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Kaogu 2011-10

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-11-01


Main Contents

Shenyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Research Center for Chinese Frontier Archaeology of Jilin University and Committee for Preservation of Ancient Monuments, Xinmin City, The Bronze Age Remains of Pianbaozi Site in Xinmin City, Liaoning
Cultural Relics Bureau of Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, The Warring-States Cemetery in Sunjiayuyao Village, Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong
Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Archaeology Specialty, History Department, Jinan University, The Surveys and Trial Excavation of Zhongling City in Youyu County, Shanxi
Xuzhou Museum, The Excavation of the Water Well at the Xuzhou Guard Site in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu
Xiang Taochu, The Southward Diffusion of Erlitou Culture
Wang Huaping, The Comparative Studies of the Divination Cases in Zuozhuan and Guoyu and the Digital Divinatory Symbols on the Bamboo Slips of the Chu State in the Warring-States Period
Zhao Deyun, The Studies on the Etched Carnelian Beads Unearthed in China
Wang Ju, A Preliminary Exploration to the Relations between Gusui River and the Ancient City Sites in Luoyang Region
Chen Shengqian, A Review to the Research Paradigms of Contemporary Western Archaeology
Li Baolei, The Recovering of a Brick-chamber Tomb of the Song Dynasty on Yangtianshan Road, Qingzhou City, Shandong

The Bronze Age Remains of Pianbaozi Site in Xinmin City, Liaoning
KEYWORDS: Liaoning    Pianbaozi Site    Bronze Age    Gaotaishan Culture    Xinle Upper Culture
ABSTRACT: In July through September 2010, several institutions carried out joint excavation to Pianbaozi Site. In Zone II, six tombs of the Bronze Age were recovered, from which 12 pottery vessels were unearthed. In addition, several ash ditches and ash pits were excavated, yielding potteries, bone and stone implements, etc. These artifacts bore elements of Gaotaishan Culture and Xinle Upper Culture; meanwhile, they also bore strong regional and temporal characteristics, and provided new materials for the researches on the features of the local cultures in the Bronze Age.

The Warring-States Cemetery in Sunjiayuyao Village, Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong
KEYWORDS: Shandong    Sunjiayuyao    Warring-States Period    Qi State    Cemeteries
ABSTRACT: In 2008, Cultural Relics Bureau of Linzi District, Zibo City conducted rescue excavation to 46 ancient burials located in Sunjiayuyao Village. Among these burials, five were Warring-States tombs yielding grave goods, the M1 of which was a large-sized tomb in甲-shaped plan, while the M11, M20, M22 and M45 were small-sized tombs. The grave goods were in rich variety, including potteries, bronzes, stone implements and crystal and agate objects, etc. The tomb structures and grave good assemblages showed that these five tombs belonged to the early and later phases of the Warring-States Period. They are important materials for the researches on the burial system and funeral customs of the Qi State in the Warring-States Period.

The Survey and Trial Excavation of Zhongling City in Youyu County, Shanxi
KEYWORDS: Shanxi    Zhongling Ancient City    Han Dynasty    City Sites
ABSTRACT: In 2008 and 2009, archaeological coring, surveys and trial excavations were conducted to the Zhongling City Site of the Han Dynasty located in Youyu County, Shanxi Province. These activities revealed the information about the city walls, bastions, barbicans and moat; in the west part of the city site, a road in north-south direction and some rammed-earth architectural foundations were found, and coring tests revealed some kilns and ash pits. In the east part, a few of rammed-earth foundations, kilns and ash pits were also found. Within the city site, architectural parts such as tile-ends, bricks and tiles were gathered.

The Excavation of the Water Well at the Xuzhou Guard Site in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu
KEYWORDS: Xuzhou    Xuzhou Guard (Military Garrison of the Ming Dynasty)    Wells
ABSTRACT: During the excavation from 2004 to September 2005 to the Xuzhou Guard of the Ming Dynasty, a water well superimposed by the silt deposit of the Ming Dynasty was recovered. It consisted of the wellhead, well body and the brick-paved floor surrounding it. In the well, potteries, porcelains and tile-ends and other artifacts of the Han Dynasty and porcelains, shell implements, coins and other artifacts of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tang and Song Dynasties were discovered. Based on the stratigraphic relations and the discovered artifacts, it is inferred that the terminus post quem was the Western Han Dynasty and the date of abandonment was the fourth year of Tianqi Era of the Ming Dynasty (1624). This well is important for the research on the water wells of the Han Dynasty.

