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Wenwu 2008-12

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-02-09


Main Contents
Nanjing Municipal Museum, Jiangning District Museum of Nanjing City,
Excavation of the Tomb of State Wu of the Three Kingdoms Period in Shangfang Town, Nanjing City   (4)
 From December 2005 to August 2006, archaeologists carried out an excavation of a tomb of State Wu of the Three Kingdoms Period in Zhongxia Village, Shangfang Town, Jiangning District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. The tomb is a vertical pit – tomb with brick chambers. It is, to date, the largest tomb among tombs of State Wu, and its structure is the most complex, either. The unearthed objects include celadon porcelain wares and tomb figures, terracotta tiles, bronzes, iron wares, lacquers, gold and silver wares, copper coins, and so on. These discoveries provide new data to study of the similar objects of that time. According to the shape, the structure, and the funeral objects of this tomb, archaeologists suggest that the tomb was built in the late period of the State of Wu. Judging by the stone and wood coffins excavated, the occupants of the tomb laid in the largest coffin in rear chamber should be a certain king lived in Sun Hao’s reign. In the other coffins, there should be his two wives.

Nanjing Municipal Museum, Yuhuatai District Bureau of Culture of Nanjing City,
Dated Tomb of Eastern Jin in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing City   (35)
 In November of 2006, Nanjing Municipal Museum, in collaboration with Yuhuatai District Bureau of Culture, carried out an excavation of a tomb in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. The unearthed objects include celadon porcelain, potteries, stone pigs, and bricks with reign marks of the fourth year (A.D. 379) of the Taiyuan Reign in the Eastern Jin Period. The excavations provide evidence to judge date of such medium – sized or small – sized tombs and funeral objects of that period in Nanjing area.

Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Nanchang Municipal Museum,
Dated Tomb of Eastern Jin in Meihu, Qingyunpu District, Nanchang, Jiangxi   (40)
 The tomb lies 400 meters north of Badashanren Square of Qingyunpu District in Nanchang City, 100 meters south of Xiongfang Village. The excavation was carried by Nanchang Municipal Museum and Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, in December of 2007. According to the unearthed bricks with reign marks, the occupant of the tomb was reburied in this tomb in the seventh year (A.D. 332) of the Xianhe Reign in Eastern Jin period. The unearthed objects include lamps of celadon porcelain, gold wares, pigs of pencil stone, and so forth. This excavation provides authentic information to study of the tomb structure, funeral objects, and funeral practices of that period.

Li Ling,
Shi Ri, Ri Shu, and Ye Shu – the Difference and Naming of the three kinds of Bamboo Slips and Silk Literature   (73)