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Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Plains 2006-5

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2006-12-19


Main contents:

Wang Xiaoyi and Yan Zhibin,

Summary on the Rescued Excavation of the Stolen Tombs of the

Medium Phase of Taosi Culture……………………………………..  (4)

Lin Lixia and Wang Fengjian,

Four Bronzes with Inscriptions of Spring and Autumn Periods

Unearthed in Nanyang City in Recent Years…………………………  (8)

Zhao Qingchun,

Archeological Study on Wufu System Recorded inYu Gong ••••••••• (10)

Peng Minghan,

On the Civilization Course and Social Form of Wucheng Culture ••• (23)

Ma Baochun,

A Study on the Channel of Cultural Communication among Ancient

Hubei, Henan and Shan'xi Provinces………………………………. (31)

Bai Lifan,

On the Gold Vessels of Xia, Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties •••••• (39)

Yang Shengnan,

Zhang Family of Shang Dynasty ..……………………………………. (50)

Zhang Yong,

On the Pottery Gate Towers of Han Dynasty …………………………(55)

Luo Huojin,

On Ancient Qi Pass  …………………………………………………. (62)

Jin Shen,

Effects on the Single Buddha Figures of Taihe Period Exerted by the

Twentieth Cave of Yungang Grottoes  …………………………………(66)

Tao Yuzhi,

On the Characters Copied from the Inscriptions on the Stone Beasts in

Front of Tombs of Han Dynasty ………………………………………(71)

Zhang Fangtao and Chang Jun,

On the Axle-pins without Keyed Joint of Zhou Dynasty ………………(85)