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Archaeology and Cultural Relics 2005-3

From:Archaeology-and-Cultural-Relic NetWriter:Archaeology-and-CultDate:2005-06-30

Main Contents???

Archeological institute of Shaanxi Province: Brief Excavation Report of M21 at Lingkou Site in Lintong County,Shaanxi Province (3)

Han Guohe: Eastern Zhou Tombs Investigation (13)

Yue Lianjian: Introduction of Buddhist Statues From the Northern Suburb of Xi'an and Discussion on Related ?Problems (26)?

Meng Yaohu: Investigation of Ancient Porcelain Kiln at Pingyang of Shanxi Province (32)

Liang Yun: Difference Berween Eastern and Western with the Ritual System for Ding in Zhou Dynasty (49)?

Zhang Junmin: Wooden Documents Unearthed from the Tomb 19 of Former Liang at Hantanpo in Wuwei (73)???



Sun zhouyong (Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology): Discussion on Xinhua Culture??
The Longshan culture in Ordos region can be divided into 2 types,which are respectively called Laohushan Culture and Xinhua Culture.The paper mainly discussed on the features,distribution,date,and character of Xinhua Culture.The author points out that Xinhua Culture includes 5 phrases,which are named as Yongxin dian period,Baicaota period,Zhaimao period, Zhukaigou period and Xinhua period, as a whole,dating up to 4300-3900.For its typical local cultural characteristics and certain distribution area,the author suggests nominating`Xinhua Culture'as the appellation of middle and late Longshan Times in Ordos Region.