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Cultural Relics of Central China 2008-5

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-11-19


Main Contents

Dushan Jade Culture Research Centre of Nanyang Teachers’ College,
Archaeological Survey of Dushan Jade Article at Huangshan Site in Nanyang   (4)
【Abstract】All of the texture of jade articles unearthed at Huangshan site are Dushan jade. Most of them are instruments of production. Generally, the production may undergo two or more processes. Based on the survey, the materials of the articles are from Dushan Mountain.
【Key words】Nanyang;  Huangshan site;  jade articles;  Dushan Mountain

Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Xingyang Municipal Administrative Institute of Cultural Relics and Preservation,
Some Spade Coins of Xinmang Period Unearthed at Muxuwa Cemetery in Xingyang   (10)
【Abstract】In May, 2007, six spade coins of Xinmang period are unearthed at Muxuwa cemetery in Xingyang. The coins look very nice, so they may fairly claim to be the representative work of currency reform of Wang Mang.
【Key words】Xingyang;  Muxuwa cemetery;   spade coins of Xinmang period

Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
Excavation on the Remains of Jin, Tang and Song Dynasties at Xigaoping Site in Anyang   (12)
【Abstract】From September to November, 2004, Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavates Xigaoping site at Anyang, and discoveries some remains of Tang and Song dynasties. Some porcelains, bronzes and potteries are unearthed, which provides some new materials for studying the Tang and Song culture at Anyang area.
【Key words】Xigaoping site;  Tang and Song dynasties;  remains;  excavation

Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Xingyang Municipal Administration Institute of Cultural Relics and Preservation,
Excavation of A Painting Tomb at Huaixi Village in Xingyang   (21)
【Abstract】In April, 2008, a painting tomb of Song dynasty is excavated at Huaixi village in Xingyang by Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. The painting is stayed perfectly. The painting of monks performing Buddhist ceremonies on the west wall has not been seen so far, which provides some new materials for studying the painting tombs of Song dynasty at Zhengzhou area.
【Key words】Huaixi village in Xingyang;  painting tomb;  Song dynasty;  the painting of monks performing Buddhist ceremonies

Li Zhanyang and Zhang Shuangquan,
On the Research methods and Thoughts of Burial of Animal Group at Lingjing Site   (26)
【Abstract】Lingjing is a Palaeolithic site which is mainly lake sediment firstly discovered in China. From 2005, a plenty of animal fossils and stone artifacts have been unearthed. In order to discover some clue of human being from the static remains, this article is mainly on the research methods and mind of the burial of animals.
【Key words】Lingjing site;  animal burial;  behavior pattern;  methods and mind

Fang Yanming,
A Summary of the Symposium on Early Xia Culture   (33)
【Abstract】From 18th to 20th of July,2008, the “Symposium on Early Xia Culture” is held in Zhengzhou, Henan province. The academic symposium reviewed the course of studying of the early Xia culture, summarized the great achievements made in the past years, discussed some hot issues, and pointed the way for the future of the studying of the early Xia culture.
【Key words】the early Xia culture;  conference minute;  Longshan culture;  Erlitou culture;  Xinzhai period

Zhou Yanqing,
A Study of the Site of the Battle Broken out between Xia and Shang from the Moving of the Adherents of Xia Dynasty   (39)
【Abstract】Between Shang and Zhou dynasties, there are some adherents of Xia dynasty in Shanxi province and surrounding area, but no one is discovered in the other areas. According to some relative documents, the phenomenon appears because of the events of King Tang of Shang dynasty taking the place of King Jie of Xia dynasty. When Shang army attacked in force, again and again the Xia army retreated in defeat, at last, they retired to the south of Shanxi province. Mingtiao mountain is near to the north side of Yellow River, where a decisive war between Xia and Shang is broken, the result is that Xia is defeated, and the rest of the army escaped to the local area, incorporated into the local tribes, finally became the principal source of the adherents of Xia dynasty in the northwest area, so it is credible that Mingtiao is located in the south of Shanxi province.
【Key words】adherents of Xia dynasty;  Mingtiao;  the south of Shanxi province

