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Kaogu 2010-12

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-02-14

Wang Weiguang, Speech at the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of
  the Institute of Archaeology, CASS…………………………………………………(3)
Shan Jixiang, Congratulations at the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS…………………………………………(5)
Wang Wei, Carrying Forward the Cause, Forging Ahead into the Future, and Creating
  New Glory——The Speech at the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Foun?ding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS…………………………………………(8)
Correspondents of the Present Journal, Summery of the Celebration Activities of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS…………(12)
School of History and Culture, Shanxi University and Luoyang Municipal Archaeological
Team, The Excavation of the Eastern Zhou Tomb C1M9934 at Runyang Square in Luoyang City, Henan……………………………………………………………………………………(23)
Xiangfan Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, The Excavation of
  the Cemetery of “the Han Family from Liaoxi” of the Southern Dynasties at Hangang
  Village, Xiangfan City, Hubei……………………………………………………… (33)
Liaoning Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Shenyang Muni?cipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, The Water Storage Facilities of Shitaizi Mountain City of Ancient Koguryo Kingdom in Shenyang City …………… (41)
Ma Yongqiang, On the Yoke Finials of the Chariots of the Shang?Zhou Period … (56)
Wang Yu, The Trial Discussion on the “Tiger Biting Evil Demons” Motif in the Han
   Mural Tombs—and on the Origins of the Stone Winged Animal Sculptures in front
  of the Han Tombs  ……………………………………………………………………(67)
Bai Yulan, The Collations and Interpretations of the Yinque Mountain Han Slips … (81)
14C Laboratory of the Archaeological Science and techniques Experiment and Research
Center, IA, CASS, Xi’an AMS Center, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Aca?demy of Sciences and Sino?American Team, IA, CASS, The 14C Dating of the Neolithic
  Site at Mazhuang Village in Yucheng County, Henan …………………………… (88)

Wang Weiguang, Speech at the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of  the Institute of Archaeology, CASS
KEYWORDS: Institute of Archaeology, CASS 60th Anniversary Speech
ABSTRACT: At the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, Mr. Wang Weiguang, the Executive Vice President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, made zealous speech. After briefly reviewed the achievements of the Institute of Archaeology in the past 60 years, he emphasized the function of archaeology in the researches on prehistory and ancient history of China, the preservation of historic and cultural heritages and the stimulation of the patriotic feeling, and the important role of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS. He hopes IA to go on leading the archaeological researches and to cultivate more academic masters, as well as to strengthen the communication and cooperation with the counterparts both at home and abroad, and struggle for the further development of the archaeology cause of China and the world.
Shan Jixiang, Congratulations at the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS
KEYWORDS: State Administration of Culture Heritage Sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Archaeology Congratulations
ABSTRACT: Mr. Shan Jixiang, Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, delivered congratulations in the name of the Administration and his own at the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS. He eagerly hopes the Institute of Archaeology to: 1. play a model role on the preservation of cultural and historic heritages in the rapid development of social economy; 2. improve the multi?disciplinary cooperation with other research fields; 3. standardize and systematize the management of the research work and the construction of research team; 4. fully utilize the superiority of human resources of the IA and build the think tank of the archaeology cause of China.

Wang Wei, Carrying Forward the Cause, Forging Ahead into the Future, and Creating New Glory——The Speech at the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Foun?ding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS
KEYWORDS: Speech Sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Archaeology Retrospect
ABSTRACT: At the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, Dr. Wang Wei, Director of IA reviewed in his speech the good traditions, valuable experiences and fine work styles accumulated by the generations of archaeologists in the past 60 years, and extended his gratefulness to the cooperation and assistance of the institutions and colleges in research work and human resource reinforcing. He expressed that as the state archaeological institution, IA in the future will go on concentrating efforts to the development of the archaeological cause of China, as well as the preservation of cultural heritages and the popularization of the relevant knowledge to the public for the raising of the cultural quality of the entire nation.

