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Cultural-Relics-of-Central-Plains 2008-4

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-10-17
Main Contents
Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
An Excavation of the Tomb No.62 and No.84 at the Residential Quarter of Anti – explosive Factory in Nanyang   (4)
【Abstract】The Residential Quarter of Anti – explosive Factory in Nanyang is located at the south side of the eastern Building Road, where some ancient tombs are concentrated. In 2002, Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology is authoried to excavate 387 tombs, in which, the tombs No.62 and No.84 is the largest ones. The burial articles in the tombs are abundant. Especially, a primitive porcelain pot is unearthed, which may be produced in the south of China.
【Key words】Henan Province;  Nanyang;  primitive porcelain;  at the late Eastern Han Dynasty
Nanyang Municipal Museum of Magistrate Office and Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaology,
An Excavation of A Tomb of Han Dynasty at Jiafeng Garage in Nanyang   (14)
【Abstract】In September, 2001, Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated some tombs of Han Dynasty. In the Tomb No.1, fifty one burial articles are unearthed. According to the scientific testing, there is typically high temperature primitive glaze on a kettle, so it is a piece of primitive porcelain produced in the south of China.
【Key words】Nanyang;  primitive porcelain;  unearthed relics;  late Western Han Dynasty
Luoyang Municipal Working Team of Cultural Relics,
An Excavation of A Tomb of Tang Dynasty at Guanlin in Luoyang   (21)
【Abstract】From June to July in 2005, a tomb of Tang Dynasty is excavated by Luoyang Municipal Working Team of Cultural Relics, in which, some exquisite three – color pottery figures, glazed pottery figures and pottery figures are unearthed. The date of the tomb is glorious Tang Dynasty. The excavation of the tomb provides some new materials for studying the division and the burial custom of the tombs of Tang Dynasty.
【Key words】Luoyang;  the tomb of Tang Dynasty;  three – color pottery figures
Luoyang Municipal Working Team II of Cultural Relics,
A Painting Tomb of Jin Dynasty Unearthed in Yiyang County   (25)
【Abstract】From May to June, 2003, a painted tomb of Jin Dynasty is discovered at Yiyang County in Luoyang, in which, some paintings, coins and brown glazed porcelain bowl are unearthed, which provides new materials for studying the ancient painted tomb.
【Key words】Jin Dynasty;  imitating timberwork;  the record of counting years;  painting;  coin
Fan Fangfang and Zhang Juzhong,
A Study of the Process of Civilizing in Hunaghuai and Jianghuai Areas from the Prehistoric Phenomenon of Tortoise Using   (29)
【Abstract】The Huanghuai and Jianghuai regions are important birthplaces of Chinese civilization. The convention of these regions took much effect on the civilization aftertime. Based on the prehistoric phenomenon that people using tortoises, this paper makes an elementary analysis on the evolvement process of the regime, original worship, ceremony system and thinking model in the Huanghuai and Jianghuai regions.
【Key words】prehistory;  phenomenon that the people using tortoises;  Huanghuai region;  Jianghuai region;  civilise
Xie Qingxi,
A Preliminary Study of the Prehistoric Culture of Southern Henan Province   (36)
【Abstract】The Southern Henan Province is located at the border of Henan, Hubei and Anhui provinces, there are mainly Peiligang, Yangshao, Longshan and Erlitou cultures, in which, the remains of Longshan Culture is the most abundant. Except of Peiligang Period, the prehistory culture in the area shows a various and complex cultural outlook, which is related to the conflicts and war taken place between Huaxia and Miaoman.
【Key words】the southern Henan Province;  prehistory culture;  Huaxia;  Miaoman
Zhang Guoshuo,
A Study of the Military Defenses of Xia Dynasty   (40)
【Abstract】The idea of military defense appears in the late period of primitive society. In Gun and Yu Periods, the technology of building city is invented. The early Xia Dynasty pays attention to the part military defense. The lesson of Houyi taking the place of Xia forces Xia Dynasty to established. At the end of Xia Dynasty, some states, such as Shen, Xue and Youmin betray Xia and submit to Shang. Wei, Gu and Kunwu are eliminated by Shang, which causes the most important tache of the military defense of Xia to be broken up. In addition, the natural calamity slacks up the defensive function of Yi and Luo rivers, Emperor Jie of Xia Dynasty has too little regard of military defense, which makes the military defenses of Xia Dynasty fall apart.
