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Cultural Relics of Southern China 2007-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-03-22
Main Contents
●Intelligence Course, the Torch of Learning Is Passed On From Generation to Generation
Xu Pingfang, Xu Hong,
Research Into the Microcosm & Reading Whole Book; Practice & Thinking Brilliance —— Recording Interview with Mr. Xu Pingfang  (Special Contribution)    (002)
●Reading the Classics Again
Zhu Naicheng,
“An Epoch – making Document —— the Source of Chinese Civilization” —— Reading the Article “The Source of Chinese Civilization”  (Special Contribution)   (010)
●Discovered Enjoyably and the Meaningful Discovery
Anhui Provincial Relics Archaeological Institute etc,
The New Archaeological Discovery From South Region in 2006   (019)
●Early Civilization
He Deliang,
Comment on the Position of the Early Copper Wares on Civilization Development Course   (092)
Zhang Changping,
The Age Upper Limit of Da Yangzhou Bronze Wares, Xingan, Jiangxi Province   (102)
Xiang Taochu,
Research Again on Copper Bo (Ancient Musical Instrument or Ancient Farm Tools) From South Place in Shang & Zhou Dynasty   (108)
●Ancient History New Evidence
Wang Yuxin,
The Folklore and Its History Influence For Mr. Cang Jie Created Primitive Chinese Words    (121)
Xu Yihua,
Thinking Again of the Age of the Fuxi, Suiren, Shen’nong, Huangdi, Zhuanxu, Diku, Tangyao and Yushun Emperor   (124)
Zhou Shucan,
Three Miao Nationalities Moved to South and the Folklore of Yu & Xia in Hunan Province   (132)
Zhao Dongsheng,
Mr. Yu & Shun Hunting to South Place and the Southeast Plain on the Taihu Lake   (136)
●Oversea View
(US) Author: Timothy Earle  
Translator: Chen Hongbo; Chen Hong
Proofreader: Chen Chun,
The Tribes’ Evolution   (144)
(France)Author: Jean A. Lefeuvre
Translator: Ge Ren,
The Rhinoceros and Water Buffalo on North Place of Huangh River in Late Shang Dynasty —— From Chinese Word “Si” of Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells of the Shang Dynasty to Talk About Them   (150)
●Relics Appreciation
Chen Shaolong,
Three – color Glazed Pottery Source of the Oversea, the Jewel of Chinese Ancient Painted Pottery —— the Three – color Glazed Pottery Wares From Tiankeng Kiln of Fujian Province   (162)
●Cultural Relics and Museum Work
Su Jiahua,
The Stones From Other Hills on Other Bank of the Pacific Ocean —— the Cultural Heritage Investigation Report to the United States   (167)