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Archaeology and Cultural Relics 2009-1

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-03-12


Main Contents

Geng Zhiqinag, Guo Xiaohong and Yang Ming,
A Brief Report of Song Brick – carving Tombs in Xiji County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region   (3)

Wang Yu,
A Brief Report of South Song Tombs at Laoguashan, Anyue County, Sichuan Province   (14)

Center for the Chinese Bronze Research, Shaanxi Normal University,
New Understanding on the Food – favored Culture in the Western Zhou   (32)
 This article considers that the bronzes (four Ding tripods and five Gui containers) unearthed from Yanjiagou site in Ganquan County, Shaanxi Province indicate a partial tendency of food culture in the Western Zhou. In comparison to those food – serving bronzes from Anyang and Baoji District, the author points out that the food – favored tendency reflected in the Yanjiagou bronzes was originated from the predynastic – Zhou culture in the Guanzhong area. In combining with other archaeological data, the author further considers that the “arranged – ding system” prevailed in the Western Zhou started as early as the Late Shang Dynasty. Therefore, the food – partial culture began in the Late Shang rather than in the early Western Zhou. But, it has also to be emphasized that the arranged – ding system in the mortuary practice during the Late Shang was still in the developing stage, and its content and format had not been regulated yet. In any case, this archaeological data provide important information to the study of the arranged – ding system in the Western Zhou.

Qin Xiaoli,
Quantitative Analysis of the Potteries Excavated from Fucheng Site, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province   (39)
 This paper uses pottery Quantitative Analysis Method to analyze the potteries excavated from Fucheng site in Jiaozuo, Henan. The author was a key member of the project of Fucheng site excavation. After applying the general process of Quantitative Analysis Method, the author implemented it to the Fucheng site and analyzed details from the following four parts. 1. From little pieces excavated how to calculate the pottery quantity, the rate of each utensil and the rate of change from different times. 2. The significance of cooking utensil miniaturization, standardization and volume change. 3. How to recognize pottery group, what is the rate of change tendency of the pottery groups in different times. 4. Through the differences of cord thickness on pottery to analyze the difference of tools used and artisan groups. To conclude, the difference of potteries between Er – li – tou and Er – li –gang culture means that there is a big change in cooking style and pottery manufacture system from Er – li – tou to Er – li – gang. The construction of Fucheng urban center and its close neighbor urban sites, such as Yanshi Shangcheng, are the possible causes of this change.

Zhou Xiaowei and Wang Qing,
Discussion on the Unique Patterns from the Sui Epitaphs   (74)