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Cultural Relics of Central China 2009-1

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-03-24


Main Contents

Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
An Excavation of Tomb No.181 at Wanjiayuan Site in Nanyang   (4)
【Abstract】In 2005, Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated a high – specification tomb at Wanjiayuan cemetery in Nanyang. The tomb includes an outer coffin and two inner coffins, and three dings and two fus are buried together. According to the character of the burial articles, the date of the tomb should be the Spring and Autumn periods. Both of the styles of Central China and Chu state existed in the burial articles shows the involving of the central culture in the development of Chu culture.
【Key words】Nanyang;   the Middle Spring and Autumn periods;   high – specification tomb

The Archaeology Department of History Institute, Zhengzhou University and the Office of South – North Water Diversion Project of Henan Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau,
An Excavation of the Tombs of Song Dynasty at Jindengsi Site in Xinxiang   (12)
【Abstract】To cooperate with the project of cultural relics preservation of the middle line of South to North Water Diversion Project, the Archaeology Department of Zhengzhou University excavated the Jindengsi site in Xinxiang in July 2006. Twenty three tombs of Song dynasty were excavated, which provided new materials for studying Song dynasty tombs and the related issue.
【Key words】Jindengsi site;   tomb of Song dynasty

Zhang Dongyu,
A Study of the Date Dividing of the Remains of Banpo Period of Yangshao Culture in Southern Shanxi Province    (19)
【Abstract】The remains of Banpo period in southern Shanxi province and those in the reaches of Wei River passed through the same development stages. The character of overlapping mouth of pointed bottom bottle of Miaodigou period has appeared at the early stage of the remains of Banpo period in southern Shanxi province, and the developing sequence is very clear. At the same time, the remains of the late Banpo period in the area is affected by those of the reaches of Wei River, so the source of Miaodigou type in the area seems can be tracked back earlier.
【Key words】southern Shanxi province;   Wei River;   Banpo period;   Miaodigou type;   date dividing

Yang Yue,
A New Study of the Fish Pattern with Human Face   (25)
【Abstract】The fish pattern with human face of Yangshao culture represents an idea of cycle of life and death. As the media of the cycle, fish makes the soul reborn. A legent about Zhuanxu and Houji in the shape of a fish back from the dead provides historical material for the idea.
【Key words】the fish pattern with human face;   Yangshao culture;   cycle of life and death

Yan Tiecheng,
A Study of Yin Capital of Shang Dynasty   (28)
【Abstract】Yin is an extremely important capital city of Shang dynasty. According to some documentary records and modern archaeological discoveries, it should not located at Xiaotun of Anyang but at Xiaoshuangqiao of Zhengzhou.
【Key words】Yin (殷);   capital city of Shang dynasty;   Anyang Xiaotun;   Xiaoshuangqiao site in Zhengzhou

Tian Jianwen,
Comparion study between Shang dynasty tomb in Lingshi Jingjie and Late Shang dynasty culture in Shanxi province     (39)
【Abstract】Changzhi xiaoshen site in south – eastern Shanxi can be used as the representative of Anyang Yinxu late Shang dynasty cultural in Shanxi. Adjacent to Henan province, the old city Dongguan in Yuanqu was also under the dominion of Shang dynasty. The phenomenon of three inner coffins, two inner coffins with one outer coffin or male and female buried together in the third tomb of Lingshi Jingjie in central region of Shanxi, that didn’t appear in Yinxu, determines the distance between them and Shang dynasty or Shang culture, they had not been assimilated by Shang culture, or they were aristocrats who their own characteristics of burial; the group which we use sacrificial shaves as representative may come from Fenyang’s “section 2 residents of Xinghua VII period”. The research of “Gaochan H1 relics” in Liulin indicates that, from the late Xia dynasty to Shang dynasty and Xizhou, Lvliang Mountain region has already separated from central region of Shanxi, formed their own cultural characteristics, and also influenced central Shanxi and Linfen basin, this is spread and invasion of Hetao and north – eastern grassland culture, and then, Xinghua type and Fushan Qiaobei relics finally appeared. When Shang dynasty occupied Guanzhong, Zhangjiakou ,even Hetao region with exclusiveness, central Shanxi has never occupied. Another mode of dominion that Shang dynasty used in Shanxi, has been affecting until the formation of Zhou dynasty’s policy.
【Key words】Shang dynasty tomb in Lingshi Jingjie;   Xinghua;   Gaochan;   Qiaobei

