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Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Plains 2008-3

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-07-17
Main Contents
Xiangfan Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
Excavation on the Ash Pits of Zhou Dynasty at the Western District of Huangjiacun Site at Dengcheng County in Xiangfan City   (4)
Abstract】In 2005, there are fourteen ash pits excavated at Huangjiacun Site eastern to Dengcheng City Site in Xiangfan. A lot of potteries are unearthed, including li, yan, basin, yu, dou and jar ect.. The date is about the late Western Zhou Dynasty. The cultural outlook has typical style of Easten Zhou in Central China. The site belongs to the cultural relics of Deng State.
Key words】Huangjiacun Site;  ash pits;  Eastern Zhou;  Deng State;  village
Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Gongyi Municipal Preservation Institute of Cultural Relics,
Excavation on the Tomb of Tang Dyansty at the National Treasure No.431 in Henan Province   (14)
Abstract】Five tombs of Tang Dynasty are excavated at the building site of the Treatury No.431 by Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics. The date of the tombs is sequential and the article groups are different. The porcelains and tri – color potteries are very exquisite. According to the body, color and glaze of the wares, they should be produced at Huangye Kiln in Gong County, which provide new materials for studying the white porcelain in the North and the tri – color pottery of Tang Dynasty.
Key words】excavation;  the tomb of Tang Dynasty;  tri – color pottery of Tang Dynasty;  porcelain
Sun Bo and Cui Shengkuan,
A Study of the Early Neolithic Relics in Shandong Province   (23)
Abstract】Bianbiandong and Huangya are two early Neolithic sites discovered at Yiyuan County in Shandong Province. At Bianbiandong Site, some baking ground and pits are discovered, and lots of potteries, millstones and stone sticks are unearthed. But at Huangya Site, only some animal bone and potteries are found. The character of the potteries shows that the date of Huangya Site is near to that of Bianbiandong Site. According to the data of the radio – carbon dating of the skull fragments of human being, the date is about from 11000 to 9600 years ago. The discovery of the relics of the early Neolithic Culture at Bianbiandong and Huangya provides an important clue for studying the origin and development of the Neolithic Culture in Shandong Province.
Key words】Shangdong Area;  Bianbiandong Site;  Huangya Site;  relics of the early Neolithic Culture
Li Long,
On the Character Evolution and Distribution of the Prehistoric Settlements in Central China   (29)
Abstract】So far as know, there have been more than 2000 settlements discovered in Central China. The location of the settlements can be divided into hillock type, valley ladder type and plain mesa type etc.. The settlement types are different in different area. According to the defenses discovered or not, the prehistory settlements can be fallen into three stages, these are preliminary development stage, rapid development stage and evolution stage.
Key words】Central China;  prehistory;  settlement distribution;  character evolution
Wei Xingtao,
A Study of the City Site of Erlitou Culture at Puchengdian   (36)
Abstract】According to the archaeological materials, the using date of the Erlitou City Site at Puchengdian is about the first period of Erlitou Culture. The tendency going southbound of Erlitou Culture shows that the city site is exactly situated at the southern rim of Xia Dynasty governed area. The long history of collision and conquest between the South and Central China indicates that the city site is an important military installation at that time.
Key words】the Erlitou City Site at Puchengdian;  Erlitou Culture;  military center
Liu Xu,
On the State of the Big Tomb at Liulige Site   (44)
Abstract】There are some disagreements with the date, state and status of the big tombs at Liulige Site in the academic circles. According to the basic character, and the appearance law of the bronze swords, hooks and musical instrument bo in the big tombs in Central China, the date of the tomb should be the late Spring and Autumn Periods. Some relative documents show that the area of Hui County doesn’t belong to Wei family of Jin State, but belong to Fan family. Because the scale of the tombs are big, the burial objects are very abundant, and some chariot and horse pits are buried with the tombs, at least two owners of the tombs are the ministers of Jin State.
Key words】the date of the tombs at Liulige Site;  state;  status
Li Hong,
A Study of the State and Family of the Big Tomb at Liulige Site   (49)
Abstract】According to the geographical position and the political situation of the middle Spring and Autumn Periods of Hui County, the burial system of Zhou Dynasty and the style of the burial objects in the tombs at Liulige Site, the article considers that the cemetery of Liulige belongs to the family in Gong City conferred by the King of Wei State.
Key words】the tombs at Liulige Site;  Gong City;  the quality of tomb;  the group and character of the articles;  state and family
Chen Zhaorong,
On the Date and State of the Tomb No.1 at Shanbiaozhen   (58)
Abstract】The tomb No.1 at Shanbiao Town excavated in 1935 has been considered to be the tomb of the prince of Wei State of the late Warring States Period,  but the academic circles don’t agree with the opinion. Now restudying the inscriptions, we think those on the ge inlayed with the pattern of golden birds and insects should be explained as “玄夫铸用之□”, which is often seen in the late Spring and Autumn Periods. Because the ge with inscriptions of “周王” is picked by mistake, the name of the king of Zhou Dynasty can’t be seen. With the help of microscope, we restore the inscriptions, and explain them as “周王叚”, which is the name of Jing King of Zhou Dynasty. The styles of the bronzes unearthed in the tomb No.1 is identical. According to the pattern of the bronzes, the date of them should be the palmy days of Jin State. The bestowed date of the ge with the inscriptions “周王叚” shouldn’t be late 476 B.C., when the Jing King is dead, and the burial date of the recipient should not be too late, so the date of the tomb No.1 should be the late Spring and Autumn Periods, the owner of the tomb should be a senior official of Jin State.
