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Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Plains 2007-6

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-01-29
Main Contents and Abstracts
Hu Jinhua and Ji Yankun,
Arrangement of the Cultural Relics Unearthed from the Stone Tomb at Diaoyutai Village, Tang County, Hebei Province    (4)
【Abstract】In 1996, the stone tomb at Diaoyutai at Tang County was discovered. Including several golden and stone wares, the unearthed relics are mainly bronzes. The style of the most bronzes accords with that in the Central Plains, only a minority has obvious character of minority peoples in North China. According to relative study, the date of the bronzes is about in the middle of Spring and Autumn Periods.
【Key words】Diaoyutai Village at Tang County;  stone tomb;  in the middle Spring and Autumn Periods
Luoyang Municipal Working Team of Cultural Relics,
Excavation on the Tomb of Tang Dynasty at Song Village, Mengjin County, Luoyang City    (10)
【Abstract】In 1986, a tomb was excavated in Chaoyang Village, Mengjin County, Henan Province, afterward most of relics were taken back, among which, some green-glazed porcelains are hardly seen. According to the shape of the tomb and the character of the artifacts, the date should be at the beginning of Tang Dynasty. The excavation of the tomb provides new documents for studying the custom and sculpture art of Tang dynasty in Luoyang Area.
【Key words】Luoyang;  Chaoyang Village at Mengjin County;  the tomb of Tang Dynasty;  the green-glazed figure
Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Xingyang Municipal Institute of Preservation and Management of Cultural Relics,
Excavation on the Tomb of Tang Dynasty at Wang Village, Xingyang City    (17)
【Abstract】From March to June, 2003, several tombs of Tang and Song dynasties were excavated at Houwang Village, Xingyang, Henan Province, among which, two tombs of Tang dynasty unearthed epitaph, pottery pot, bronze bowl, iron scissors, porcelain pot, copper cash etc.. The shape of the epitaph is very special. The inscriptions not only provide a standard for dating of other tombs, but also prove the truth of the local documents.
【Key words】Xingyang;  Houwang Village at Guangwu Town;  a tomb of Tang dynasty
He Deliang,
A New Study of the Origin of Civilization between Haidai Area and Central Plains    (22)
【Abstract】According to some archaeological documents, there is close relationship between the Central Plains and Haidai Area. Both of them amalgate and affect each other, which improves the hybrid between the different cultures, at last, the cultural pattern of multi-component and unity with the Central Plains at the core comes to being.
【Key words】Haidai Area;  the Central Plains;  the origin of civilization
Jin Songan,
On the Periods and Date of Peiligang Culture    (28)
【Abstract】Peiligang Culture is a Neolithic Culture distributing in Heluo Area. According to six sites of Peiligang Culture in Central Henan Province, it can be divided into three periods and six phases, which can represent the different development stages. The 14C datum of different sites show the date of Peiligang Culture is about from 6500 B.P. to 7000 B.P..
【Key words】Peiligang Culture;  period;  date
Yang Yubin,
On the National Xia, Shang, Zhou Chronology Project and the Development of Xia and Shang Archaeology    (39)
【Abstract】With the starting of the National Xia – Shang - Zhou Chronology Project, we have finally acquired the scientific “Xia – Shang –Zhou Chronological Table”. In the meantime, the project has promoted greatly the development of Xia – Shang archaeology. In recent years, the new archaeological discovery and studying of the big city of Wang Cheng Gang in Dengfeng, the Erlitou Site in Yanshi, the small city of Shang Dynasty City in Yanshi, the Shang Dynasty City in Zhengzhou and the Shang Dynasty City of Huanbei in Anyang have become many new conspicuous and sparking spots.
【Key words】Xia – Shang – Zhou Chronology Project;  Xia – Shang archaeology;  develeopment
Liu Xixiang,
A Study of the Cemetery of the Warring States Periods and Han Dynasty at Fenghuang Mountain, Xinxiang City    (46)
【Abstract】The tombs of Han Dynasty and the Warring States Periods at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain in Xinxiang crowd together, but the layout is ordered. The shape of the tombs of the Warring States Periods is mainly pit; but that of Han Dynasty are mainly cave and brick – room. The cemetery is divided into several districts, and each of them is probably a family cemetery.
【Key words】Fenghuang Mountain;  the Warring States Periods and Han Dynasty tombs;  district;  family
Heng Yunhua and Huang Fucheng,
技术发展与先秦古车起源蠡探    (50)
【Abstract】Whether there is certain relationship between Chinese and foreign ancient chariots or not is decided by the techniques of making chariots and the period characters of occurring and development in China. According to the wheel making, timber working, copper founding, animal driving etc., the Pre – Qin chariots may born in the middle reach of Yellow River in the middle of Xia dynasty.
【Key words】technique;  Pre – Qin;  chariot;  origin
Chen Longwen,
A Study of the Spade Coin with the Inscription “留”    (54)
【Abstract】A spade coin with even shoulders and square feet is embodied in Chinese Currencies in Previous Ages edited by Wang Qingzheng. Now there are different opinions on the inscriptions on the coin. But this article considers it is correct that the author of the book explains them as “留邑”. In fact, “留邑” is situated on the site of Liu State Capital at Taojia Village, Yanshi, Henan Province.
