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Sichuan Cultural Relics 2010-3

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-07-13
Main Contents
Zhaotong City Cultural Relic Administration, Shuifu County Cultural Relic Administration,
Trial Unearthing Bulletin of Zhangtan Soil – pit Tomb of Yunan Shuifu County   (3)
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology College of History and Museum of Chongqing Normal University,
Unearthing Bulletin of Guangoukou Graves of Hubei Yunxi County   (9)
Shi Rongchuan,
Further Discussion on Unearthed Jade – handle Wares   (22)
Yang Yuan,
Discussion about Bronze Images of Shang & Zhou Dynasties   (31)
Miao Yun,
Outline of Classic celadon of West – Zhou Dynasty in Luoyang   (35)
Guo Juntao, Liu Wenke,
Textual Research on Early Capitals of Upper Streams of Xihanshui River   (51)
Wang Zijin,
Textual Research on HUNU of Han Dynasty   (57)
Zeng Fanmo,
Discussion on Toad Image on Han Dynasty Bricks of Sichuan   (62)
Tang Yeze,
Research on Anti – Mongolia History of Cliff Tablets of Longya Castle in Chongqing Nanchuan   (70)
Shi Jingsong,
Archaeology of Bashu in Multi – dimensional View —— For Collection of Childlike Truth – seeking, a Selection of Lin Xiang’s Archaeological and Historic Relics Works   (80)