Key words】The tomb No.1 at Shanbiao Town;  the ge inlayed with the pattern of golden birds and insects;  the ge with the inscriptions of “周王”;  the late Spring and Autumn Periods
Yang Yubin,
A Summary on the Study of the Tombs No.1 and No.2 at Hui County and the Archaeological Materials of Zhou Dynasty in Henan Province   (67)
Abstract】In 1936, the excavation of the tombs of No.1 and No.2 at Hui County caused wide public concern. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, more cultural relics of Zhou Dynasty in Henan Province have been discovered. The excavation of a large number of tombs, tens of city sites, metal casting sites and making pledge sites of Zhou Dynasty plays an important role in the studying of Chinese archaeology.
Key words】the tombs of No.1 and No.2;  study;  archaeology of Zhou Dynasty
Gao Junping,
范蠡故里考    (73)
Abstract】Fan Li, a famous statesman, strategist and economist in the late Spring and Autumn Periods, was considered a remarkable talent in military and a originator of Chinese merchant. According to some relative documents, Fan Li’s former residence is San litun Village, which lies in the south of Wancheng District, Nanyang City.
Key words】Fan Li;  homeland;  Nanyang;  Sanshilitun Village at Wancheng District
Xu Dali,
A Preliminary Study of the Carved Symbols at Shuangdun Site in Bengfu   (75)
Abstract】The carved symbols unearthed at Shuangdun Site in Bengfu is the earliest and the most abundant characters discovered in China so far. Their manifestations, carving methods and the bond forms provide some valuable materials for studying the origin of Chinese characters and minority nationality languages.
Key words】Shuangdun Site in Bengfu;  carved symbols;  character origin
Zheng Jiexiang,
On the Discovery and Meaning of the Oracle Inscriptions on the Cow Bone at Erligang Site   (80)
Abstract】The oracle inscriptions on the cow bone discovered at Erligang Site in Zhengzhou is the earliest one in China so far, which is important to study the origin of the oracle inscriptions on the bones or tortoise shells and the function of the City Site of Shang Dynasty in Zhengzhou.
Key words】Erligang Site in Zhengzhou;  Pre – shang; oracle inscription
Wang Liangtian and Zhang Fan,
On the Jades Unearthed in the Tomb of King Liangwang of Western Han Dynasty Collected in Shangqiu Museum   (87)
Wu Wei,
A Study of the Burial Jades Unearthed in the Tomb of King Liangwang of Western Han Dynasty at Yongcheng County, Henan Province   (91)
Abstract】Presently, the most abundant jades, including jade burial suit, jade cork, jade coffin decorations and jade bi etc. have been unearthed in the tombs of the king and queen of Liang State at Yongcheng in Henan Province. The materials of the jade burial suit of early Han Dynasty is abviously better than those of late Han Dynasty, and the jade bi is often buried with dead, but the jade corks of nine apertures is not complete. The flourishing of the burial jade is related to the economic prosperity of Liang State and the enhancement of the ideas of grading and life – and – death.
Key words】the king of Liang State;  burial jade;  grade;  the idea of life – and – death
Fan Zhijun,
从出土汉简看戍边吏卒及服徭役者的丧礼   (96)
Abstract】Usually, the administrative institution is set up for the people in mourning on the boundary or the places where the people doing corvee labour in Han Dynasty. During the period, if the parents or grandparents are dead, holiday should be given by the authority, and by the time when the holiday is end, they should report to the authority. According to the documents, in the early Western Han Dynasty, about thirty – day holiday is provided for mourning to the people who losing grandparents, brothers or sisters. After the reign of Han Emperor Xuandi, the holiday is extended to three monthes. Moreover, if the people is dead in the mourning period, accordingly more detailed regulations are enacted and promulgated.
Key words】bamboo slip of Han Dynasty;  garrison;  corvee;  funeral
He Yuping,
万佛山摩崖立佛龛奉鱼供养天考释   (100)
Abstract】The apsaras holding fish in Wanfoshan Grotto is a provider for the deity, which is a special cultural phenomenon in the process of chinesizaton of Buddhism in Northern Wei Dynasty. It shows that the Buddhist deities have been transformed and remoulded by the Chinese culture, it also a vivid reflection in the grotto images of local culture and folk belief.
Key words】Wanfoshan Mountain;  Grotto;  holding fish;  apsaras
Chen Jianing,
也谈“三年大将吏弩机”的灋丘问题   (105)
Abstract】According to the pronunciation, documents and the labor official system of Pre – qin, the article disagrees to the opinion of Mrs Wang, and considers that the opinion of Wu Zhengfeng and Shi Xiaoqun is right.
Key words】crossbow of senior general in the third year;  Faqiu;  Feiqiu;  inscription