【Key words】”留邑”;  spade coin with even shoulders and square feet;  Yanshi;  the site of Liu State Capital
Wang Jingquan,
On the Date of the Statue of Kong Huichao    (58)
【Abstract】The statue of Kong Huichao is one of the most perfectly preserved statues of Northern Wei Dynasty in Henan Province. According to the subject matter and artistic style, the date of the statue should be in the third year of the reign of Emperor Xiaochang.
【Key words】The statue of Kong Huichao;  subject matter;  artistic style;  northern Xiuwu
Jin Shen,
On the Influence on the Statue of Buddha of Three States Period in Korea from Those of Shandong    (66)
【Abstract】The body and dado of the most of the statues of Buddha with a Buddha and two Bodhisattvas dating from Northern Wei to Northern Qin dynasties prevailing in Qingzhou are divided into two parts. The Buddha and Bodhisattva are embodied in a big backlighting, the two Bodhisattvas stand on the most outside of the backlighting. The golden and bronze figures of Buddha of Three States Periods in Korea accept the style of Qingzhou statues of Buddha. In the other hand, the character of the Korea statues is also obvious, for example, the backlighting looks more elegant and the face looks more thin, the cylindrical overturned lotus seat is preferred.
【Key words】the statues of Buddha of Qingzhou;  Northern Dynasty;  the Three Statues Period in Korea;  influence
Zhang Sufeng and Zhang Xuepeng,
Explanation of the Characters Embodied “帚” in Oracle Bone Inscriptions    (75)
【Abstract】The shape of “帚”, which is an inscriptions on oracle bones of Shang dynasty, likes a tree by which soul can fly from this world to ghost world. Using the image of “帚”, some other inscriptions embodying “帚”, such as “归”, “侵”, “寝”, “妇” can be explained more reasonably.
【Key words】wizard;  “帚”;  soul;  “归”;  “侵”;  “寝”;  “妇”
Yin Zhining,
A Study of the Change of the Appointment System of Western Zhou Dynasty from the Inscriptions on “彔见” Gui Vessels   (79)
【Abstract】“彔见” Gui made for “彔见” is a bronze vessels, which made in the middle of Western Zhou Dynasty. The inscription described Lu was appointed official by king. It is helpful for understanding the changes of proprieties system of the appointment by the king.
【Key words】“彔见” Gui made for Lu;  inscriptions;  the changes of proprieties system
Han Guohe, Zhao Weijuan, Zhang Jihua, Zhu Junxiao,
用中子活化分析研究南洼白陶的原料产地   (83)
【Abstract】In this experimentation, 15 samples of white pottery and 7 samples of gray and white ball clay taken from Nanwa Site are used. The contents of 21 kinds of elements of each sample are tested by NAA. The result of analysis shows that the white pottery of Nanwa Site has relation to the ball clay near the site, so the material of white pottery of Nanwa Site is very likely from the local area.
【Key words】white pottery;  NAA;  producing area
Du An, Ma Yan,
殷墟甲骨的保护处理    (87)
【Abstract】Some oracle bones from Yin Ruins collected by Henan Museum have taken place pathological changes. So some effective methods for preserval and restoration have been implemented on them. The result shows that the instrumental analysis can improve the preservative level of the oracle bones.
【Key words】oracle bones from Yin Ruins;  preserval;  pathological changes
Yang Dongyu,
南阳府衙油饰彩画的保护   (91)
【Abstract】For historical and artificial reasons, the oil decorative color paintings in the District magistrate Office in Nanyang are destroyed in varying degrees, and if the condition is not to be improved, it is very likely that the building elements will be endangered. Therefore, according to the present situation, we use different techniques to restorate the paintings and building elements.
【Key words】the District Magistrate Office in Nanyang;  oil decorative color paintings;  techniques
Zhao Lamei,
远古文化的符号载体——淮阳泥泥狗    (97)
【Abstract】Clay dog is a joint name for small clay sculptures made in Taihao Temple of Huaiyang, Henan Province. The clay sculptures are simple and eccentric with black bottom and bright multicolored stripes. The clay sculptures are mainly strange animals or many – headed monsters. Clay dog has ornarnental, praltical, religious and historical value, so clay dog is not only the live historical document of authropolog and ethnology, but it shows the spirit of human origin and creativity. It has a great influence on the development of modern art in China.
【Key words】clay dog;  growth adoration;  folks art;  ancient culture
Xu Ling,
河南古迹研究会与河南博物馆    (102)
【Abstract】Henan Historic Site Research Association and Henan Museum are two famous academic institutes in Henan Province in 1930’. Not only were found simultaneously, but also some of the academic activities and members are the same, so the corporation of them improved the development of archaeology and museum in Henan Province.
【Key words】Henan;  archaeology;  museum