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Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Plains 2008-1

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-03-22
Main contents and abstracts:
The Archaeological Department of History Institute of Zhengzhou University, the Office of South-north Water Diversion Project of Henan Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau etc.,
A Brief Report of Excavation of Suncun Site at Hui county, Henan Province    (4)
Abstract】From July to October, 2006, in order to cooperater with Midline Project of South - North Water Diversion, the Archaeology Department of History Institute of Zhengzhou University excavated the Suncun Village Site. The excavated area is 2020 square meters. Some cultural relics of Pre - Shang, Yinxu and Warring States Periods are discovered, which provide new materials for studying the history and culture from Pre - Shang to Warring States Periods at the local area.
Key words】Suncun Village Site;   Pre - Shang Culture;   Yinxu Period;   the Warring States Periods;   cultural relics
Jiaozuo Municipal Working Team of Cultural Relics and Jiaozuo Municipal Museum,
The Pottery Figures Unearthed from the Tomb Passage of Jin Demao of Yuan Dynasty at Zhongzhan District in Jiaozuo    (19)
Abstract】In May, 2007, eighty three exquisite cultural relics were unearthed from a tomb at Zhongyuan District in Jiaozou, including three porcelain jars, eighty color carriages, horses and pottery figures. According to the epitaph, the owner of the tomb is Jin Demao, a manager of Huaimeng Road of Yuan Dynasty. The pottery figures are the first intact batch of color guards discovered as so far in China, which provide valuable materials for studying the history, culture and custom of Yuan dynasty.
Key words】Jiaozuo;   the tomb of Jin Demao of Yuan Dynasty;   pottery color figures
Zhu Lei,
On the Use of Tomb Passage of Pre - Qin and the Grade of Tomb   (31)
Abstract】Most scholars think that, the more tomb passages, the higher grade of the tombs. But, the archaeological materials show that, the number of tomb passages is not the sign of tomb grade of Zhou and Qin dynasties, the tomb passage has many practical functions. The phenomenon that a tomb uses more than one tomb passages perhaps has something to do with ancient sacrifice.
Key words】 tomb passage;   tomb grade;   Pre - Qin;   the function of tomb passage
Yi Qing,
On the Origin and Symbolic Significance of the Octagon Chamber of the Painting Sculptured Brick Tomb of Northern Song Dynasty in Henan Province   (36)
Abstract】The octagon imitative timerwork brick - stone tombs prevailed after Emperor Renzong of Northern Song dynasty. The shape should be comes from the underground palace or tomb tower which used to bury the Buddhist relics. The spirit may be the idea of symbolizing all directions, which is the amalgamation of the idea of kanyu and Buddhism, so the octagon tomb continued the traditional idea of the Heaven Overturn and Ground Carry.
Key words】Henan;   Northern Song dynasty;   tomb;   octagon
Sun Yan,
An Analysis of the Symbolic Significance of the Painting of A Stork Holding A Fish in its Mouth  (41)
Abstract】According to relative archaeological and ancient documents, the painting of Stork Holding A Fish in Its mouth symbolizes the immortalization of the human spirits and transformation of life,  which is the precondition of the producing of burial painting.
Key words】the painting of Stork Holding A Fish in Its Mouth;   the subject matter;   the symbol significance
Sun Chuanbo,
On the Date of the Lancet - Shaped Wares with Blade on the End Collected by Lvshun Museum (45)
Abstract】Most of the five lancet - shaped wares with blade on the end should be unearthed from Shimao, Shenmu, Shaanxi Province. They belong to every stage from Longshan Culture to Erlitou Culture, so they are excellent reference materials for studying the form and development of the lancet - shaped wares with blade on the end of Longshan Culture.
Key words】lancet - shaped wares with blade on the end;   Zhang teeth - shaped ware;   date;   jade
Xu Lin,
A Study of the Jade Screen and the Painting of Western Queen Unearthed from the Tomb of King Zhongshan Named Liu Chang in Hebei province    (49)
Abstract】According to some relative archaeological and ancient documents, the character portrayed on the upside of the jade screen unearthed from the tomb of King Zhongshan named Liu Chang of Eastern Han dynasty in Hebei Province may be Western Queen. According to the period of the appearance, the ones on the under parts has three possibilities. The characters embodied the pursuing of immortalization of the people of Han dynasty.
Key words】Han dynasty;   jade screen;   Western Queen;   immortal idea
Yuan Yongming,
Another Analysis of the Inscription on the Bronze Unearthed from the No.1 Tomb of Han Dynasty at Gaozhuang, Luquan, Hebei Province    (55)
Abstract】This paper reconsiders the identification and explanation of the inscriptions on the bronze vessels published in the Report on the Excavation of Han Dynasty Tomb in Gaozhuang. It corrects some mistakes and discusses the art of the inscription calligraphy.
Key words】The No.1 Tomb of Han Dynasty at Gaozhuang Village;   inscriptions on the bronze vessels
Tang Yeze,
A Study of the Belt Hook with the Design of an Immortal Embracing A Fish Newly Unearthed at the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Chongqing    (58)
Abstract】A belt hook of Han dynasty with a god - man embracing a fish and some inscriptions has been unearthed recently, in Jiuxianping, Yunyang County, Chongqing. As so far, six similar belt hooks have been discovered, all of which are used to guard against evils and expel devils. According to some documents, the god - man may be Huantou, who is one of the “Four Fierces” in the legend of Yao Period. Its original shape should be strigidae, which not only can guard against evils, but also keep away from war chaos. The embraced fish has both the sense of Huantou and meaning of luck, so the belt hook must be carried by military officer at that time. Its inscription is also lucky words that expressing good wishes.
