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Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Plains 2006-6

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-04-13


Xuzhou Museum,
The Tombs of Han Dynasty at Jinshan Village in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province……………… (4)
Jiang Linchang,
The Civilization Theory of Marx and Engels and the Early Civilization
of China …………………………………………………………………………………   (8)
Zhang Juzhong,
On the Pedigree of the Neolithic Culture in the Middle and Lower Reaches
of Yellow River …………………………………………………………………………… (18)
Zhang Guoshuo,
On the Xia Ruins in the South of Shanxi Province………………………………………… (26)
Duan Tianjing,
The Cultural Vicissitude of Wei River Valley in Eriitou Culture…………………………… (32)
Li Weiming,
A Discrimination on an Oracle Bone Inscription “乇”……………………………………(39)
Guo Xudong,
On the Oracle Bone Inscription "稻"  ………………………………………………………(46)
Song Lingping,
On the Cultural Element Analysis on the Bronze Culture ………………………………… (50)
Wang Entian,
A Complementary Research on the Tomb of Weizi in Luyi ……………………………… (53)
Wang Xingya,
The Historical Value of the Title Deed Sold by Li Ziqi and Another One
Bought by Li Zhong………………………………………………………………………… (61)
Yang Ailing,
The Artistic Achievement of the Celadon Produced in Neixiang Kiln
of Jin Dynasty……………………………………………………………………………… (66)
Zhang Zengwu and Li Xiangming,
On the Celadon and White Porcelain of Song Dynasty Unearthed in
Henan Province……………………………………………………………………………  (69)
Wang Fang,
A Primary Research on the Facture Techniques of the Jades Unearthed
at Jinsha Site ……………………………………………………………………………… (77)