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Wenwu 2011-3

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-05-22
Main Contents
Peng She’ s Tomb of the State of Chu from the Spring and Autumn Period in Nanyang,Henan (4)
Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
【Abstract】 In June of 2008,archaeologists excavated a tomb(M38)of the State of Chu from the late Spring and Autumn period. It was a rectangular vertical-pit tomb with a wooden tomb chamber (guo) and two coffins (guan); the opening at ground level was 7 meters long from north to south and 5 meters wide from east to west. The two coffins were laid side by side in the north part of the chamber. The burial objects include bronzes, jade and stone wares, leather armor, and so on. The bronzes were especially fine, including chariot-and-horse fittings, tools, ritual objects of various types, and a wide range of weapons. The tomb yielded five covered ding vessels. Judging by the inscription on the ritual objects and weapons, the owner Peng She must have been a high nobleman of the State of Chu. Several tombs of the Peng family had already been found beside this tomb. So this area appears to have been the cemetery of Peng family.
Tian Zhao’s Tomb of Daxia State in Guojialiang,Wushen Banner, Inner Mongolia (36)
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology Ordos Museum Wushen Office for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments
【Abstract】 In September of 1992,archaeologists excavated a tomb of the Daxia State in Guojialiang Community, Wushen Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The tomb is composed of a sloping passage, a vertical shaft, a tomb passage, and two earthen cave-chambers (front chamber and rear chamber).Most of the burial objects are pottery wares for daily use. According to the epitaph carved on a brick tablet, the occupant of the tomb was Tian Zhao, who was born in Wuwei, had successively held several important posts of the Daxia State, and died in the second year(420 C.E.) of Daxia. This excavation solves the lack of archaeological material from the Daxia State, so it has an important value for the history of the Daxia State in the Sixteen States period.
The Text Xi Nian on the Bamboo Slips Collected by Qinghua University and Related Historical Problems (70)
Li Xueqin
【Abstract】 The text Xi Nian,on the bamboo slips collected by Qinghua University, is a historical record divided into 23 chapters, and similar in structure to the Zhu Shu Ji Nian (Annals on Bamboo Slips).The earliest historical events recorded in Xi Nian occurred in the early Zhou Dynasty, and the latest events occurred in the early Warring States. So Xi Nian must have been written during the reign of King Su of Chu. Compared with history books transmitted from the past,Xi Nian contains much which is new and very important. Some of them confirm the accounts of bronze inscriptions, such as that of the Da Bao Gui, which records that Lu Zi Geng (Geng, the son of Lu)was set up as king when a Shang city revolted after the death of King Wu of Zhou. Some of them can be cross-referenced with the philosophers’ books, such as the record of King Cheng of Zhou killing Fei Lian, which accords with the Mengzi but differs from the Shi Ji. Others are related to the Bamboo slips of the Chu State, such as Yang Wei’s battle with the army of the Jin State at the Great Wall, an event also recorded on the slips of the Chu State unearthed from Geling.