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Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Plains 2007-3

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-10-24
Main Contents:
Xinxiang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,  Xinxiang County Institute of Cultural Relics,
Excavation of Hougaozhuang site at Xinxiang County, Henan Province   (4)
Abstract】In May, 2003, Xinxiang Municipal Archaeology Team excavates Hougaozhuang site at Xinxiang county, and discovers some relics of early Longshan and Pre-Shang cultures, in which, there are nine ash pits of early Longshan culture and one ash pits of Pre-Shang culture, some pottery pots are unearthed, which provide new materials for studying the ancient culture in the Central Plains.
Key words】Hougaozhuang site;  excavation;  Longshan culture;  Pre-Shang culture
Gao Jiangtao,
A Preliminary Study of the Settlement Pattern at Taosi Site   (13)
Abstract】The studying of the micro-pattern and macro-pattern settlements at Taosi site shows that the society is seriously stratified, the embryonic kings has possibly arisen, the ritual system has been initially formed, and the early state has appeared, so the civilization has been initially formed since then.
Key words】Taosi site;  settlement pattern;  origin of civilization
Shi Yanyan and Wu Qian,
Restudy of the Change of the Relics of the Second Phase of Erlitou Type   (21)
Abstract】The first and the second phase of Erlitou culture are two different continuously developing stages in the same culture. Erlitou type is originated from the late period of Longshan culture in Henan province. Houyi doesn’t belong to western Yi, but eastern Yi.
Key words】Erlitou culture;  the second phase of Erlitou type;  Houyi;  eastern Yi
Ma Shizhi,
A Study of the Character of Dashigu City Site at Zhengzhou   (26)
Abstract】The Dashigu City Site in Zhengzhou is an ancient city of late Xia dynasty. According to relative documents, the city is neither Zhanxun, the capital of Xia dynasty, nor the military fort in the east of Xia state, even more has nothing to do with Wei or Gu, but may be Kunwu city.
Key words】Dashigu City Site;  Xia dynasty;  Kunwu city
Xu Qiping,
A Study of the Ancient Ancheng City Site of Han Dynasty   (30)
Abstract】According to relative archaeological material and documents, the city site at Guchengsi in Zhengyang county, Henan province, may be Ancheng site of Han dynasty. At the beginning of Daye period of Sui dynasty, Ancheng county is annulled and incorporated into Ruyang county.
Key words】Ancheng;  Guchengsi;  city site of Han dynasty;  Zhengyang county
Wu Jing,
A Study of the Date and Headstream of the Pit Tombs at Sanxia Area   (33)
Abstract】According to the evolution rule of the plate-rim pot of celadon, which discovered in 1997 at Leijiaping site, Badong, Hubei province, the date of the earth-pit tomb should be the late Tang dynasty or the Five Dynasties Period. Based on the relative documents, the origin and development of the earth-pit tombs in Three Gorges Region maybe have something to do with he rebellion of An Lushan and Shi Siming.
Key words】Leijiaping site in Badong;  Three Gorges Region;  earth-pit tombs;  date, origin and development;  the rebellion of An Lushan and Shi Siming
Wang Renxiang,
On the Prehistory Rail Crown in China   (38)
Abstract】The most of crown forms wear by the prehistory jade figures in China are rail crown. The form is often seen on the late Neolithic jades discovered in the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River and Yellow River, and embodies some godships, so it is a standard crown form of the prehistory divines.
Key words】Lingjiatan site;  jade figure;  rail crown;  godship
Li Kai,
试论作册般鼋与晚赏射礼   (46)
Abstract】The inscriptions on the bronze shaped like tortoise collected by Chinese National Museum recently is not the records of ordinary hunting, but the archery rites in the late Shang dynasty. According to some relative documents, the bronze may be the target of archery, and the archery rites in western Zhou dynasty are originated the one of Shang dynasty.
Key words】the bronze shaped like tortoise;  the archery rites;  the target;  late Shang dynasty;  Western Zhou dynasty
Wang Jing,
卌三年逨鼎铭中的“历人”即《周礼》中的“校人”     (51)
Abstract】It is recorded in the newly unearthed Lai tripod of the 43rd year that the King appointed Lai as “Liren”(历人). According to some relative documents, “Liren”(历人) is exactly “Jiaoren”(校人) in Zhouli.