【Key words】Xia Dyansty;  military defense;  system
Li Xiandeng,
On the Bronze Gui Tripot   (56)
【Abstract】According to some relative archaeological materials and documents, the bronze Gui discovered in Xia and Shang dynasties is a utensil used for pouring water or wine to irrigate the field when a sacrificial ceremony is taken place. It is the earliest bronze ritual vessel in China.
【Key words】Xia and Shang dynasties;  bronze Gui;  ritual vessel
Wang Yunzhi and Chen Shujuan,
A Preliminary Study of the Bronzes with Inscriptions of Ying State   (60)
【Abstract】Ying State is a kingdom during Shang – Zhou period. It is located at Pingdingshan, which is in the middle of Henan Province. According to some archaeological materials, it has discovered 46 bronzes with the inscriptions out of the total 116 ones. In addition, there are 32 bronze vessels with the inscriptions bequeathed, purchased or excavated in other places. So the total number of the bronze with inscription is 78. The inscriptions have important academic value for studying the rise and fall of the fate of Ying State.
【Key words】Ying State;  bronze;  inscriptions;  preliminary research
Shi Yan,
A Study of the Shape and Function of the Bronze Arrowheads of Pre – Qin Periods   (73)
【Abstract】The shape of the bronze arrowheads of Pre – qin Periods is various, different arrowheads have different use. The use of the arrowheads can be divided into two kinds: one is used in actual fight, the other is used in sacrificial ceremony. According to the shape character, the article studies the function of the arrowheads.
【Key words】Pre – Qin Periods;  bronze arrowheads;  shape and function
Wang Rong,
洛阳战国刻纹铜匜图像浅议   (78)
【Abstract】The picture on a bronze Yi of Warring States Periods in Luoyang is composed of drinking, shooting and hunting. The drinker is not a person on behalf of the dead, but an aged. The hunting picture doesn’t reflects a scene of killing live – stocks for sacrifice, but one of hunting birds and beasts. The snake and fish patterns on the Yi is common. So the picture explained as a scene of underworld is unconcincing.
【Key words】drinking rite;  hunting rite;  shooting rite;  get flag
Hu Guoqiang,
河南三门峡地区胡人灯俑   (80)
【Abstract】The pottery lamps with foreign figure unearthed in the tomb of Eastern Han Dynasty in Sanmenxia Area, Henan Province are usually discovered in sets of two and put together with a dog. The article considers that the appearance of the pottery lamp is related to the fluence of the Ethini Minorities’ culture. The pottery lamp buried in the tomb together with dog is in order to prevent the owner from the evil.
【Key words】Lingbao County in Sanmenxia;  pottery lamp with foreign figure;  the tomb of Eastern Han Dynasty;  Sute people;  pottery dog
Liu Zunzhi,
On the Appearance of the Relief Stone Sculpture of Han Dynasty in Xuzhou Area   (87)
【Abstract】The appearance of the relief stone sculptures of Han Dynasty is promoted by several factors. The relief stone sculpture emerges in Xuzhou earlier than other areas, which is related to the natural conditions in the area and the politics, economy, thinking and culture of Chu State in Western Han Dynasty. At the beginning of the appearance of the tombs with the relief stone sculptures, their forms are different. The disadvantage persons imitate the burial custom of medium – sized tombs results in the prevailing of the stone coffin tombs. The contents of the early relief stone sculptures mainly imitate the reality and express the thoughts of the owners.
【Key words】Western Han Dynasty;  Xuzhou;  relief stone sculptures;  appearance
Cui Shiping,
北齐窦兴洛墓志与代北窦氏   (96)
【Abstract】The Dou’s of Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasties call themselves a glorious family at Fufeng, but it is actually the Dou’s at Daibei which is changed from Ling’s in Qidou of Xianbei when Emperor Xiaowendi of Northern Wei is practicing the chinesizing policy. The Dou’s at Daibei began by military glory and allied to the royal, so they didn’t make contributions to culture, but formed a peculiar social atmosphere. The epitaph of Dou Xingluo unearthed newly records the experience of his grandfather, father and himself, which provides valuable materials for studying the history of Dou’s.
【Key words】Northern Qi;  epitaph;  Dou Xingluo;  Dou’s
Zhu Hua etc.,
龙门石窟潜溪寺凝结水病害形成机理及防治对策研究   (109)
【Abstract】The paper analyzes the factors that are influential in condensation water disease of Longmen Grottoes and proposes some mechanisms of forming the condensation water initially. The author takes Qianxisi Cave in Longmen Grottoes as an example, the author concludes the mechanism of condensation water and proposes some measures prevention and cure the diseases in Longmen Grottoes.
【Key words】condensation water;  condensation nucleus;  dew – point temperature;  disease