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kaogu 2006-12

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-04-13


Main Contents


Turpan Prefectural Bureau of Cultural Relics (TPBCR), Tombs 408 and 409 in

the Western Area of the Ancient Astana Cemetery in Turpan City, Xinjiang ---( 3 )

TPBCR, Kang Family Graveyard in the Gouxi Cemetery on the Site of Ancient

Jiaohe City in Turpan City, Xinjiang ------------------------------------------------( 12 )

TPBCR, Excavation in the Munaer Cemetery in Turpan City, Xinjiang -------------( 27 )

TPBCR, Excavation in the Badamu Cemetery in Turpan City, Xinjiang ------------( 47 )

Wu Zhenfeng, On the Appellations “Gaozu高祖,” “Yazu 亚祖” and “Wang Fu

王父” in Bronze Inscriptions ----------------------------------------------------------( 73)

Qi Wuyun, Effects of the Changes of Natural Environments in the Prehistoric

Upper Shuhe River Valley, Shandong, on the Cultural Evolution ---------------( 78 )

Correspondent of the Present Journal, A Summary of the Conversazione on the

Occasion of the Kaogu Winning the First Prize in the Third Commendation

of CASS Excellent Periodicals -------------------------------------------------------( 85 )




Turpan Prefectural Bureau of Cultural Relics (TPBCR), Tombs 408 and 409 in the Western Area of the Ancient Astana Cemetery in Turpan City, Xinjiang

KEY WORDS: Astana cemetery    sloping-passage pyramidal-top tomb

              embroidery with bird, dragon and scroll designs    Sixteen Kingdoms period

ABSTRACT: In June to July 2004, the Turpan Prefectural Bureau of Cultural Relics excavated two destroyed robbed tombs in the western area of the ancient Astana cemetery. Either of the graves has a sloping tomb-passage and a pyramidal top. Their funeral objects include pottery, wooden articles, strung ornaments, silver hairpins, cowries, textiles and documents. Among them the embroidery with bird, dragon and scroll designs unearthed from Tomb 408 is extremely similar to that previously yielded from other Astana tombs in texture, thread color, needlework and design. Judged by their structure, shape and funeral objects, the tombs can be dated to the Sixteen Kingdoms period.   


TPBCR, Kang Family Graveyard in the Gouxi Cemetery on the Site of Ancient Jiaohe City in Turpan City, Xinjiang

KEY WORDS: site of ancient Jiaohe City     Kang family graveyard

earthen-cave tombs with sloping passages    AD 6th to 7th  century 

ABSTRACT: From October 2004 to August 2005, the Turpan Prefectural Bureau of Cultural Relics carried out a salvaging excavation to explore 36 tombs in the Gouxi cemetery on the site of ancient Jiaohe City. Most of the tombs are earthen-cave graves with sloping passages, and a few are burials in the side caves of shafts. They have round barrows on the ground and are roughly identical in shape, structure and direction. Among the grave goods are pottery, earthen funeral figurines, epitaphs, bronzes, ironware, gold and silver coins, wooden articles and bone artifacts. The unearthed cultural relics and epitaphs indicate that the tombs go back to AD 6th to 7th century.


TPBCR, Excavation in the Munaer Cemetery in Turpan City, Xinjiang 

KEY WORDS: Munaer cemetery    earthen-cave tombs with sloping passages

              epitaphs    late Qu Clan Gaochang Kingdom to early Tang Dynasty Xizhou District period

ABSTRACT: In 2004 to 2005, the Turpan Prefectural Bureau of Cultural Relics carried out three seasons of excavation to reveal tombs on three terraces in the Munaer cemetery that lies on the eastern side of Turpan City. The graves are earthen-cave tombs with sloping passages except for some burials in the side caves of shafts and those in earthen-caves with sloping passages and small courtyards. The funeral objects include pottery, wooden articles, earthen artifacts, ironware, bronzes, gold and silver coins, epitaphs and documents. The tomb form and the unearthed epitaphs and documents suggest that the cemetery can be assigned to the time from the late Qu Clan Gaochang Kingdom to the early Tang Dynasty Xizhou District. 


TPBCR, Excavation in the Badamu Cemetery in Turpan City, Xinjiang 

KEY WORDS: Badamu cemetery    earthen-cave tombs with sloping passages earthen-cave tombs with sloping passages and small yards

             Images of the legendary figures Fuxi and Nüwa     late Qu Clan

             Gaochang Kingdom to early Tang Dynasty Xizhou District period

ABSTRACT: In October 2004, the Turpan Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics excavated 79 tombs in the Badamu cemetery. Typologically these graves can be divided into earthen-cave tombs with sloping passages and earthen-cave tombs with sloping passages and small courtyards. The unearthed funeral objects include pottery, wooden articles, earthen artifacts, bronzes, gold and silver coins, bone ware, epitaphs and documents, among which are highly valuable cultural relics, such as silk paintings of Fuxi and Nüwa, Sogdian documents, dated epitaphs, bronze mirrors with interlocking grape design, coins with the legend “Gaochang Jili 高昌吉利,” pseudo-Roman gold coins, Sassanian silver coins, painted earthen tomb figurines, etc. The tomb form and the unearthed epitaphs and documents suggest that the tombs can be assigned to the time from the late Qu Clan Gaochang Kingdom to the early Tang Dynasty Xizhou District. 


Wu Zhenfeng, On the Appellations “Gaozu高祖,” “Yazu 亚祖” and “Wang Fu 王父

in Bronze Inscriptions

KEY WORDS: appellations “Gaozu高祖,” “Yazu 亚祖” and “Wang Fu 王父   

             Pre-Qin times   

ABSTRACT: There are the appellations “Gaozu高祖,” “Yazu 亚祖” and “Wang Fu 王父” in the Shang and Zhou bronze inscriptions, which are rather different in meaning as their researchers explain. A Study of the inscriptions on the ding tripod, Lai basin and Qiang basin and other literal data suggests that in pre-Qin times, the “Gaozu,” identical with “Huangzu 皇祖,” was a honorific title for a certain ancestor rather than for the ancestors of a certain generation. “Yazu” was used in the statement on numerous ancestors. It was an appellation for the ancestor mentioned directly before the one in question rather than for “the founder of a branch” of a large family or exclusively for a certain generation of ancestors. “Wang Fu” was another title for the grandfather rather than for “brothers of grandfather.”



Qi Wuyun, Effects of the Changes of Natural Environments in the Prehistoric Upper Shuhe River Valley, Shandong, on the Cultural Evolution

KEY WORDS: upper Shuhe River valley    pollen analysis    natural environments of prehistoric populations    cultural evolution

                relationship between man and geography

ABSTRACTBased on a pollen analysis of the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age sites in the upper Shu river valley within Shandong Provincethe present paper makes a preliminary reconstruction of the evolutionary process of the vegetation and climate and the types of available plant food resources for about 1600 years from the Dawenkou Culture to the Yueshi Culture period. Furthermore, combined with field geological and geo-morphological explorations, it researches into a series of problems on the then relationship between man and geography in that area, such as the change of natural environments, the migration of settlements and the evolution of cultures.  


Correspondent of the Present Journal, A Summary of the Conversazione on the Occasion of the Kaogu Winning the First Prize in the Third Commendation of CASS Excellent Periodicals 

KEY WORDS: Kaogu   excellent periodicals    experience of journal running

ABSTRACT: In 2005, the Kaogu was granted the first prize in the third commendation of CASS Excellent Periodicals. To sum up the experience of its running work, the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, held the “Conversazione on the Occasion of the Kaogu Winning the First Prize in the Third Commendation of CASS Excellent Periodicals.” The attendants of the symposium expressed unanimously their ideas that for a long time the journal has made active contribution to promoting the development and prosperity of Chinese archaeology; in recent years, it has done a lot of work for expanding the source of contributions, strengthening the construction of its monographic sections, advancing its academic level in the examination of manuscripts and enhancing the quality of its edition, and has got gratifying achievements; and in the future, it should further heighten its academic level, try its best to make innovation and strive for still greater development.