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Cultural Relics of Southern China2009-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-02-20
Main Contents
●Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China
Fan Changsheng,
New Century New Magnificent —— Jiangxi Province Culture Department Conducted “Jiangxi Archaeology Achievement Exhibition in the New Century”   (1)
Fan Changsheng, Xu Changqing, Wang Shanghai,
The 60th Anniversary Summary of Jiangxi Archaeology   (7)
●The Forum of Relics & Museum Public Opinion
Li Boqian,
The New Journey of Cultural Archaeology in the Pre – Shang Dynasty —— The Speech “Academic Seminar of Culture in the Pre – Shang Dynasty” at the Opening Ceremony (Special Contribution)    (16)
●Intelligence Course, the Torch of Learning Is Passed on from Generation to Generation
Wang Yuxin, Xu Yihua,
Further Profound Exploration Unflaggingly Work with Perseverance Recording Interview with Mr. Wang Yuxin  (Special Contribution)    (19)
●Reading the Classic Again
Liu Zheng,
Comment Graphic Solution and Philological Studies of Copulative Inscriptions on Ancient Bronze Objects again (Special Contribution)    (29)
●Travel of the Exploration
Zhou Weirong,
The Origin of the Lost – wax Craft and the Craft Characteristic of the Lost – wax Casting —— Concurrently Discussed the Progress and the Significance of the Lost – wax Craft Research   (39)
【Abstract】Based on the studies on the origins of ides and techniques of lost – wax casting and observations on the ancient Chinese bronze and definite lost – wax castings from the overseas and China, the author pointed out his own idea on ancient lost – wax casting as follows. (1) Lost – wax casting technique was invented by Sumerian in Mesopotamia mainly to cast small human and animal figures (statuettes). (2) The essential characteristics of lost – wax casting technique are from the soft model. The castings are with flexibility. We usually can find that the outlines of the lost – wax castings are not trenchant and accidented. (3) It’s wrong that before people consider ‘easy or not to take off mould its model’ as the criterion to distinguish between lost – wax casting and piece – mould casting. It’s misunderstood to determine the three – dimensional decorations on Chinese bronzes in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods as lost – wax castings.
【Key words】Lost – wax techinique;   bronze;   soft mould;   Zenghouyi Zun Pan;   Chu Wang Yu
Chen Hongliang, Xu Guoping, Li Yuanzhi, Zhang Xiangtao,
The Duplicate Research of Hollow Decorative Pattern of Pan Hui Grain in the Tomb of Xu Gongning   (46)
【Abstract】On the basis of scientific examination to hollow decorative pattern of Pan Hui grain, which used the traditional lost – wax process to this typical lost – wax casting in Pre – Qin Dynasty for duplicate research. It obtained success through testing again and again for several times, and has verified the reason of producing some craft trace. The research confirmed the glorious triumph of the lost – wax process in Pre – Qin Dynasty.
【Key words】The tomb of Xu Gongning;   Hollow decorative pattern;   the traditional lost – wax process;   Duplication
●The New Evidence of Old History
Emcee: Wang Yuxin
Xu Yihua,
The Production and Development of Enfeoffment System in Shang Dynasty   (78)
Geng Chao,
The Gender Differences in the Political Sphere and the “Wang Wife Led Troops System”   (83)
Tian Chunfang,
The Brief Exploration of the Origin of Shang Race   (87)
Gao Jiangtao, Pang Xiaoxia,
The Textual Research and Related Issues of the Word “Suo” in Soxhlet Bronze Inscriptions   (92)
●The Civilized History of “Life and Death View”
Emcee: Li Meitian
Feng Feng,
Initially Knows of Spring and Autumn Period Grave in the Qiao Courtyard in the Yun County   (98)
Liu Zunzhi,
The Initially Theory of Husbands and Wives Buried Together in Han Dynasty in Xu Zhou   (107)
Wei Zheng,
The Summary of Six Dynasties Grave in Jiangxi   (114)
Wu Jin,
The Stages Research of Song Dynasty Grave in the Area of Jiangxi   (124)
Liu Yi,
The choise and exploitation of the reference on the research of ancient Mausoleum   (132)
【Abstract】As one of important part of ancient Chinese tomb, the meanings of the imperial mausoleum are abundant and related references are rich in quality and kind. The main materials include historic records of ritual regulations, documents, concerned books, poems, notes, local gazetteers, archaeological reports, geographic principles and investigations and so on. The reliability of final conclusion is influenced by the comparison and choice of these references in great extent.
【Key words】Mausoleum;   Research;   Reference
He Deliang,
Historical review of Dawenkou culture for 50 years     (137)
【Abstract】Da Wenkou culture has already passed 50 years since its initial contact in 1959. It gained conspicuous achievement either in archaeology excavation or in synthetic study during the long historical river, especially the great development of the primitive farming, the cattle for breeding industry as well as the fishing and hunting economy. The handicraft industry reached the highest level compared with the same period such as the ceramics, the jade, the stone implement manufacture, the ivory carving, the textile industry and the wine industry etc. It also occupied the leading position in the national prehistoric culture during the late period stage of the Da Wenkou culture. The civilized factors such as the invention of writing, the use of well, the prosperity of city, the use of human bury were all sparking the ancient civilization, which meant the Da Wenkou culture has already occupied the eve of the civilized time and will march into the threshold of civilized society.
【Key words】Da Wenkou culture;   Archaeology for 50 years;   Historical review
Song Xianshi,
The three-dimensional research on Yelang culture      (144)
【Abstract】The article discussed mainly about the different understanding and the concept of “Yelang Culture”, regarded Yelang Culture from the different angle of view, distinguish between the local historical culture and the archaeology culture, and stressed to comprehensive three – dimensional research and analyze this culture from different disciplines and directions.
【Key words】Yelang;   Yelang Culture
●Oversea View
Emcee: Chen Chun, Chen Xingchan
Author: (USA) S. A. Kowalewski; Translator: Shen Xincheng; Proofreader: Chen Chun,
The Regional Settlement Pattern Studies   (150)
Author: (Australia) Liu Li; Translator: Fu Yongxu; Proofreader: Chen Xingchan,
Academic Freedom, Political Ideology Correctly and Early Civilization: The Discussion of the Relationship about Xia – Er Litou   (165)
●Native Culture in China
Cao Guoqing,
Gan Wind Blows Distant Po Rhyme Flows Long —— Four Pieces of Preface of Jiangxi Cultural and Historical Writings    (173)