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Wenwu 2010-10

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-03-06
Main contents
●Collaborative Archaeological Team of the Early Qin Culture
Museum of Zhangjiachuan Autonomous County
2008-2009 Excavation of the Majiayuan Graveyard of the Warring States in Zhangjiachuan (4)
The excavation of Majiayuan Graveyard began in 2006, and further excavations were undertaken continuously from 2007 to 2009. In 2008 and 2009, several tombs were excavated. Of these, tomb M8 is the smallest in size, tomb M5 and M7 are larger than it. Tomb M13 is slightly smaller than medium size, and M16 is a medium-sized tomb. In most of the tombs, chariots decorated with lacquer, gold, silver, bronze, and glass were found. A large number of skulls and bones of horses, cattle, and sleep were found as well. Caps of bronze or wood were found on the horns of some of the cattle skulls. There were also a large number of other burial objects such as pottery, bronzes, silver and gold artifacts, and so on. These tombs provide new material for the study of the Western Rong Culture and the relationship and culture exchange between Qin and Rong.
●Gansu Provincial Institute of Culture Relics and Archaeology
School of Archaeology and Museology of Peking University
Beijing Science and Technology University
Survey of Mazongshan Ancient Jade Mine Site in Subei County, Gansu (27)
In the year 2007, the Gansu Provincial Institute of Culture Relics and Archaeology and School of Archaeology and Museology of Peking University discovered the Mazongshan Ancient Jade Mine in Subei Inner Mongolia Autonomous County during a survey of the ancient Jade Road. In July of 2008, the Gansu Provincial Institute of Culture Relics and Archaeology in collaboration with Beijing Science and Technology University carried out a survey of ancient metallurgy sites in the Gansu Corridor, and again surveyed that jade mine site. In these two surveys, dozens of mining pits were discovered, and a large number of pottery and stone implements were found. The earliest object unearthed belonged to the Siba Culture period. This mine was first used in the late Bronze Age, remained in use until the Eastern Han, maybe even until the Wei and Jin Dynasties. It is the only ancient jade mine ever find in Gansu Province, and also the earliest jade mine ever found in China. It provides important information for study of the sources of raw material for ancient jades in the Gansu Corridor, Gansu and Qinghai area.
●Wei kebin
On “Yuegong” in the Treaties of Alliance Unearthed from Houma and Wen County (76)
●Shao Anding, et al.
Preliminary Analysis of the Metal Ornaments unearthed from the Majiayuan Graveyard of the Warring States in Zhang-jiachuan (88)
Twenty samples unearthed from the Majiayuan Graveyard of the Warring States were subjected to metallographic microscope, scanning electron microscope, and energy spectrum analysis, including seven timed bronze ornaments, seven silver ornaments, four gold ornaments, and two tin ornaments, to reveal technical characteristics of the metal ornaments of that graveyard. The results show that timed bronze ornaments in these samples were all cast from a bronze, tin, and lead alloy, and the technique used for their surface was hot tinning; the silver ornaments, made of silver and bronze alloy and silver and gold alloy, were all cast at a high temperature; the gold ornaments were all cast from a gold and silver alloy, also at a high temperature; the tin ornaments were all cast from pure tin or a tin and lead alloy.