Key words】the Lai tripod of the 43rd year;  “Liren”(历人);  Zhouli;  “Jiaoren”(校人)
Yang Xuechen,
A Preliminary Study of the Jades Unearthed in the Cemetery of Yan State of Western Zhou Dynasty at Liulihe Site   (53)
Abstract】Based on some jade objects and documents, the article analyses them in the archaeological way in order to prove that the usage rules and regulations of jade embodied by the combination of jade pendants and the funeral jade had already existed in the early Western Zhou period in Yan state. It is very important in the development history of Chinese jade.
Key words】Liulihe;  Western Zhou period;  Yan state;  jade
Yuan Yansheng,
新出《汉景云碑》及相关问题   (58)
Abstract】In 2004, the Jingyun stele of Han dynasty is unearthed at Jiuxianping site in Yunyang county, Chongqing, which has extremely high historical value. The forward section of the stele has recorded an important history that the government of Western Han dynasty migrates to Ba and Shu states, which makes up for the deficiency of documents.
Key words】Western Han dynasty;  Jingyun stele of Han dynasty;  Ba and Chu states;  migrates
Cheng Zhengju,
张家山汉墓竹简反映的乞鞫制度   (64)
Abstract】Qiju is a kind of re-appeal procedural system in Qin and Han Dynasties. The Second Year Laws and Decrees in the Inscribed Bamboo Slips discovered from the Tomb of Han Dynasty at Zhangjiashan has prescribed Qiju systematically. The No.17 case in Zou Yan Documents is a good case about Qiju. So the discovery of the inscribed bamboo slips provides abundant valuable documents for studying the legal system of Qin and Han dynasties.
Key words】Qiju; Inscribed Bamboo Slips from the Tomb of Han Dynasty at Zhangjiashan;  Qin and Han dynasties;  re-appeal procedural system
Wen Yucheng,
“西天诸神”怎样来到中国   (69)
Abstract】From the second to the 12th centuries, traveling through the Silk Road, or the Southern Sea, or Himalayan area, or Yunnan-Burma Road, the Indian gods arrive in China. The gods can be divided into four kinds. The first kind includes Buddha and Bodhisattva, who are recorded by sutra and have the western image; the second kind is the lokapala who transformed by Indian gods; the third kind includes the gods recorded by sutra and created by Chinese, but their images do not exit in India; the fourth kind is the gods mixed the different religious by Chinese.
Key words】India;  Buddha;  western gods;  religious diffusion
Wang Mei,
旅顺博物馆藏人佣概述   (75)
Abstract】The special historical context makes the pottery figures collected by Lvshun Museum have unusual characteristics. From one aspect, the different age styles and local characteristics of them show the funeral systems and rites in ancient China, which has some meaning for studying the costume system and customs.
Key words】Lvshun Museum;  pottery figures;  age;  artistic;  characteristic
Liu Shaoming,
南阳发现的宋代“出门税”银铤考述     (80)
Abstract】In Song and Jin dynasties, Nanyang is a border area between the two countries. Since 1960’, there have been seven narrow-waisted silvers carved with the characters “出门税” discovered. According to the relative documents, the outdoor tax is an important tax on commodities in Southern Song dynasty, and the silver Tings discovered here may relate to the commodities between Song and Jin dynasty.
Key words】Nanyang;  the outdoor tax;  the narrow-waisted silvers;  commodity
Wang Shuzhi, Wang Zenglin and Xu Hong,
A Study of the Wood Charcoal Unearthed in Erlitou Site   (93)
Abstract】The Erlitou site in Yanshi county, Henan province is one of the famous remains of Bronze period city settlements located at the east of Luoyang plain. The present paper reports the wood identification of the charcoal samples unearthed from Erlitou site by means of a light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The results show that the charcoal samples belong to Oriental White Oak (Quercus aliena), Sawtooth Oak (Quercus acutissima), Oak (Quercus), Chinese Arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis), Chinese Hackberry (Celtis sinensis), Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulae foumis) and another broadleaf species. And the information of vegetation, ecological climate and wood exploitation is obtained.
Key words】Erlitou site;  Erlitou culture;  wood charcoal;  environment;  wood exploitation
Xue Bing, Zhu Tiequan and Pan Weibin,
A Study of the Porcelain Unearthed in Lingzhi Kiln at Anyang, Henan Province   (100)
Abstract】The typical black porcelain, celadon, and white porcelains unearthed from lingzhi kiln were tested by using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, stereo & petrographic microscopy, dilatometry and so on. The results show that there are a certain degree difference among different types of porcelains in their chemical composition, micro-structure and their firing temperature, so the different porcelains at that time may apply different materials and different manufacturing technologies.
Key words】Lingzhi kiln; black porcelain; celadon; white porcelain