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Cultural Relics of Southern China2010-2

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-10-14
Main Contents
The Form of Relics &Museum Public Opinion
Height and Complex –Thoughts Track of Cultural Issues in Xia an Shang Dynasty by Xia Nai (Special Contribution)   Xu Hong(1)
Some Reflections of Scientific and Technical Development about Archaeological Field (Special Contribution)  Chen Jianli,Zhang Hai,Liang Honggang(7)
Reading the Classics Again
Reaching the Highest Level--Re-reading Record about Divination Engraved in Turtle shell or Animal bones by Guo Moruo(Special Contribution)  Liu Zheng(14)
“Experience” of Zhongzhou Road in Luoyang Again-Inspection of Multidimensional History of Zhongzhou Road,Luoyang(Xi Gong Section)(Spechl Contribution)  Guo Xiaotao(20)
Intellgence Course, the Torch of Learning is Passed onform Generation to GenerationHard Pioneering, Opening up Innovation –An interview with Mr“Yangsong(Special Contribution) Li Yangsong,Meng Gu(26)
Enterview with Overseas Members  Emcee:Li Shuicheng
Founder of Evolutionary Genetics-Svante Paabo(Special Contribution)  Svante Paabo(America),Fu Qiaomei(33)
The New Evidence of Old History  Emcee:Wang Yuxin
New Method about Interpretatons of Ancient Writing-The Example of Takashima Ken-ichi(Japan)(60)
God Belief in Ying Shang Dynasty and the New Interpretation of the Word “帝” Form  Guo Jingyun (63)
The Viewpoint of “Thunder ” and Thor  Fang Hai (68)
Nation Archaeology   Emcee: WU Chun-ming
Research of Prehistoric Burying with Bending the Body and Dismembering in Dingshi Mountain,Yongning County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region  Tan Fang(74)
National Archaeological investigation Relate to the Humanities of "Dong Man"Settlements in South China  Tong Shan(81)
The Cuhural History of Nan Man’s Snake Totem   Wu Chunming,Wang Ying(89)
Collection of Essential Books
Deep Knowledge Becomes More Rigorous,Wrote Books for
Contributing to Social Progress and Benefiting People—The Thoughts of Reading Mr.Wang Yuxin’s New Book The Study of Bone in China  Zhu Yanmin(103)
How about Archaeology Approaching the Public--Reading
The Earliest China   Oin Ge(108)
Overseas View  Emcee:Chen Chun,Chen Xingcan
The Research of Regional Settlement Form in Europe   Author:Michael Galaty(America);Translator:Chen Chun(113)
The Edible Custom of Conker and Stone Haremer&Stone Anvil  Author:Hashiguchi Hisashitake(Japan);Translator:Liu Hengwu  (124)
Academic Conference
The Archaeology from the USA to the World--The Impressions of
the 75th American Archaeology Annual Meeting  Guan Ying(161)