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Archaeology and Cultural Relics 2006-2

From: Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2006-09-06


Main Contents

The Shang & Zhou Department of Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

     The Newsroom of Archaeology and Cultural Relics

A Summary of a forum about the Exavation of Zhou tombs of Liangdai Village

in Hancheng ,Shaanxi Province …………………………………………………………(3

Shanxi Proincial Institute of Archaeology

A Brief Report on the Excavation of Catacomb at Kaihua Village ,Taiyuan ,Shanxi Provincial………………………………………………………………………………………(7

Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

Excavation of the Tomb of Yuan Dynasty at Meng Village on Qujiang town ,Xian ……(16

Zhu Guanghua

   A Shang period City at the north of Huan river and Xiaotun Ruins of Yin dynasty ………(31

Chang Jincang

   Two Issues about the Dating Strdy of Bronzes of Western Zhou …………………………(36

Wei Zheng

   New Archaeological resrlt on Guanzhong Sixteen countries tombs

——A Reading Note of Ezcavation of the Xianyang sixteen countries tombs ……………(60

Li Meitian

   From Luoyang to Yecheng city

    —— The Change of the Tomb Paintings of Northern Wei and their Symblism …………(65

Huang Yijun

   A Preliminary Study of the Background on the Greenish white Wares Provenance on Song Dynast …………………………………………………………………………………………(81