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Archaeology and Cultural Relics 2005-2

From:Archaeology and Cultural Relic NetWriter:Archaeology and CultDate:2005-05-16


Main Contents???

Archaeological Facility,Northwestern University
Archaeological Investigation of Xiheigou site Group,Yuegongtai,Balikun, Xinjiang(3)??

Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology
Brief Excavation Report of Fan Mengrong'Tomb of Tang Dynasty (13)

Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology?
Brief Excavation Report of Sun Chengsi's Couple Joint Tomb of Tang Dynasty (18)??

Peng Shifan
Typical Ancient cities Composed by Three City Walls and Three Rivers (43)

Shang Minjie?
Discussion on Relative Questions about Han Dynasty's Chang Mausoleum of Emperor Cheng (61)??

Zhang Defang?
Discussion on the Duodecimal and Hexadecimal Time System of Hexi and Dunhuang Districts in Han ?and Tang Dynasty (67)?


Brief Excavation Report of Sun Chengsi's Couple Joint Tomb of Tang Dynasty ?
Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology?
Sun Chengsi's couple joint tomb was found and unearthed in April of 2002,at Weiqu Chang'an district, Xi'an It is a typical tomb of prosperous period of Tang dynasty, which consists of an entrance passage, two compartments, two vertical air-shafts, a covered corridor and a burial chamber sealed by bricks 159 pottery
figurines of human and animals discovered in the covered corridor and the tomb chamber, including a big noble woman wearing men's clothing and animal figurines. The occupant of this tomb were Sun Chengsi and his wife Gao Sun was a informal military officer, and had not been promoted all his life. He died at the age of 63 in 736 AD after his wife's death and she buried in 717AD. The fine pottery sculptures of this tomb are very important for the research of art and daily life of Tang dynasty.?