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From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-12-31
Yejiashan Western Zhou Graveyard in Suizhou,Hubei
【AuthorHubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology Suizhou Municipal Museum;
【AbstractIn the year 2011,archaeologists conducted a series of excavations at the Yejiashan Western Zhou graveyard.63 tombs and 1 horse-pit were excavated,and about 739 burial objects including bronzes,pottery, proto-porcelain,lacquerwares,jades,and stone objects were found.There are 325 bronzes(counting both individual pieces and groups) with inscriptions such as "Zeng Hou"(the Marquis of Zeng) and "Zeng Hou Jian"(Marquis Jian of Zeng).This report introduces three relatively large tombs, Ml, M2, and M27. From these to tombs, a large number of burial objects were excavated, including groups of ritual bronzes. Judging by burial objects and inscriptions, this is a graveyard of the Marquis of Zeng’s family in the early Western Zhou dynasty. The date of tomb M1 is the earliest. This tomb was likely built during King Cheng or King Kang’s reign the occupant may be named Shi. The tomb M2 was likely built between King Kang and King Zhao’s reigns; the occupant may  be Marquis Jian’s wife, whose family name was Kui. The date of tomb M27 may be in the late reign of King Zhao or between King Zhao and King Mu’s reigns the occupant may be Baisheng or his wife. This excavation provides important materials for the study of the history of the Western Zhou dynasty and the Zeng State.
Bronzes of the Zeng State of Western Zhou Unearthed from Yejiashan Graveyard in Suizhou,Hubei,and Related Historical Problems
【AuthorHuang Fengchun; et al.;
【AbstractThe discovery of the inscribed bronzes from the Yejiashan graveyard in Suizhou,Hubei,is of great academic value.This essay presents textual research on the inscriptions on several important bronzes,based on the materials published so far.It goes on to discuss the political center of the Zeng State in the early Western Zhou,and the relationship between the states of Zeng and E.The authors conclude that the political center of the Zeng State was likely located at the Miaotaizi site in the lower reaches of the the modern Piao River, on the southern bank. They also infer that the Zeng State and the E State coexisted in the Handong area during the early Western Zhou. The Zeng State was likely centered to the east of the lower reaches of the Piao River, and to its southwest, the E State was about 25 kilometers away, located in the Zha River basin.
On the Bronzes of the E State Newly Unearthed from the Yangzishan Cemetery in Suizhou
【AuthorZhang Changping;
【AbstractIn recent years,some bronzes of the Western Zhou period were unearthed from the Yangzishan Cemetery in Anju Town,Suizhou City,Hubei Province.In this article,20 bronzes unearthed from Yangzishan M4 tomb are discussed.On most of the bronzes,inscriptions of the Marquis of E were found.So the occupant of the tomb must be a certain Marquis of the state of E.This discovery indicates that the E State in the Western Zhou was centered in modern Suizhou City,bordering on the Zeng State.Many bronzes decorated with supernatural faces were  unearthed from Yangzishan M4 tomb. Quite a few characteristics of these bronzes are so similar to other bronzes of the E State that they must have been produced by the E State independently. This phenomenon reveals the relatively independently. This phenomenon reveals the relatively independent political and economical status of the kingdoms in the Western Zhou.