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Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Plains 2007-1

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-08-01
Main Contents and abstract
Henan Provincial Ancient Architecture Preservation Institute,
Excavation of the Building Foundation of Ciyuan Temple in Linzhou City   (4)
【Abstract】The Institute of Ancient Architecture Preservation of Henan Province excavated the pedestals of the Great hall, the Three – religion hall and the Wenchang hall of Ciyuan temple in Linzhou from December, 2005 to February, 2006, and some relics, such as Buddhism statues, porcelain relics and architecture parts from Sui dynasty to Qing dynasty were discovered.
【Key words】Linzhou ; Ciyuan temple ; Buddhism statue
Wang Jianhua ,
An Overview on Social Archaeology    (13)
【Abstract】The noun Social Archaeology appears early in 1921, but till 1940’ and 1950’, the archaeologists, headed by Child, V.G , begin to study by the method of Social Archaeology. To those days, the development of Social Archaeology has gone through about three stages. The study object of Social Archaeology is social, and the study contents include social organizes, scale, structure and the relations among them, the study of Social Archaeology in China has just started, so some aspects need to improve.
【Key words】Social Archaeology ; study contents ; study methods ; current situation and prospect
Han Jianye,
On the Expansion and Influence of Laohushan Culture   (20)
【Abstract】About 2200 B.C. can divide Laohushan culture into early and late stages. The former develops steadily, and its influence is relatively miner; the later expands its areas to south on a large scale, so its typical artifacts, such as pottery tripod Li with two handles, animal bones used to practise divination and arrowheads have been spread throughout the middle and lower reaches of Yellow River. According to the relative documents, it is the weather which getting drier and colder causes the expansion of Laohushan culture.
【Key words】Laohushan culture ; Longshan Age ; expansion ; climatic change
Dong Qi,
On Mr. Zou Heng and the Division between Xia and Shang Culture    (27)
【Abstract】The opinins, such as Erligang culture belongs to the Early Shang culture, Zhanghe type belongs to the Pre – Shang culture, Erlitou culture belongs to Xia culture, Xia and Shang culture separately belong to two different cultures are the system of Xia and Shang archaeology established by Mr. Zou Heng at the end of the 1970s. By comparison of the relative contents, the article named Yanshi Shang Capital City and the Division between Xia and Shang Culture has borrowed some research results of Mr. Zou Heng.
【Key words】Zou Heng ; Xia and Shang Archaeology ; research system ; division
Li Min,
【Abstract】The Huanbei Capital City of Shang dynasty in Anyang is the capital founded by Panggeng when he moving the capital to Yin, and its using time is not long, after the period of Xiaoxin and Xiaoyi, the center of capital has moved to the south side from the north side of Huan River, which is Yin Ruins.
【Key words】Huanbei capital city of Shang dynasty; the initial capital moving of Pangeng ; Yin Ruins
Liu Zunzhi,
A Study on the Tombs of the Kings or Queens of Chu State of the Late Western Han Dynasty   (35)
【Abstract】There are four kings of Chu state of the late Western Han dynasty; they belong to a common ancestor. According to the archaeological materials and documents, the tombs of the kings (queens) have their distinct characteristics, and have obvious differences with the ones of the princes (princesses) , which providing the evidences for confirming the date and the owner of the tombs discovered in Xuzhou.
【Key words】Xuzhou ; the late Western Han dynasty ; the king or queen of Chu state ; tomb
Huang Cuimei and Li Jianwei,
On the Confederation of the Gold and Jade Artifacts    (42)
【Abstract】In addition to inheriting former traditions, jade objects of the Eastern Zhou period also intensely inspired by objects of other materials, among which the gold objects especially played a key role. During the Eastern Zhou period, the impact of gold objects on ornamental style of jade carving has manifested in several aspects, such as the arrangement of surface decorations, the application of special motifs, and the emphasizing of three – dimensional effects etc. the stylistic transformation between gold and jade objects of this period has not merely been the mutual replacement of the gold and jade as material, more importantly, in accordance with characteristic of different material, artifacts made of jade and gold not only passively imitated each other but have developed unique formal languages consisting of new aesthetic values and symbolic meanings of their own.
【Key words】the Eastern Zhou dynasty ; gold and jade objects ; jade artifacts
Lei Ying,
On Yang State and Yang Bronzes    (59)
【Abstract】Both of the bronze with the inscription “□” and the one with the inscription “永○” unearthed at the cemetery of Yuehe in Tongbai should belong to Yang state. The quality of the bronze with the inscriptions “番昶” is different with that of the bronze with the inscription “永○”. The domain of “番” should be at Gushi county in Xinyang, Henan province, most of bronzes with the inscriptions “番昶” also discovered in Xinyang, so “番昶” may be a branch of “番”, but has nothing with “永○”.
【Key words】Yang state ; Yuehe cemetery ; the bronze with the inscription “□” ; the bronze with the inscriptions “番昶”
Xu Chanfei and Yao Zhiyuan,
Explanations of the Designs Carved on the Bronze Yi of Warring State Period Newly Discovered in Luoyang City    (64)
【Abstract】In 1998, the Luoyang Municipal Cultural Relics Exchange Center discovers a bronze Yi of Warring State Period collected by the private. On the inner wall of the bronze, there is a set of complicate and artistic designs. After being recognized, the two designs on the inner wall should separatly be the picture of sacrificing to ancestor and shooting, the one on the bottom should be the underworld picture, all of which compose of a complete sacrificing picture.
