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Sichuan Cultural Relics 2009-1

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-03-24


Main contents

Three Gorges Team of the School of Archaeology and Museology, Zhongxian Historic Relic Administration,
Year 2000 Unearthing Bulletin for Yajiao Chu Graves in Chongqing Zhongxian   (3)

Sichuan Institute of Historic Relic Archaeology and Research, Zigong Museum of Salt History,
Bulletin for Zigong Huangnitushan Cliff Grave Clearing   (14)

Zhang Tao,
Study on of Late Stage Environment of Pleistocene Epoch vs. Regional Culture of the Paleolithic Age in Guizhou Province   (34)

Xiao Fengchun,
Middlebrow Thought Format of Qin Dynasty and Related Issues Viewed from Liye Qin Bamboo Slips   (52)

Huang Jing,
Style Mutation and Flourishing of Blue & White Porcelain of Transitional Period   (55)

Wang Zijin,
Doubts on Wangdang Pendant Ornament Example of Cliff Grave Data of Sichuan   (65)

Yang Xiaojun,
Han Dynasty Grave Stone Sculptures Unearthed from Jiangsu Xuzhou   (80)