The Southward Diffusion of Erlitou Culture
KEYWORDS: Erlitou Culture    Cultural Diffusion    South China
ABSTRACT: There have been several dozens of localities bearing remains related to Erlitou Culture found to date in the Yangtze River Valley or to its south. These remains can be divided into nine zones. By analyzing the dates, cultural natures and zonings of these remains, we can outline the routes and dates of the southward diffusion of Erlitou Culture; however, the diffusion methods varied according to the times and backgrounds of their taking place. The southward diffusion of Erlitou Culture started the new stage for the archaic cultures in South China to follow the rhythms of the evolutions of the cultures in the Central Plains in macroscopic or overall views, and for the southern regions to be included into the historic system of China centered by the Central Plains.

The Comparative Studies of the Divination Cases in Zuozhuan and Guoyu and the Digital Divinatory Symbols on the Bamboo Slips of the Chu State in the Warring-States Period
KEYWORDS: Zuozhuan (Zuoqiu Ming’s Commentary to the Spring-and-Autumn Annals)    Guoyu (Discourses of the States)    Bamboo Slips of the Chu State in the Warring-States Period    Digital Divinatory Symbols
ABSTRACT: There are five distinctions between the divination cases recorded in Zuozhuan (Zuoqiu Ming’s Commentary to the Spring-and-Autumn Annals) and Guoyu (Discourses of the States) and the digital divinatory symbols recorded in the bamboo slips of the Chu State in the Warring-States Period: the divination cases in Zuozhuan and Guoyu had detailed commentaries on the hexagram images, but the digital divinatory symbols in the Chu bamboo slips didn’t; the Chu bamboo slips recorded the exorcise ceremonies, but the divination cases in Zuozhuan and Guoyu didn’t; the two hexagram images in the divination cases had transformation relationships, but that in the Chu bamboo slips did not show this relationships; the divination cases did not note the divination tools, but the Chu bamboo slips usually noted the tools used for divination; the divination cases recorded the hexagram names, but the Chu bamboo slips didn’t. All of these distinctions suggested that the digital divinatory symbols recorded in the Chu bamboo slips might have belonged to another divination system than that of Yijing.

The Studies on the Etched Carnelian Beads Unearthed in China
KEYWORDS: Etched Carnelian Beads    Indus Civilization    Diffusion Routes    “Eye Beads”
ABSTRACT: Etched carnelian beads originated in the Indus Civilization, this kind of ornaments and its manufacturing techniques were spread to the whole Eurasia Continent. The etched carnelian beads unearthed in China can be classified into four types, the comparisons of which to their foreign counterparts may reveal their different sources and diffusion routes. The etched carnelian beads and their glass imitations unearthed in China had influences to the making of the glass “eye beads” made in China.

A Preliminary Exploration to the Relations between Gusui River and the Ancient City Sites in Luoyang Region
KEYWORDS: Gushui River    Royal City of the Eastern Zhou Period    The Sui-Tang Luoyang City
ABSTRACT: The relevant remains discovered in the archaeological surveys and excavations in the recent decades and the records in the historic literature provided important clues to define the exact routes, orientations and nearby environments of the ancient Gushui River. The location selection, internal planning and water supply and drainage systems of the Royal City of the Eastern Zhou Period, the Han-Wei Luoyang City, Sui-Tang Luoyang City and the Luoyang City seats of the Jin and Ming Dynasties were all tightly related to the Gushui River.

A Review to the Research Paradigms of Contemporary Western Archaeology
KEYWORDS: Paradigms    Western Archaeology    Academic Theories
ABSTRACT: Paradigm is the concept to synthesize academic research types. The contemporary Western archaeology can be summarized into eight coexisting paradigms, which are culture-historical archaeology, processual archaeology, ecological archaeology, historical archaeology and art history, Marxist archaeology, agency archaeology, Darwinian archaeologies and post-processual archaeology, as well as the relevant academic schools. Compared to them, the main problems of the contemporary Chinese archaeology are disjointing (of the traditional and modern theories) and alienation, insularity and strong taste of eisegesis.