Xie Su,
On the Site of Sacrifice to the God of Land of Shang Dynasty   (47)
【Abstract】According to the related oracle inscriptions and archaeological materials, the date of the earliest site of sacrifice to the god of land is up to the period of the upper layer of Erligang site. Based on the oracle inscriptions, the site of sacrifice to the god of land of Shang dynasty has closely related to war. Generally, the sites at that time has different kinds and wood or stone memorial tablets. The god of land ranks below the one of ancestor. The sacrifice is mainly human being, beasts or wine, but differences between grades are not obvious as the later generations.
【Key words】Shang dynasty;  sacrifice to the god of land;  kinds;  forms;  sacrifice

Wang Xingguang,
On the Ecological Environment and Agriculture Development of Shang Dynasty   (57)
【Abstract】The zoology environment of Shang dynasty in the whole belonged to Holocene Megathermal in China and the agriculture zoology environment was super. However, the zoology environment in climate had appeared very big wave. For example, the climate has been drought in forepart of Shang dynasty though it was very brevity. It had been warm and suitable from metaphase to anaphase. But the climate had a hide of changing to drought in the end of Shang dynasty. The zoology environment of Shang dynasty had direct influence to its agriculture production. Moreover, the mixing cultivation area of millet and rice was formed. The development of the agriculture had established stable foundation for the development of Shang dynasty.
【Key words】Shang dynasty;  the ecological environment;  agriculture development;  the Holocene Megathermal in China

Xu Qiping,
八系氏(吉刀)簋考证   (63)
【Abstract】Baxi Jie is a descendant of a feudal state in Zhou dynasty. The research on Baxi Jie gui can fill the gap or vacancy in ancient documents. It provided the best answer to the outstanding issue in the research on Xu state from Han and Tang dynasties.
【Key words】Baxi Jie gui;  Rongcheng district;  Gaoyang

Ji He,
“项梁铸大钱”补论   (66)
【Abstract】There are different opinions on the date and state of irregular – shaped spade coins in the academic community. According to the conditions of the coins and the relative documents, they should be the big coin casted by Xiang Liang at the end of Qin dynasty.
【Key words】Xiang Liang;  big coin;  irregular – shaped spade coin

Ling Jiebing,
南阳发现的汉代钱范及相关问题探讨  (69)
【Abstract】From 1960’, several groups of coin patterns have been unearthed at Wancheng site in Nanyang, which reflect the development of the casting coin technique at Nanyang county of Han dynasty.
【Key words】casting coin technique;  coin pattern;  Han dynasty;  Nanyang county

He Zhiguo,
On the Buddhist Pattern on the Tree That Would Bear Money Unearthed in Shaanxi Province   (76)
【Abstract】Some trees that shed coins when shaken are unearthed in some tombs of Eastern Han dynasty at Chenggu and Hanzhong counties in southern Shaanxi province, on which, there are some Buddha images and lotus flower patterns. The images are one of the earliest ones discovered in China. So the discovery is important for studying the origin of Buddhist art in Shaanxi province.
【Key words】Hanzhong county;  Chenggu county;  Eastern Han dynasty;  trees that shed coins when shaken;  Buddha image;  lotus flower

Zhang Naizhu,
On the Buddhism in the Central China Reflected by the Stone Sculptures Newly Unearthed in Luoyang   (81)
【Abstract】The nine stone sculptures unearthed at Luoyang area recently reflect the close relationship between Buddha temples and social, and the compact cluster of the stone sculptures at Longmen area, which show the frequency of the Buddhist activity.
【Key words】Luoyang;  Longmen;  Buddha stupa;  sutra pillar;  epitaph

Qi Yingping,
铁器文物腐蚀与保护的研究现状   (94)
【Abstract】The cast iron artifacts occupy an important place in Chinese ancient civilization. This paper reviews the species diversity of cast iron corrosion products and the main advanced investigation methods for iron corrosion and preservation.
【Key words】cast iron artifacts;  rust;  corrosion;  preservation