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Cultural Relics of Southern China2009-3

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-10-20
Main Contents
●The Forum of Relics & Museum Public Opinion
Zhao Hui, Qin Ling, Zhang Hai, Sun Bo,
New Situation, New Demand, New Regulation: Regulations of Field Archaeology (Special Contribution)     (1)
Wang Changsui,
Discipline Progress and Forecast: Flourishing Technical Archaeology (Special Contribution)   (7)
●Intelligence Course, the Torch of Learning Is Passed on from Generation to Generation
Li Min, Yuan Guangkuo,
Modest Diligent Caution Rigor: Recording Interview with Mr. Li Min (Special Contribution)     (15)
●Reading the Classic Again
Han Jianye,
Reading Yangshao Cultural Research again —— The Theory and Practice of Yangshao Cultural Research by Mr. Yan Wenming (Special Contribution)    (19)
●Travel of the Exploration
Author: (Australia) Liu Li, Li Jionge, Jiang Leping, Zhang Juzhong, Lan Wanli;
Translator: Lan Wanli;
Proofreader: Liu Li,
The Discussion and Deliberation about the Original Evidence of Chinese Rice   (25)
Author: Fu Daolian, Qin Ling;
Translator: Hu Yaqin;
Proofreader: Qin Ling,
The Botanical Archaeology in Research of Rice Agricultural Origin   (38)
【Abstract】The origin of the rice agriculture is one of the hot spot in the research of Archaeology. In this paper, the terms such as agriculture, cultivation and domestication, which have occupied scholars for many years in the issues of agricultural development, were clarified. Moreover, the “semi – domestication” traits, which could be used to determine the domestication rice from the wild rice, spikelet base, grain size and phytolith were discussed respectively. Based on our spikelet base data, the result from Tian Luo Shan Site, the work from other archaeological sites and the updating molecular record, we found that, somehow, the traits we mentioned above could use as the evidence of the emergence of the domestic rice. However, recently, the agricultural landscape becomes a new research topic. In the rice field, the weed communities, which co – occurred with the rice agriculture, put a new light on the agricultural origin and development.
【Key words】Rice Agriculture;   Domestic Rice;   Simi – Domestication;  Agricultural landscape;  weed communities
●The Origin of the Cultivated Rice and the Rice Agriculture
Emcee: Zhao Zhijun
Zhao Zhijun,
The Origin of the Cultivated Rice and the Rice Agriculture —— The introductory Remarks about the Column “The Origin of the Cultivated Rice and the Rice Agriculture” in the Relics From South    (55)
Zhao Zhijun,
New Material and New Progress in Research of the Origin of the Cultivated Rice and the Rice Agriculture    (59)
Zhang Chi, Hong Xiaochun,
The Appearance Time and Related Questions of the Agriculture in South China and the Southwest Area     (64)
Lu Liedan,
The Appraisal Question of Wild and Cultivated Rice Unearthed in Archaeology Site    (72)
Author: (Korea) An Chengmo;
Translator: Wu Chuanren;
Proofreader: Wu Chuanren,
Whether the Paddy Rice Unearthed in Xiao Luli is the Most Ancient Domesticated Rice    (75)
●National Archaeology
Emcee: Wu Chunming
Peng Shulin,
The Archaeological Discovery of the Custom Which the Resident in Lingnan Pulled Teeth     (80)
Du Hui,
Social Group Assembly in the early rock painting of South China    (89)
Wu Chunming,
The Impression of “Bare Country”     (103)
●Multiple View
Kang Baoqiang etc.,
Research on the the raw materials and manufacture technology of architectural glazed tiles at Huangwa Kiln   (116)
【Abstract】Huangwa Kiln is located at Haicheng area, Anshan City, Liaoning Province. According to historical documents and archaeological investigations, it is an imperial kiln for producing architectural glazed tiles in the Qing Dynasty. The present research concentrates on manufacturing technology and properties of architectural glazed tiles produced by Huangwa Kiln. In the research, several techniques such as WDXRF, XRD, thermal expansion analysis were used. Some important results are as follows: the glazed tiles are low – fired lead glazes and twice – fired products; chemical compositions of the bodies fall into the MgO – Al2O3 – SiO2 ternary system, which is a rare system in the history of ancient ceramics in China; the coefficients of thermal expansion of the bodies are 2 ~ 3 × 10 – 6 / °C higher than those of the glazes.
【Key words】Huangwa Kiln;  architectural glazed tiles;  raw materials;  technology
Lou Xinli, Huang Xiaoqian,
Research on the resources and subsistence parterns at Cuntou site   (123)
【Abstract】Based on the archaeological resources discovered from two times of excavation of Cuntou Ruins and some local historical documents, using some research results of geology and ecology, this article analyses the environment of such ruins as “Semitropical Piedmont Littoral Ecosystem”. And analyses which living resources could be used by people around the ruins on the basis of anterior analysis, then rebuilds their “food web”. The assumed living methods of its inhabitants are recovered generally here based on the underlining argument that cultural environment is inhabitants’ creation when they efficiently adjusted themselves to special ecosystem.
【Keywords】Cuntou Ruins;  Semitropical Piedmont Littoral Ecosystem;  Natural resources; Food web;  Living methods
Shi Xiumin,
SOA in the Palace Museum   (130)
【Abstract】Based on case studies of Palace Museum’s in – house experiences with information technologies, the thesis carries out a brief analysis of the conceptual framework of Service – Oriented Architecture (SOA), and then explores a possible enterprise of SOA – based architectural approach for the museum’s future IT development.
【Key words】SOA;  the Palace Museum;  information technology;  process flow management
●Overseas View
Emcee: Chen Chun, Chen Xingchan
Author: (USA) Timothy Earle;
Translator: Shen Xincheng;
Proofreader: Chen Chun,
The Chiefdom in the Vision of Archaeology and Ethnology    (135)
Author: (England) Matin Jones;
Translator: Chen Xuexiang;
Proofreader: Fang Hui,
Reappear Story Nearby Firepit    (144)