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Cultural Relics of Central Plain 2006-1

From: Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2006-09-06


Main contents

Xinzheng Work Station of Henan Institrtion of Cultural Relics and Archaeology ,

Several Tang Tombs Excavated at the Old City of Zheng and Han

States in Xinzheng City …………………………………………………………………………(6

Zhang Deshui

On the Meetings of Exploring the Origin of Archaeology and History

——Conformity of Archaeology and History ………………………………………………(12

Li Shaolian,

On the Northern Area of the Activity of Huangdi Tribe ……………………………………(21

Ma Shizhi,

On the Capitals During the Yu Shun Reign …………………………………………………(24

Luo Kun ,

The Pedigree of You Yu Clan …………………………………………………………………(28

Zhou Shucan ,

The Quality and Relative Questions of the City Site of Longshan

Period at Guchengzhai Site in Xinmi city ……………………………………………………(33

Zhang Weilian ,

Climate Change and Shang People Moving to the South ……………………………………(37

Hao Danhua ,

On the History and Geography of the South …………………………………………………(52

He Linyi and Wu Hongsong,

On the Explanation of “绳绳”………………………………………………………………(62

Wang Changfeng ,

On the Location of Bing State …………………………………………………………………(65

Zhao Lichun ,

On the Archaeological Material of Monk Huiguang Discovered at Yecheng Area …………(69

Li Zhirong ,

On the Architectural System and the Ruins of the Neixiang Local

Magistrates Office …………………………………………………………………………(77