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Archaeology and Cultural Relics 2007-1

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-08-01
Mian Contents
Zhang Zhongpei
Some Understandings on the innovation of Archaeology — Speech on a “Academic workshop on the civilized course along the Liaohe River drainage area”, held in Dalian on June 2, 2006   (3)
Zou Heng
A further discriminating to the previous distinguish and analyze in the Precondition of the Theory that regards “Bo” as Zheng   (9)
Wei Xingxing and Li Yalong
The Furnaces of Western Zhou found out at Qi Town of Fufeng county, Shaanxi Province   (22)
Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology
A Brief Report on the Excavation of the Tomb of Tang Shijun’s wife – Mrs. Yan at the South suburb of Xi’an City   (34)
Hu Chengfang
Several Pottery figurines unearthed in Jiyuan, Henan Province   (38)
He Yunao
A Research on the Relationship between the Tile – ends of Southern Dynasty unearthed in the No.2 Site of Zhongshan Temple in Nanjing and the Shangdinglin Temple of Southern Dynasty   (73)
Huang Yijun
On the Technological Exchange of Porcelain Technology in Song Dynasty   (83)
This paper discusses the levels, approach and background of technical exchange in the porcelain handicraft industry of Song Dynasty. The author limited to three aspects of the subject, the form of technical exchange among folk kilns, system of feudal official workshop, and technical text. With regard to the three main types of communicating media, products and craftsmen mostly decide the level of technical exchange. As a result of the change of system of official workshop from Tang to Song Dynasty, the channel of technical exchange of kilns has been widened. Deserving more attention, specialized paper on porcelain manufacture appeared among the folk literatures in this period. However, the writing aim, range of distribution and effects of this kind of literature still remains unsolved.
A tentatively quantitative reconstruction of palaeoprecipitation and palaeovegetation for the Banpo Neolithic site, Xi’an (Chian)     (107)
    Quantitative reconstruction of palaeolimate and palaeoenviroment for the Neolithic archaeology sites in China are less reported. In this paper, we try to apply pollen analysis and carbon isotope measurement of the organic matter from the culture deposit and field observations and archaeology investigations to tentatively quantitative reconstruct palaeovegetation for the Banpo Neolithic site, Xi’an, China. The results show that the annual mean precipitation is around 600mm during the late Banpo’s culture period (5740 – 5930 a B.P.), and the human culture declined as the climate became graduatedly cold and dry. The climate changes have significantly influenced development of the human civilization.