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Cultural Relics of Southern China2011-1

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-07-22
Main Contents
The Analysis of Ancient Fingerprint and Potters’ Age-The Example of the Pottery Information which Unearthed in Er Li Tou Site (54)
Peng Xiaojun
【Abstract】 Ancient pottery always left the fingerprints of the ancient potters. According to the recent research, the fingerprints are related to the age group. In this article, we collect the fingerprints on the ancient pottery from Erlitou site. By observation and measurement, we are trying to discuss the potters ages and existence of the underage potters. The data of this study shows that the potters ages were various and the underage group may involved in the potters production of Erlitou period. By assumption, they may just do some auxiliary work during the process.
【Key words】 Ancient Fingerprints; Potters Ages; Underage Potters; Erlitou Period;
Brief History of Wood Analysis in Archaeology (156)
Wang Shuzhi
【Abstract】 Whether in ancient times with low level of productivity or in modern with a high level of productivity, wood has been a main resource exploited by the human populations. It is because of the relation of tree and man that human populations bring wood into their sites intentionally or unintentionally. Through a variety of practical activities, wood is preserved with three forms including charcoal which is the result of the incomplete combustion of wood, water-logged wood and desiccated wood. This article describes the brief history of charcoal, desiccated wood and water-logged wood analysis and also focuses on elaborating the application in archaeological research. Compared with international wood analysis, our country’s has not been paid attention. In addition, A more systematic, deep study is scant. In the future, a road which is suitable to its own characteristics of Chinese archaeology should be created.
【Key words】 wood analysis; charcoal analysis; brief history;
Multi-perspectives and Multi-disciplinary researches on Pottery: Review of Pottery Analysis (163)
Zhou Likun
【Abstract】 Pottery, for its large quantity in relics, is very important for archaeology. In recent years, multidisciplinary has been pushing pottery research developed. This paper interprets the outline of Pottery Analysis: A Sourcebook to introduce some international multidisciplinary research methods for pottery material, craft, typology, trade and so on, in order to inspire good idea for Chinese pottery research in the future.
【Key words】 Pottery; Material; Crafts; Progress; Analysis;