Yuan Guangkuo, and Nan Haisen,
Discussion on the  characteristic of the city site of Eastern Zhou at Gaocheng in Puyang  (45)
【Abstract】The city site of Eastern Zhou at Gaocheng in Puyang is 10 kilometers east to the county city of Puyang, which is consistent with Diqiu, the capital of Wei state recorded by the Commentary on the Waterways Classic, and besides, the scale, date and cultural content are all accord with the capital, so the city site should be Diqiu which Duke Weichenggong moving his capital.
【Key words】Puyang;   the city site of Eastern Zhou at Gaocheng;   the capital of Wei state;   Diqiu

Li Boqian,
Duke □ Gui and Some New Consideration Given to the Early History of Jin State   (48)
【Abstract】The discovery of Duke □ gui and the inscriptions plays an significant role in making clear some historical questions of Jin state, such as the title of Shuyu after he was conferred to Tang, the cause of Xiefu changing Jin and so on.
【Key words】the inscription of Duke □ gui;   Jin state;   Shuyu;   Xiefu

Xu Yongbin,
The development and periodization of the stone sculptures of Han dynasty in Nanyang   (52)
【Abstract】According to he subjective and objective conditions, the development of the relief stone sculptures of Han dynasty in Nanyang can be divided into four stages, such as early stage, growth stage, expansion stage and maturation stage, which can make us learn the evolution of the relief stone sculptures better.
【Key words】Nanyang;   the relief stone sculptures of Han dynasty;   evolution

Li Guangming,
Analysis on the style and changes of art statue  at Gong county grotto in Northern-Wei dynasty  (56)
【Abstract】Northern Wei was an important developing period in the history of Chinese Buddhism, Gong county grotto was carved in late Northern Wei. Its style of statues had partly changed due to comprehensive influences of many factors. The article expounded briefly the changes of Northern Wei’s statues in Gong county grotto from several aspects such as facial features, clothes and ornaments, expressions, etc. and about the reasons of these changes made a preliminary analysis and exploration from aspects of political factors, cultures emergence, social realities and so on.
【Key words】Northern Wei;   Gong county grotto;   art statue;   style;   change

Jin Shen,
A Restudy of the Statue of Fayu Temple at Putuo Mountain of Southern Dynasty   (62)
【Abstract】According to the composition and the shape of the statue with a Buddhist and two Bodhisattas at Fayu temple in Putuo mountain, though it seems archaic at first sight, in fact, it is a fakement of early Republic of China.
【Key words】Fayu temple in Putuo mountain;   statue with a Buddhist and two Bodhisattas;   shape;   date

Wang Jingquan,
An Investigation of the Cliffside Images at Fogou in Fangcheng County   (66)
【Abstract】The Cliffside images at Fogou in Fangcheng county is one of the most important images in southwest Henan province. By the Twelve – armed Avalokitesvara, it is the only Cliffside images of Esoteric Sect of the middle and late Tang dynasty discovered in Henan province except Longmen Grotto, so it is a valuable material for studying the influence of the Esoteric Sect on the Central China.
【Key words】Cliffside images at Fogou;   images;   Twelve – armed Avalokitesvara;   the Queen Mother of the West

Zhang Shanqing,
A Study of the Story of Vanquishing Demons in Ludong, Longmen Grotto   (73)
【Abstract】The stor y of vanquishing demons in Ludong is the only one in Longmen Grottoes. It used the image of Dishen creatively. Compared with those of ancient India and Central Asia, the image was not caved following the sutra about Buddha biography, but the sutra of Jinguangmingjing, and used the early female image of Dishen with the pose of lifting. There were two reasons for this. Firstly, at that time, the translated sutra had no description about him or her. Secondly, the blueprint stressing Dishen had not arrived to Yungang and Longmen then.
【Key words】Longmen Grottoes;   Ludong;   story of vanquishing demons;   dishen