Correspondents of the Present Journal, Summery of the Celebration Activities of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS
KEYWORDS: Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 60th Anniversary International Symposiums The Opening Ceremony of “Archaeological China”
ABSTRACT: To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, our Institute held a series of celebration activities. The celebration conference was held in the Social Science Auditorium of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on July 27, 2010; the “Archaeology in China and the World: Past, Present and Prospects” international symposium was held on July 28-30 in the Institute of Archaeology; on July 29, the Opening Ceremony of “Archaeological China: Achievements Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences” was held in the Capital Museum. These activities demonstrated the development and the splendid achievements of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS in the past 60 years.

School of History and Culture, Shanxi University and Luoyang Municipal Archaeological Team, The Excavation of the Eastern Zhou Tomb C1M9934 at Runyang Square in Luoyang City, Henan
KEYWORDS: Henan Luoyang City Runyang Square Rectangular Earthen Pit Tomb 
Aristocrats of Dafu Rank Early Spring?and?Autumn Period
ABSTRACT: In January 2008, Luoyang Municipal Archaeological Team and other institutions excavated more than 20 tombs of the Eastern Zhou Period in Runyang Square, the C1M9934 among which is the most important. It is a rectangular earthen pit tomb with two layers of outer coffins and one inner coffin, and the occupant is in extended supine position. Over 260 pieces of grave goods are unearthed from this tomb, including bronzes, jades, stone and shell objects; the bronzes are Ding?tripods, Gui?vessels, Li?cauldrons, Square Hu?vessels, Fu?vessels, Yan?steamers, Pans, He?pitchers, Square Yi?wine vessels, jugs, Zhi?cups, spearheads, Ge?dagger axes, chariot bells, linchpins and horse fittings; the jades and stone objects are Jue?pendants, tube?shaped objects with beveled mouth, Gui?scepters, agate beads, cowries and pendants; the shell objects are clams and bobble?shaped ornaments. The types, amounts and assemblage of the bronze ritual vessels unearthed from this tomb suggest that the tomb occupant had a higher rank, maybe an aristocrat of Dafu rank; the comparison of the grave goods unearthed from this tomb and the chronological research results of the bronze ritual vessels of the Western and Eastern Zhou Periods showed that the date of this tomb was the early Spring?and?Autumn Period.

Xiangfan Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, The Excavation of the Cemetery of “the Han Family from Liaoxi” of the Southern Dynasties at Hangang
  Village, Xiangfan City, Hubei
KEYWORDS: Xiangfan Hangang Village The First Year of Xiaojian Era (454 AD) Liaoxi Prefecture Han Family Family Cemeteries
ABSTRACT: In June 2009, Xiangfan Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted excavation to Hangang Site, by which three tombs in the Han Family Cemetery are recovered. All of the tombs are single?chamber tombs in rectangular plan with a rectangular ramp passageway at the south end of the chamber. M47 and M24 have smaller sizes and simpler structures while M46 between the former two has corridor and larger size and more complicated structure. The three tombs are all built of bricks in the same size and with the same inscription and decorative pattern. Very few grave goods are yielded from these three tombs, which are celadon wares, potteries, iron objects and bronze coins. The celadon wares are chicken?head pots, pots with dish?shaped rims, jars with four lugs and bowls; the potteries are jars with double lugs, ink stones; iron wares are mirrors and knives; bronze coins are “Banliang”, “Wuzhu” etc. These tombs of “Han Family from Liaoxi (Prefecture)” are preserved completely and bear exact date inscriptions, all of which filled the gaps of Southern Dynasties tombs with exact dates and therefore they are one of the most important archaeological discoveries in Xiangfan City.