【Key words】the bronze Yi ; the Warring States Period ; sacrificing to ancestor ; design
Zhao Zhenhua,
A Study on the Taoism Seals with the Inscriptions of “黄神” and “治都总摄” Unearthed in Luoyang    (69)
【Abstract】The Taoist seal is an important part of Taoist culture, but hardly discovered in Luoyang, so it is difficult to been recognized. The seal carved with the inscription “黄神” is the treasure of early Taoists for the use of protecting body and putting hexes, so it has special research value and meaning for studying the history and culture of Taoism. The seal carved with the inscription “治都总摄” discovered at first in China proves the records of the inherit Taoist documents.
【Key words】the inscriptions “黄神” ; the inscriptions “治都总摄” ; Taoist seal ; Taoism
Meng Yuanzhao,
On the Iron Cow and Pig Unearthed in the Tombs from Tang to Yuan Dynasty    (72)
【Abstract】Iron cattles and pigs appeared in the tombs in Luoyang and Xi’an areas in late Tang Dynasty. And many changes had taken places in the tombs from Five Dynasties to Yuan Dynasty, including the shape, amount, location the cattles and pigs in the tomb. According to the archaeological materials and historical clocuments, the iron cattles and pigs has the function of guarding tombs and getting rid of evils.
【Key words】tomb ; iron cattle ; iron pig ; functions
Yang Yuan and Zhang Jiaqiang,
On the Subject and Artistic Style of the Mural Paintings in Tombs of Northern Song Dynasty in Henan Province    (80)
【Abstract】The mural paintings in tombs of Northern Song dynasty are an important part of paintings of Song dynasty. The subjects include daily life, filial piety story, releasing souls and uprising celestial being, decorative painting etc. The layout and composition follow a fixed formula, but the conception is very ingenious and the technique is various, which demonstrate the diversification and prosperity of the painting art of Northern Song dynasty.
【Key words】Northern Song dynasty ; classification ; subject ; artistic style
Fang Zhisong,
Explanations of “瓒”,“裸” and Relative Characters in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions of the Eastern Huayuanzhuang in Yin Ruins    (83)
【Abstract】There are two characters “□” and “□” in oracle bone inscriptions of Eastern Huayuanzhuang in Yin Ruins. According to the character structure and relative documents, the former should be the same with an inscription on the bronze “□”, they can be deciphered as “瓒”; the latter should be inscription on the bronze “□”, they can be deciphered as “裸”. Besides, some inscriptions relating to “瓒” and “裸” in the early discovered oracle bone inscriptions are also talked over.
【Key words】“瓒” ; “裸” ; oracle bone inscriptions of Eastern Huayuanzhuang in Yin Ruins ; the oracle inscriptions ; inscriptions on the bronze

Yun Xuemei, Zhao Chaohong and Wang Jinping etc.,
Mineralogy Test and analysis of RawMaterial Source on the Jades Unearthed in the Sacrificial Sites of Eastern Zhou Dynasty in Houma    (88)
【Abstract】The four samples of damaged jades unearthed in the sacrificial sites of Eastern Zhou in Xigao and Jintian Heating Power Corporation of Houma city, Shanxi province are tested by using modern technological methods, such as specific gravity test, characteristic peaks of the IR spectrum, XRD analysis and stable isotope analysis, combined with petrologic microscopic observation. The results show that the raw materials of Xigao J580 and J332, Heating Power Corporation JK728 are nephrite from Hetian in Xinjiang, and the other one of Heating Power Corporation JK659 is serpentinzation marble.
【Key words】unearthed jades ; raw material ; mineralogy test ; analysis source of raw material
Li Yuanzhi, Zhang Fangtao, Tan Derui, Hua Jueming and Zhang Mingwu,
许公宁透空蟠虺纹青铜饰件——先秦失蜡法之一器例   (96)
【Abstract】The structure of the decorative casting with hollow symmetry nake patterns unearthed in the tomb of the Duke Linggong of Xu state is very complicated. By the test of technological means, the artifact is proved to be the casting bronze alloy rich in tin, and cast by the lost – wax process integrally; but the marks of welding and founding are not seen on it. The founding date of the artifact is about 547B.C. or later. The research result prove that the lost – wax process is an important technological creation of the founders of pre – Qin period, and the opinion that there are no artifacts founded by the lost – wax process in the bronze age of China is without evident.
【Key words】the lost – wax process ; the tomb of the Duke Linggong of Xu state ; decorative casting ; nake pattern
Cao Hong,
中国当代博物馆教育体系刍议   (104)
【Abstract】The museum education in China has been in an extensive development phase, and the scientific and perfect educational system has not established yet. So how to integrate and utilize the tangible and intangible educational resources making the museum education change to refinement from extension, and establishing a perfect, multi – level and interactive educational system in museum, is a problem that need urgent solution.
【Key words】museum education ; educational system ; educational resources ; educational programs