Shinohara Norio,
The Intercourse of Buddhist Art Between Shule and Qiuci in the Light of Archaeological Discovery   (77)
【Abstract】Toqqouz – sarai monastery site lies in Tumushuke city of Xinjiang, which was a contiguous area of the ancient kingdoms Shule and Qiuci. At the beginning of the 20th Century, the French scholar P. Pelliot discovered several narrative statues of Buddhist Stories there, but the explanation of their meaning had not been made until 1990s’. These statues proved important materials to the study on the spread of the Buddhist stories in the Silk Road. In this paper, we will compare the meaning and the style of them to which in the mural paintings of the Kizil cave temple in Qiuci, as to make a discussion on the Buddhist intercourse in serindia.
【Key words】Toqqouz – sarai monastery site;   Kizil cave temple;   Buddhist story;   Shule;   Qiuci

Shi Zhenghao,
Study on the Jingshijun statue tablet   (84)
【Abstract】jingshijun Tablet plays an important role in Chinese calligraphy history. It is an important work from Wei writing to Tangkai Writing. The abundant historical materials included in it are valuable for studying the politics, economy and military of Eastern Wei dynasty.
【Key words】Jingshijun Tablet;   Jing Xianjun;   Eastern Wei;   statue tablet

Zhang Zhenhua and Shi Jiazhen,
A Study of the Epitaph of Fus of Northern Song Dynasty in Luoyang   (87)
【Abstract】The epitaph of Fus in Luoyang was unearthed in 2008. Its content is very abundant, so it is an important historical material for studying some historic events of the middle and late of Northern Song dynasty, such as politics, economy, culture, art and so on.
【Key words】the epitaph of Fus;   Han Wei;   Su Shi;   Sima Guang

Chen Longwen,
The expaination of the weight unit of Chu state and the study of the the quantity measurement system during Warring States periods   (93)
【Abstract】"均益” is traditionally explained as a quantity measurement of averaging gold. The evolution of the weight system of Warring States periods has a close relationship with ancient rhythm. The unit of the quantity measurement during Warring States periods is a combining system of using Yi and Jin.
【Key words】 weight;   rhythm;   the quantity measurement system during Warring States periods

Cao Jiandun,
Proofread on a sentence of Dadailiji (records of Li (礼) according on the bamboo books in Shanghai museum   (99)
【Abstract】A sentence of Dadailiji (records of Li (礼) compiled by Dai De, a scholar of Eastern Han dynasty) edited today was suspected that have been omitted words by many scholars of Qing dynasty. There are different points on the sentence and no final conclusion has been reached yet because of no strong proof of edition. Now according to bamboo books newly discovered, the issue on what sentences were missing can be resolved.
【Key words】Dadailiji (records of Li compiled by Dai De);   bamboo books;   collate

Ma Ying, Yang Yimin, Song Jianzhong, Ji Kunzhang, Wang Changsui,
Technological analysis on impressed mark in wrought silk in the graveyard of Peng state in Western Zhou dynasty   (102)
【Abstract】According to literature record, Huangwei is a type of wrought silk to cover coffins and mainly used by senior nobility in Zhou dynasty (China, B.C. 1046 ~ B.C. 221). As organic material, Huangwei is hard to preserve underground until today, so many information of it are not clear. Until 2004, the Graveyard of Peng Nation in Western Zhou dynasty (B. C. 1046 ~ B. C. 771), where located in Jiang county, Shanxi province, excavated the Huangwei which were impressed on the soil. The impressed mark provided a good chance to understand ancient Huangwei. For the impressed mark on the soil, optical microscope SEM – EDS, XRD, Raman and Congo – red staining method were used to extract related information. The results show that the textile is tabby fabric with warp and weft densities about 38 × 24 cm2, the red pigment was cinnabar, and the yellow pigment perhaps is yellow ochre. And it also indicated that cooked starch was binding material between silk and cinnabar, and this agreed to literature record. This work shows that analysis of the textile marks will reveal considerable details, and it deserves to get enough emphasis.
【Key words】Huangwei;   wrought silk;   impressed mark;   weaving technique;   starch grain

Gan Lan,
The restoration of the Miaofalianhuajing of Tang dynasty   (106)
【Abstract】The restoration of the Miaofalianhuajing of Tang dynasty collected by Henan Museum drew the lesson from the preservation and restoration of paper cultural relics of the western countries, and used the Chinese traditional restoration techniques of ancient calligraphy and paintings.
【Key words】Tang dynasty;   Miaodalianhuajing;   restoration