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Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Plains 2005-2

From:Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Pla NetWriter:Cultural-Relics-of-CDate:2005-05-31


Zhengzhou University,Xinxiang Civic Cultural Bureau and others
Excavation of Yiqiu Site at Changyuan in Henan…………………………………………(4)
Fang Yanming,
On Longshan Culture of Henan Province and 14C Dating of Erlitou Culture………………(18)

Yang Zhaoqing,
On the Relationship and Character of Big and Small Cities of Wangchenggang Site at Dengfeng…………………………………………………………………………………………(33)

Zhang Bibo,
On Culture of Funeral Rites of Demolishing Corpse and Vessels and Burning Articles……………………………………………………………………………………………(36)

Wang Zhenzhong,
On Culture and Time of Pre-Sang Period…………………………………………………………(41)

Zhu Guanghua and Pan Fusheng,
On Shang Relics of the People’ Park Period of Zhengzhou and Pangeng Returning to Bo Capital…………………………………………………………………………………………(47)

Chen Longwen,
On Placename and Historical Geography of Money of Pre-Qin Period……………………(52)

Shen Rong,
On Move of Political Centre of Chu State Based on the Bronze Ge of Marquis Ying……………(58)

Zhang Xinbin,
On the Ancient Great Wall of Central Plains of China……………………………………(62)

Wei Na and Wan Fang,
On the Brick of lotus Flower Design Excavated at Kyushu in Japan……………………………(71)

Zhang Shumin and Tian Maoting,
On the Bronze Buddhist Statues of Northern Dynasties at Boxing County in Shandong Province……………………………………………………………………………………………(75)

Jin Shen,
On the Fashion and Evolution of Gilt Bronze Avalokitesvara Statue of Taihe Reign of Northern Wei Dynasty Excavated at Boxing……………………………………………………………………(85)

Wang Juan and Shi Jixiang,
Investigation of Satisfaction Degree of the Audience of Henan Museum…………………………(91)


Zhengzhou University,Xinxiang Civic Cultural Bureau and others, “Excavation of Yiqiu Site at Changyuan in Henan”
Abstract:In 1998 some cultural relics of Longshan, pre-Shang and the late Shang periods were excavated at Yinqiu site of Changyuan in Henan. Especially the discovery of pre-Shang culture relics affords the important material for researching the relation of Zhanghe type of pre-Shang culture and Lutaigang site of pre-Shang culture.
Key words: Changyuan county; Yiqiu site; Longshan culture; Pre-Shang culture

Fang Yanming, “On Longshan Culture of Henan Province and 14C Dating of Erlitou Culture”
Abstract: The result of 14C dating data can be influenced by many factors. We can’t simple comparison between the archeological date of archeological culture and years of dynasties in Chinese history. The result of 14C dating data of Longshan culture and Erlitou culture of Henan shows that the main body of Erlitou type was the part of Xia cultural relics and we can look for early Xia culture relics in Wangwan type. It is reasonable that the scholars think Wangwan type (or called as the 3 rd period of Wangwan culture) and Erlitou culture as the main object of exploring Xia culture.
Key words: Longshan culture of Henan; Wangwan type; Erlitou culture; 14C dating; question of dating

Shen Rong, “On Move of Political Center of Chu State Based on the Bronze Ge of Marquis Ying”

Abstract: Ge of Marquis Ying is a bronze Ge of the early stage of Spring and Autumn Period. Ying was the capital of Chu. The earliest political central of Chu was located at the Danjiang drainage area. At the late period of West Chou,”Danyang”, the political central of Chu transfer to Juzhanghe drainage area with the original name and the city was built for living named as “Ying”. The “Ying” of Spear of Marquis Ying actually was the “Danyangying” of Juzhanghe drainage area. The Chu city of Jijiahu in Dangyang Hubei maybe is the remains of “Danyangying”.
Key words: Ge; inscriptions on ancient bronzes; the era before Qin dynasty; Chu; capital

Zhang Bibo, “On Culture of Funeral Rites of Demolishing Corpse and Vessels and Burning Articles”
Abstract: The three kinds of funeral rites of demolishing corpse, demolishing vessels and burning articles were existed in ancient China. They put up the diversity of cultural configuration and complexity and mystification of cultural idea. These funeral rites are cosmopolitan which embodies the knowledge and relief of human beings in ancient time.
Key words: demolishing corpse; demolishing vessels; burning articles; cosmopolitan; relief of human beings

