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wenwuchunqiu 2018-2

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2018-10-10

Main Contents

hua Jiachen, Wang Xiaoqi

The Review of Abroad Studies on Preservation of Waterlogged Archaeological Wood………………………………( 3 )

Hebei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics

The Survey Report on the Nixinzhuang Kiln of Southern Ye city in Linzhang County, Hebei……………………………(30)

Zhao Ling

A Preliminary Study on Dacheng Hall of the Confucian Temple in Qingyun town, Yanshan County, Hebei………………………(40)

Geng Chao

The Educational Reform on the Courses of General Theory of Archaeology in History Major………………………(46)

Wang Huanwen

A Study on the Relief Stones Tomb Door of the Eastern Han Dynasty Collected by Zibo Museum…………………………(54)

Li Wenzong, Bi Xiaomei, Liu Bingzheng

A Study on the Epitaph of Officer Zhu of Nanning Garrison in the Ming Dynasty ………………………………………(57)