou. They revealed an area of 1,800 sq m, and discovered pits, tombs, building remains and ditches. The unearthed objects include quantities of pottery vessels, stone implements, bronzes, jades and bone artifacts, among which the pottery is great in the number of intact and restorable vessels, distinctive in form and stable in combination. The excavation indicates that the Jigongshan vestiges constitute a summit site dating from 3300—2800 BP, corresponding to the Shang-Zhou period.




Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology et al., Shang-Zhou Site at Wujia-daping in Weining County, Guizhou

KEY WORDS: Wujiadaping    Wujia-daping    Shang-Zhou period

ABSTRACT: In October 2004 to January 2005, the Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, the Archaeology Department of Sichuan University and other institutions carried out excavation on the Wujia-daping by revealing an area of about 600 sq. m. Among the discovered vestiges are ash-pits, ditches, house-foundations and pits, and the unearthed objects include pottery, stone implements and bone artifacts. The site is the remains of a settlement of the Zhang-Zhou period, with the date and cultural features basically the same as those of the Jigongshan site.




Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Excavation of Han Period Tombs in Qianxi County, Guizhou 

KEY WORDS: Qianxi County    earthen-pit tombs    stone-chambered

           tombs    late Eastern Han period

ABSTRACT: In May—June 2004, the Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated Han tombs at Hongxing and Sanjiao villages of Gantang Township and Shuangxing Village of Chengguan Town, Qingxi County. They revealed 10 tombs, i.e. four earthen-pit burials and six stone-chambered graves. The earthen pits are all shafts, and the stone chambers, single rooms with a head and a side cabinets, and some times with a tomb-passage. Among the grave goods are pottery, bronzes, iron-ware and jade and stone artifacts. The tombs belong to the late Eastern Han period.



Zhang Herong and Luo Erhu, On the Jigongshan Culture 

KEY WORDS: Jigongshan culture    cultural features    distribution 

           area    Shang-Zhou period 

ABSTRACT: A preliminary study of the excavation data from the Jigongshan site in comparison with other sites roughly the same in cultural connotation shows that the site represents a new archaeological culture, which can be called Jigongshan culture. This cultural complex is distributed from northeastern Yunnan to northwestern Guizhou and has its own cultural features, typical artifacts and basic combinations of objects. On the whole it reflects the cultural development of eastern Yunnan and western Guizhou from the late Neolithic to the early Bronze Age. Chronologically it goes back to the Shang-Zhou period.     




Feng Shi, The Ban and the Rong Zhong Tetrapods and Their Related


KEY WORDS: Shang-Zhou period    Ban tetrapod    Rong Zhong tetrapod

          zhouji sacrifice    binli ritual    terms of lunar phases                                                   

ABSTRACT: The Ban tetrapod of the late Shang period and the Rong Zhong tetrapod of the early Western Zhou are important inscribed bronzes recently discovered. The contents of their inscriptions are valuable to studying the Shang zhouji sacrificial institution, the Shang-Zhou calendar and related ritual systems. The present paper discusses the Shang zhouji sacrificial cemetery and its research method in the light of the inscription on the Ban tetrapod, re-deciphers the inscription on the Rong Zhong tetrapod and, on this basis, inquires into Western Zhou binli ritual, and restudies the terms of lunar phases in the Western Zhou calendar.



Yang Xiaochun, A Study of the Origin of the Stone Sculptures along the Spirit Roads of Tombs of the Southern Dynasties Period 

KEY WORDS: tombs of the Southern Dynasties period    stone

           sculptures along the spirit road    stone animals

           stone pillars    origin

ABSTRACT: Based on literal records and archaeological material, this article restudies the stone animals and pillars along the spirit roads of Southern Dynasties period imperial mausoleums and prince tombs, as well as their carving institution and origin. The author believes that these objects are all made by following the carving techniques of the Eastern Han and Jin periods in the Central Plains, though they are more lifelike in workmanship and show some features absorbed from Buddhist art, and their orderliness has no precedent in previous times.   



Wang Minghui, A Summary of the “Sino-Swedish Archaeological Forum” 

KEY WORDS: archaeological forum    scientific and technical

           archaeology    Swedish archaeology   

ABSTRACT: The “Sino-Swedish Archaeological Forum” sponsored jointly by the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, and the Institute of Archaeology, Swedish National Heritage Committee, was held in Beijing in September 2005. It centered mainly on the subjects of prehistoric archaeology, city archaeology, settlement archaeology, studies of the origin of civilization, researches on the origin of bronze and iron wares, “contract archaeology ,” metallurgical archaeology, researches on the origin of domestic animals and crops, environmental archaeology, anthropology, numeral archaeology  and the preservation of cultural relics. Finally, the attending scholars of both parties reviewed the history of cooperation in archaeology between China and Sweden, and expressed their will to strengthen further collaboration.