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Archaeology and Cultural Relics 2006-4

From: Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2006-09-06


Main Contents

Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

   A Brief Report on the Excavation of Western Han Tomb at

   Zhangjiawa ,Jingbian County of Shaanxi Province …………………………………(3

Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

   A Brief report on the Clearing of the Han Tomb by the Shaanxi

Investment Planning Service Corporation …………………………………………(10

Chen Chun & Kong Dezhen

       Sociological observation about the sexual distinction archaeology and the semi-annular jade pendant …………………………………………………………………………………(31

Lei Xingshan

  An analysis in the leavings of Shang Dynasty at the Yuanziping

  Site ,Linyou county ,Shaanxi province ……………………………………………………(38

Jing Zhongwei

   Archaeological observation for the funerary costom of destro-ying weapon before bury in the Tombs of Western Zhou …………………………………………………………………(47

Wang Xueli

    The eastern and western Quan Qiu (犬丘) and the ex-Chin

    People entered into Long (Gansu)………………………………………………………(60

Zheng Binglin & Sha Wutian

    A trial demonstration to consider the Maijishan Mountain No.

    127 rockave as the Gongde (Beneficence) cave of the ancient

    Queen Yi Fo ……………………………………………………………………………(76