Key words】belt hook;   Huantou;   embraced fish;   strigidae;   inscription
Yi Li,
A Study of Little Crimson Glazed Jars Unearthed from the Tombs of Wei and Jin States    (63)
Abstract】As a kind of glazed pottery that often discovered in tombs, the small jar with dark - reddish glaze represents the production of ceramics in North China of Wei, Jin and Sixteen States Periods. Basing on the previous studying and newly published archaeological materials, this article will give a preliminary study on the use, historical and cultural background of this special burial object.
Key words】tombs of Wei, Jin and Sixteen States Periods;   the small jar with dark-reddish glaze;   use;   historical and cultural background;
Yang Xueyong,
On the Relationship between Dazhusheng Gretto and Sanjie School    (68)
Abstract】According to relative documents, the cutting of Dazhusheng Gretto is not effected by Sanjie School. The scriptures in Dazhusheng Gretto reflect the ideas of ten directions and three generations and the doom. In fact, the purpose of the scriptions is offering sacrificer to Buddha and penitence. So the contents of the scriptions maybe exert an influence on Sanjie School.
Key words】Dazhusheng Gretto;   Sanjie School;   scriptions
Lai Tianbing,
A Study of the Niche of Four-armed Avalokitesvsra Group in Feilaifeng    (74)
Abstract】The niche of the four - armed Avalokitesvera Group in Feilaifeng was built by Guo in 1287. The destroyed side statues should be the Sadaksari Mahāvidyā and Manidhara. The combination of the three statues was firstly spread to Tibetan from India, and then was spread to the Han - Chinese area together with the Tibetan Buddhism. Among the date works, the niche is the first one in the same subject. The statue also reveals both Tibetan and Chinese stylistic elements. It’s the powerful evidence of the spreading of the Tibetan Buddhism and the communication of the Tibetan-Chinese art in China in Yuan dynasty.
Key words】Feilaifeng;   the twenty-fourth year of Zhiyuan of Yuan dynasty;   the niche of the four-armed Avalokitesvsra Group
Wei Jiyin,
On the Characters on the Pottery Unearthed from Suncun Site    (80)
Abstract】From July to October, 2006, in order to cooperate with the Midline Project of South - North Water Diversion, the Archaeology Department of History Institute of Zhengzhou University excavated Suncun Village Site, and discovered some pottery characters or symbols of Shang and Warring States Periods, which provide important archaeological materials for studying the social culture of Hui county.
Key words】Suncun Site;   Shang Dynasty;   the Warring States Periods;   pottery character; symbol
Wu Hongsong,
西周金文车饰二考   (84)
Abstract】According to the analysis of the inscriptions ”画” and “金豙” on two largess of Western Zhou dynasty, the former should be a crossrail, and the latter should be a bronze tach for linking horse bridle together on ancient carriages.
Key words】inscriptions on bronze wares of Western Zhou dynasty;   the decoration on ancient carriages;   research and interpretation;   documents
Yuan Junjie,
A Supplementary Study of Ding Tripod of Earl Zuo (87)
Abstract】According to the naming principal of ancient aristocrats, custom and ancient documents, the man with the surname Qian in the inscriptions on the Zuobo Ding Tripod should be a following of Guo Zhong. You Shu, who is the seventh son of Duke Zhou, is the first king enthroned in Zuo State, You is his name used after his death, Shu is his style, which indicating his order.
Key words】Zuobo Ding Tripod;   inscription;   You Shu;   the ancestor of the royal
Yang Yuchuan,
戚城古代夯土城墙的危害调查与保护对策研究   (91)
Abstract】According to some relative investigation and the test on the soil texture, we have a comprehensive knowledge of the category, characters, deterioration degree of the rammed earth ancient city wall of Qicheng, and make some relevant preservative measures to eliminate the harmful factors.
Key words】rammed earth wall;   the test on the soil texture;   main damage;   preservative measure
Dong Yawei, Pan Lu, Wan Quanwen, Zhou Weirong, and Wang Changsui,
再探曾侯乙尊盘的铸造工艺   (97)
Abstract】Resently, the questions, such as whether the lost wax casting craft existed or not in the Bronze Age, and whether the bronze zun - pan unearthed from the tomb of Zenghouyi was made by mold - casting or lost wax casting, have become hot topics in academics. Those insisting on casted by lost wax craft considered: first, they have been studying the lost wax casting craft in the Bronze Age for many years and have published numerous articles; Second, the bronze Zenghouyi zun - pan was casted by lost wax craft was identified by authoritative department. We considered that the zun - pan was made by mold - casting because the characteristics are clearly existed in the bronze, but any traces of the lost wax casting can not be found. Based on the perspective informations, we concluded that the bronze zun - pan unearthed from the tomb of Zenghouyi was made by mold - casting
Key words】bronze;   the bronze zun - pan unearthed from the tomb of Zenghouyi; mold - casting; the lost wax casting
Peng Wen,
连接博物馆文物展览与受众的桥梁——“独立策展人”制度探索   (108)
Abstract】Basing on the analysis of the system of absolute planner developing well in Chinese modern artistic circles, the system reform of Chinese museum can accept the good and reject the bad, make it become a bridge between the exhibition of cultural relics and market.
Key words】the exhibition of cultural relics;   plan exhibition;   absolute planner