Yang Zhaoqing, “On the Relationship and Character of Big and Small Cities of Wangchenggang Site at Dengfeng”   
Abstract: The big and small cities of Longshan culture period found at Wangchenggang site of Dengfeng were built in the same period and for the two different parts of one building. According to some historical records, the author thinks the ancient city including the two parts is the capital Yangcheng of the Xia dynasty. A lot of remains of ancient rammed earth, the rammed-earth pits and the pits of foundation were excavated in the middle and western part of the small city. The different numbers of persons buried as the sacrifice were found in the pits of foundation. The author thinks these pits should be for offering a sacrifice and the small city should be built for their ancestral temple buildings at that time.
Key words: Wangchenggang site; big and small cities; relationship; property; Yangcheng of the capital of the Xia dynasty; ancestral temple

Zhu Guanghua and Pan Fusheng, “On Shang Relics of the People’ Park Period of Zhengzhou and Pangeng Returning to Bo Capital”
Abstract: The date and the nature of Zhengzhou people’s park period have not been pulling the attention of academic society for the long term. Based on the new archaeological data and through comparing of cultural characteristics, we deduce that the date of people’s park period should be intermediate between the period of Huanbei Shang City-site and the first period of Yinxu Dasikongchun site. And we further demonstrate this type of deposit should have relationship with the historical event of the Pangeng moving the capital, i.e. “return to Bo” recorded by “Yin Benji”. So Zhengzhou is proved not only the capital of the kings from Chengtang to Dawu, but also the capital of the Shang kings of Panggeng, Xiaoxin and Xiaoyi.
Key words: park of the people period; Pangeng; return to Bo

Chen Longwen, “On Placename and Historical Geography of Money of Pre-Qin Period”
Abstract: There are close relations between the monetary name of the place and each component of historical geography (such as economic geography, urban geography, political geography and traffic geography), It is the important reference value that utilize the monetary name of the place materials of Pre-Qin to historical geography, especially monetary geography of Pre-Qin.
Key words: Pre- Qin; The monetary name of the place, historical geography; study value

Wei Na and Wan Fang, “On the Brick of lotus Flower Design Excavated at Kyushu in Japan”
Abstract: The bricks of lotus flower design excavated at Kyushu in Japan and Luoyang city of Sui and Tang dynasties in China have the same material, facture and function. The same layout of design includes the main lotus flower and accessorial entwining vines and rings of pearls. The brick of lotus flower design in Japan has the rectangle form, the lotus flower design is smaller than those bricks of Luoyang city and has accessorial water wave design. Besides, the side faces of the brick also have the design. It reflects that about 7 century AD China and Japan have close cultural intercourse and Japan not only absorbed the foreign cultures but also kept its native culture character.
Key words: Kyushu in Japan; Luoyang city of Sui and Tang dynasties; the brick of lotus flower design; cultural

Zhang Xinbin, “On the Ancient Great Wall of Central Plains of China”
Abstract: Based on field investigation for many years, the article cleared up the materials researched the type and date and specially discusses the states of ancient Great Wall of Central Plains. The author thinks that the Great Wall of Northern Henan should belong to the Jin state. Besides the author puts forward to the proposal for research and exploitation of the ancient Great Wall of Central Plains.
Key words: Central Plain of China; pre-Qin; the Great Wall

Jin Shen, “On the Fashion and Evolution of Gilt Bronze Avalokitesvara Statue of Taihe Reign of Northern Wei Dynasty Excavated at Boxing”
Abstract: The Avalokitesvara statue of Luolingwei excavated at Boxing in Shandong province is important. According to this statue and the other Avalokitesvara statues, the article probed into the origin, regional distribution and fashion of the type of the statue and the evolutive law.
Key words: Avalokitesvara statue of the second year of Taihe reign at Boxing; Leling county; Avalokitesvara statue of Ding Zhu; stone pagoda of Northern Liang dynasty

Zhang Shumin and Tian Maoting, “On the Bronze Buddhist Statues of Northern Dynasties at Boxing County in Shandong Province”
Abstract: Among more than 100 pieces of the bronze Buddhist statues, there are 35 pieces of the exact carved time. Most of these bronze Buddhist statues are Sakyamuni and Prabhutaratna Buddha, Avalokitesvara and Maitreya. Besides, one statue of Lao-tzu was excavated in the same hoard. It reflects the two differing beliefs  of Buddhism and Taoism are syncretized in that time.
Key words: Boxing; from Northern dynasties to Sui dynasty; Statue of Lao-tzu

Wang Juan and Shi Jixiang, “Investigation of Satisfaction Degree of the Audience of Henan Museum”
Abstract: The goal of the audience investigation of Henan Museum is knowing physical character and visiting attitude of the audience and appraising accessorial equipment of the museum. The result of this investigation can be used for improving on the work of the museum. By analyzing and using these data, we can know the demand of the audience, improve on the lever of the exhibitions and realize serving aim of doing all for the people.
Key words: museum; audience; degree of satisfaction