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Culture Relics of Central China 2011-3

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2011-07-22
History Institute Archaeology Department of Zhengzhou University
Excavation of Spring and Autumn Period Tombs of Wuying Site at Xichuan
【Abstract】 Wuying site is located on the east coast of Dan River reservoir in the southeast of Xichuan county. To cooperate with the project of the middle line of South-to-North Water Diversion, the history institute archaeology department of Zhengzhou University excavated the Wuying site in July ~ August 2008.Six tombs of Spring and Autumn period were unearthed, which provided precious materials for researching the culture and resolving the related archaeological problems of West Zhou, Spring and Autumn period in this region. 
【Key words】 Wuying site; tomb of Spring and Autumn period; relics;
Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
Excavation of Eastern Zhou Dynasty Tombs at Zhaozhuang Xinzheng City Henan Province
【Abstract】 Tombs of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty at Zhaozhuang Xinzheng city, located around site of Zheng and Han States Capital, was a large scale public cemetery in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The time of tombs was from the middle and late Spring and Autumn Period to the early Warring states Period. The shape of tombs and funerary objects reflected the burial system and funerary custom of Zheng state. 
【Key words】 Xinzheng city; Zhaozhuang; tombs of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty; funerary custom;
Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
Excavation of Sanjie Property Company M49 at Nanyang City
【Abstract】 the M49 was a pit tomb in the middle and late or late Western Han at housing estate of Sanjie property company Nanyang city, which was composed of two passages leading to grave, two chambers of east and west. The large bronze wares and protoporcelains unearthed from the tomb provided precious materials for researching the tombs of Han Dynasty in Nanyang areas. 
【Key words】 Nanyang city; the late Western Han; secondary build; buried in the same grave;
Some Views about Pangeng Moving the Capital to Yin
【Abstract】 Pangeng moving the capital to the first place was Shang city north of Huan river at Anyang. In that place the base address of imperial palace build, the wall of imperial city, the foundation trenches of outer city both sides and some remains of residential areas which were the first period of Yinxu culture corresponding to the ages of Pangeng, Xiaoxin, Xiaoyi were excavated. The imperial palace build was destroyed by burning, then the royal of Shang decided to move the capital to Xiaotun south of Huan river in which there were the site of sacrifice, the tombs buried with bronze vessels and so on. 
【Key words】 Pangeng moving the capital to Yin; the first period of Yinxu culture; Shang city north of Huan river; Xiaotun;
Exploring the Family of She(舌)
【Abstract】 In 20th century 30 years, the tomb of Yin Dynasty at Xuejiazhuang Anyang city was stolen, some bronze vessels inscription She(舌) were unearthed. But it was pity that those bronze vessels were dispersion early or late. Now some of them were collected in the foreign different museums, some of them have never been heard of since. Mr. Dong Zuobin had written the thesis a study of Wang-Sun She (prince She) researching the tomb. This article based on the predecessors research, combined with new related materials, carries on a research about the problem of the master of Yin Dynasty tomb at Xuejiazhuang, the age of bronze vessels unearthed, which family belonged to and so on. 
【Key words】 the bronze vessels inscription She(舌); the family of She(舌); Xuejiazhuang; Hougang;
Han Jiangshu
The Research about Chigong (迟弓) ,Henggong (恒弓) Jigong (疾弓) of H3 Oracle Bone Inscription of Eastern Huayuanzhuang in Yin Ruins
【Abstract】 There are Chiyigong(Slowly bow),Henggong(usually bow) and Jigong(quickly bow) on the H3 Oracle Bones of Eastern Huayuanzhuang in Yin Ruins, which equal six kind bows recorded by history documents. The master of the H3 Oracle Bones used it when the process of learn shooting ritual should be finished. The studying of Chiyigong(Slowly bow),Henggong(usually bow) and Jigong(quickly bow) is not only conducive to further studying of H3 Oracle Bones but also to recognizing the development of shooting tool in Shang, Westerm Zhou, Spring and Autumn Period. 
【Key words】 H3 Oracle Bones inscription of Eastern Huayuanzhuang in Yin Ruins; Chiyigong(Slowly bow); Henggong(usually bow); Jigong(quickly bow);
Kim Hayes
Exploring the Ethnic Group of the Tombs at Yin Ruins Anyang City in China
【Abstract】 The excavated human crania in Yin Ruins at Anyang have shown that early in the period of Yin-Shang Dynasties there was already contact between Chinese from the Central Plains of China and Middle Asians as well as Europeans. So the coming of Europeans and Middle Asians was considered by some researchers as their participation in the process of forming Chinese political system. 
【Key words】 Yin Ruins; tombs; ethnic group; Europe; Western culture; Chinese civilization;
Preliminary Study about the Tombs of Song Dynasty at Southern Area near Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River
【Abstract】 At present, the tombs of Song Dynasty in the southern area near the Qinling Mountains and Huaihe river have a certain number, and these tombs have its own characteristics which affected by both south area and Central Plains of China. Based on the features of these tombs’ shapes and burial articles, we conclude the characteristics and the periodical feature of these tombs, and also we get a preliminary discussion about the causes of these phenomenon. 
【Key words】 the southern area near the Qinling Mountains and Huaihe river; the tombs of Song Dynasty; preliminary study;
On the Coloration and Textile Recorded by Qiance Unearthed Chu Tombs of Warring States
【Abstract】 Qiance(遣策) unearthed from Chu tombs of Warring States period recorded the name of various things including the description about silk fabrics and clothing. This article based on the Qiance(遣策) record, combining the study achievement of document science, confirmed by the silk remains in the tombs of Chu, discriminated the different of silk lustre, brocade, embroidery and so on, recognized Chinese characters about coloration such as Zi(紫),Dan(丹)and researched them how to be carried at that time. 
【Key words】 Chu tomb; Qiance(遣策); Weaving and embroidery; dyeing; the name and description of a thing;
Hao Liangzhen
On the Handan Diao Recorded by Han Dynasty Bamboo Slips at Juyan
【Abstract】 One of the Han Dynasty bamboo slips unearthed in Juyan recorded Handan Diao which should be copper cooking produced in Handan which is the capital of the Zhao. This bamboo slip is valuable to research the Han Dynasty bronze industry.
【Key words】 Han Dynasty bamboo slips; Handan Diao(邯郸铫); Bronze industry;
Complement and Examining the Gu Shimin Epitaph of Tang Dynasty
【Abstract】 On the base of the article "the annotation of Gu Shimin’s epitaph "which was republished in Cultural Relics of Central China, in this thesis the author further studied Gu shimin’s lifetime, relatives and the epitaph’s writer and the social & political background of the epitaph. 
【Key words】 Tang Dynasty; epitaph; