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Kaogu 2009-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-05-08


Main contents:
Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Excavation of Tomb M28 in the Cemetery of the Rui State at Liangdai Village in Hancheng City, Shaanxi (3)
Institute of Archaeology, CASS and Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments in the Project of Shifting Southern Water to the North, Henan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, Excavation of Cultural Remains of the Zhou Period on the Huangzhang Site in Anyang City, Henan (16)
Liangshan Yi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture Museum et al., Survey and Excavation of Ancient Tombs at Haogu Village in Zhaojue County, Sichuan (30)
Xuzhou Museum, Tomb No. 2 of the Han Period on Dagushan Hill in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu(41)
Liu Yiman, On the Cattle Zun Vase Recently Unearthed from the Yin Ruins Also on the Animal Zun Vase from Hengyang (52)
Sun Yan, A Study of the Xiaoyao, a Kidney shaped Wooden Coffin Bolt (58)
Chen Rongjie, Collation of the Decipherment of the Part Yi Li in the Wuwei Inscribed Slips of the Han Period (62)
Chen Yuexin, A Typological Study of the Buddhist Dress Depicted in Yungan, Longmen,Gongxian and Xiangtangshan Grottoes (64)
Zhang Xinyu, The Charitable Institutions Juyangyuan and Anjifang of the Late Northern Song Period Mentioned in Brick Inscriptions of the Louzeyuan House (76)
Cui Jianfeng et al., An Analysis of the Lead Isotope Ratioes of the Western Han Bronze Mirrors from the Linzi City site of the Qi State in Shandong (85)

Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Excavation of Tomb M28 in the Cemetery of the Rui State at Liangdai Village in Hancheng City, Shaanxi
KEY WORDS: Hancheng City, Shaanxi Large sized tomb with a sloping passage later early Spring and Autumn period ruler of the Rui State
ABSTRACT: In March to September 2008, the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology excavated Tomb M28 in the Rui State cemetery at Liangdai Village of Zancun Township in Hancheng City, Shaanxi Province. This is a large sized shaped grave with a sloping passage extending out from the southern tomb pit wall. The pit is rectangular and is furnished with mellow soil second tier platforms on the four sides and with a chamber and double coffins. The funeral objects include ritual bronzes, weapons, horse and chariot trappings and jade and other precious stone ornaments. The burial dates roughly from later early Spring and Autumn period; and the tomb occupant is the ruler reigning over the Rui State following that buried in Tomb M27.

Institute of Archaeology, CASS and Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments in the Project of Shifting Southern Water to the North, Henan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, Excavation of Cultural Remains of the Zhou Period on the Huangzhang Site in Anyang City, Henan  
KEY WORDS: Anyang City, Henan tombs Western Zhou period Eastern Zhou period
ABSTRACT: Mandated by the Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments in the Project of Shifting Southern Water to the North, Henan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, the Institute of Archaeology, CASS carried out survey, drilling and excavation on the Huangzhang site at Huangzhang Village of Dongfeng Township in Long¡¯an Dictrict, Anyang City, Henan in July to August 2005. The site contains cultural remains of the Hougang, Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou and Sui periods, with those of the second and third periods as the main body, numbering 99 ash pits and 28 tombs. The unearthed objects are mainly pottery, and bronzes, stone implements, and bone and shell artifacts occur in a small number. The excavation has important significance to researching into the formation, evolution and contents of the Zhou culture in northern Henan and middle and southern Hebei.

Liangshan Yi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture Museum et al., Survey and Excavation of Ancient Tombs at Haogu Village in Zhaojue County, Sichuan
KEY WORDS: Zhaojue County, Sichuan cist furnished tombs cliff tombs stone covered tombs  Warring States, Qin and Han periods
ABSTRACT: In October 2005, the Liangshan Yi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture Museum along with other institutions discovered 27 roundª²mounded, cliff, cist furnished and stone covered tombs, excavated 13 cist furnished and a stone covered ones among them, and brought to light pottery, bronze, stone, jade and rope like organic objects, beads and bracelets. In date the tombs can be assigned to the Warring States, Qin and Han periods. The work is an important field archaeological project in the hinterland of the Daliang Mountains, and the unearthed data are of great significance to studying the nature of the ancient local culture.

Xuzhou Museum, Tomb No. 2 of the Han Period on Dagushan Hill in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu
KEY WORDS: Xuzhou City, Jiangsu¡¡Stone pit with cave tomb jade seal tortoise shaped knob bronze seal mid Western Han period
ABSTRACT: In April 2004, the Xuzhou Museum excavated Tomb Dagushan 2 of the Han period on the hill slope at the northern foot of Dagushan Mountain to the northwest of Xuzhou City proper, Jiangsu. This is a stone pit with cave grave. A lower rank burial was found on the pit bottom. The cave is on the western side of the pit and contains a married couple¡¯s joint burial. Although the tomb had been robbed, still it yielded fairly rich grave goods, including pottery, bronze, lacquered, jade and iron objects. A jade seal with the legend and a bronze one with either bearing a tortoise shaped knob, were found in the coffin of the male. Chronologically the tomb can be assigned to the mid Western Han period, and the tomb owners must have been a higher rank official and his wife.

Liu Yiman, On the Cattle Zun Vase Recently Unearthed from the Yin Ruins Also on the Animal Zun Vase from Hengyang
KEY WORDS: the Yin Ruins (Yinxu) Tomb M54 at Locus East of Huayuanzhuang  cattle zun vase
ABSTRACT: The present paper expounds the author¡¯s three ideas. Firstly, the cattle depicted on the cattle zun vase unearthed from Tomb M54 at Locus East of Huayuanzhuang within the Yin Ruins must be a buffalo, and the design of the cattle¡¯s head on ritual bronzes from the Yin Ruins depicts also the buffalo¡¯s head. In the Yin people¡¯s mind, the buffalo is more intelligent than the ox, so they often used it for sacrifice. Secondly, the most important, most distinct motif on this vessel is the tiger design on the buffalo¡¯s belly. Among the bronzes from the Yin Ruins, the tiger design occurs only on important ritual vessels and weapons owned by members of the royal family and highª²rank aristocracy. This motif was a symbol of the aristocratic status, position and privilege. Thirdly, the vessel under discussion is similar in shape, design and decorative style to the cattle zun vase unearthed from Hengyang, Henan in 1977, which goes back to the later second phase or earlier third phase of the Yinxu culture. The latter must have been cast at Yinxu and later entered the Hunan region through calculation.

Sun Yan, A Study of the Xiaoyao, a Kidney shaped Wooden Coffin Bolt
KEY WORDS: the xiaoyao, a kidney shaped wooden coffin bolt wooden tenons wooden coffins coffin ties
ABSTRACT: Based on archaeological data, the present paper discusses the xiaoyao kidney shaped wooden coffin bolt as to its various appellations, shapes and using methods and positions. It points out shortcomings and errors of related records in Liji (Book of Rites) and commentaries and sub commentaries by Zheng Xuan, Kong Yingda and other scholars.

Chen Rongjie, Collation of the Decipherment of the Part Yi Li in the Wuwei Inscribed Slips of the Han Period
KEY WORDS: the part Yi Li (Rites) in the Wuwei Inscribed Slips of the Han Period decipherment collation
ABSTRACT: In the systematization and decipherment of unearthed inscribed slips and silk documents, the best work is done by Prof. Chen Mengjia at the part Yi Li (Rites) in the Wuwei Inscribed Slips of the Han Period, but it still made some slips in decipherment. The present paper proposes nine amendments to Chen deciphered text of this part, which are concerned with the third and fourth bamboo slips in the chapter Shi Xiang Jian Zhi Li  the second and fifty second bamboo slips in the chapter  Te Sheng the tenth and nineteenth bamboo slips in the chapter  Shao Lao the thirty second bamboo slip in the chapter Yan Li and the forty forth bamboo slip in the chapter Tai She It is the author¡¯s wish to offer some ideas for reference that might be useful to publishing a new edition of this part of inscribed slips.

Chen Yuexin, A Typological Study of the Buddhist Dress Depicted in Yungan, Longmen,Gongxian and Xiangtangshan Grottoes
KEY WORDS: Yungang grottoes Longmen grottoes Gongxian grottoes Xiangtangshan Grottoes Buddhist dress types
ABSTRACT: The Yungang, Longmen, Gongxian and Xiangtangshan grottoes are all situated in the areas of political and cultural centers of the Northern Wei to the Tang periods. Showing clearly the evolutionary lines of various types of Buddhist clothes, they provide important clues for further researching into the influence between the north and south and between the west and east of China in the age of split, as well as that of the central authority upon the local ones in the period of unity under the Tang Dynasty. The Liangzhou region and the territories of the Southern Dynasties were the main source of the Buddhist fashions of Northern and Southern Dynasties period depicted in the above four groups of grottoes, and the newlyª²formed dress styles resulting from amalgamation, development and reform were spread to the western regions from the four groups of grottoes as the centers. The standard styles of Buddhist dress formed on the basis of the Northern and Southern Dynasties period fashions were gathered in the regions of the two capitals of Tang Dynasty and prevailed extensively in the West and South China.

Zhang Xinyu, The Charitable Institutions Juyangyuan and Anjifang of the Late Northern Song Period Mentioned in Brick Inscriptions of the Louzeyuan House
KEY WORDS: the charitable institutions Juyangyuan, Anjifang and Louzeyuan  brick inscriptions
ABSTRACT: The Juyangyuan, Anjifang and Louzeyuan set up in the late Northern Song period were the most perfect government managed charitable institutions in ancient Chinese history. In recent years, many archaeological data about the Louzeyuan have been discovered, and valuable information of the Juyangyuan and Anjifang can also be obtained from large quantities of tomb brick inscriptions from the Louzeyuan. The present paper makes a preliminary investigation of the structure, names of setups, objects of succor and operating procedure of the Juyangyuan and Anjifang.

Cui Jianfeng et al., An Analysis of the Lead Isotope Ratioes of the Western Han Bronze Mirrors from the Linzi City site of the Qi State in Shandong
KEY WORDS: bronze mirrors   Linzi Cityª²site of the Qi State   Western Han period   lead isotope ratioes
ABSTRACT: The lead isotope ratioes of the two Western Han period bronze mirrors from Linzi, the capital of Qi State, are reported in this paper. The results of analysis indicate that the lead isotope of the mirror with herb leaf design is similar to that of lead ores from North China, while the mirror with interlaced hydra design shows features of lead ores from South China. Furthermore, the former mirror may have local provenance in Linzi and its vicinity, and the provenance of the latter may be to the south of the Yangtze River.