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Papers on Chinese Archaeology (KAOGUXUE JIKAN) N0.17

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-11-03



Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences et al.,
Excavation of the Dongyueshi Site at Pingdu City, Shandong………………………… ( 1 )
Zhouyuan Archaeological Team,
Excavation of the Laopuzi Site at Zhouyuan in the Autumn 2004 …… ………………(50  )
Wang, Zhongshu,
Excavations and Researches on the Gates of the Han Chang’an City ………………… ( 106 )
Feng, Shi,
On the “Changzhan常旜” of Erlitou Culture and Related Issues…………………… ( 149 )
Fu Zhongyang,
Studies on the Chronology and Natures of the Remains of the Shang Dynasty at Laopuzi Site ………………… ( 205 )