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Sichuan Cultural Relics 2007-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-10-24
Main Contents:
Sichuan Institute of Historic Relic Archaeology and Research Museum of Ganzi Prefecture
Daocheng County Tourism & Culture Bureau
Trial Unearthing Bulletin for Stone Coffin Grave of Walong Village of Daocheng County   (3)
Aba Prefecture Historic Relic Administration
Sichuan Institute of Historic Relic Archaeology and Research
Chengdu Institute of Archaeology
Maerkang County Culture and Sports Bureau
Investigation Bulletin for Haxiu Ruins in Sichuan Maerkang County   (8)
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics
Important Bronze Wares Unearthed at Hongmiaoling of Hubei Badong County   (16)
Li Yingfu
Hunting Tools vs. Living Style of Neolithic Period of Lower Yangtze Valley   (24)
Lin Xiang
Central Pole Historic Relic Found at Southern Silk Road   (31)
He Kunyu
Animal Skeleton Unearthed at Shierqiao Ruins and Related Issues   (41)
Song Zhimin
Newly Unearthed Han Dynasty Tombstone at Start of Dujiangyan Canal   (47)
Li Yongping
Bronze Horse of Han & Wei Times and Related Issues  (52)
Fan Yong
Chronicle Study of Bronze Culture in Yunnan   (60)
Lu Zhiji
New Trend of Overseas Study on Dian Culture   (70)