Liaoning Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Shenyang Muni?cipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, The Water Storage Facilities of Shitaizi Mountain City of Ancient Koguryo Kingdom in Shenyang City
KEYWORDS: Shenyang Shitaizi Mountain City Cisterns Dams Filtering Pools Ramps
ABSTRACT: In the years 2000?2005, Liaoning Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Shenyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted excavation to the water storage facilities of Shitaizi Mountain City (mountain fortress) in Shenyang City. The entire water storage facilities consist of four parts: the cistern, dam, filtering pools and ramp. The cistern was located to the east of the dam and surrounded by terraces; the ramp was to the west of the dam and linked to the dam; on the north and south sides of the ramp was a filtering pool respectively. The cistern was in a cylindrical shape with the mouth slightly smaller than the bottom and the bottom was concave. The dam was in a bow?shaped plan with the middle part wider than the two ends. The ramp was in a rhomboid plan and sloping from the west to the east and the east end was on the same level with the dam. The filtering pools were in irregular quadrangle plan and their bottoms were concave. The artifacts unearthed from the facilities were pottery jars, cups, dishes, bowls, spindle whorls, round potsherds, beads, net weights and handles, iron hammers, chisels, jars with swing handle, axle caps, horse fittings, armor plates, arrowheads, ornaments, cauldrons, tool parts, knives, horseshoes, hooks, caltrops and plates, stone perforated tools, axes and mortars and bone awls, and so on. The excavations let us understand the structure, building technique and materials, as well as the functions and assembling methods of the water storage facilities of Shitaizi Mountain City.

Ma Yongqiang, On the Yoke Finials of the Chariots of the Shang?Zhou Period
KEYWORDS: Shang?Zhou Periods Chariots Yoke Finials Horse Fittings Chariot System
ABSTRACT: Based on the results of the previous studies of other scholars and with the references of historic literature, this paper discusses the yoke finials of chariots of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. At first, the yoke finials of different types are analyzed and classified by nomenclatural and typological methods, then the horse fittings and yoke finials are distinguished. The systematic study to the chariot yoke finials makes us have deeper understanding to the chariot system in the pre?Qin periods.

Wang Yu, The Trial Discussion on the “Tiger Biting Evil Demons” Motif in the Han Mural Tombs—and on the Origins of the Stone Winged Animal Sculptures in front of the Han Tombs
KEYWORDS: Murals and Pictorial Stones and Frescoes of the Han Dynasty “Tiger Biting Evil
Demons” Motif  Winged Animal Sculptures Bixie Ascending to Paradise
ABSTRACT: In the tomb murals and pictorial stones, there is a type of motif showing a winged tiger biting a human being or an animal. The winged animals are art images introduced into China from the broad?sensed West; that whether the images of lions or tigers biting and swallowing human beings or animals which were popular in the West and Eurasian Steppe also had influences to the emergence of this type of motif is still waiting for further researches. However, the emergence of this type of motifs in Han tombs were the development of aboriginal cultures and beliefs and the extension of the Nuo傩 ceremony of funeral rites. The goals of Nuo ceremony were to get rid of the evil beings harming the body and soul of the dead and to escort the dead ascending to the heaven. The emergence and development of the winged tiger?shaped animal sculptures in front of the tombs in the late Eastern Han Dynasty were the further development of this idea.

Bai Yulan, The Collations and Interpretations of the Yinque Mountain Han Slips
KEYWORDS: Han Tombs at Yinque Mountain Bamboo Slips Interpretations
ABSTRACT: The Yinque Shan Han Mu Zhujian (I) has problems of ambiguous interpretations and absence of necessary notes and interpretations. Referring from historic literature and unearthed documents, this paper presents eight pieces of new interpretations to some sentences and terms of the bamboo slips from Yinque Mountain including five collations to the ambiguous interpretations and three notes to the missing necessary interpretations.

14C Laboratory of the Archaeological Science and techniques Experiment and Research
Center, IA, CASS, Xi’an AMS Center, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Aca?demy of Sciences and Sino?American Team, IA, CASS, The 14C Dating of the Neolithic   Site at Mazhuang Village in Yucheng County, Henan
KEYWORDS: Yucheng (County, Henan) Mazhuang Site Neolithic Age AMS Dating
ABSTRACT: AMS dating was used for bone samples from Neolithic Mazhuang Site, Yucheng County, Henan Province and the result was compared with the ones tested in 1996. The analysis showed that the date of the main cultural layer was approximately 3900?3300 BC.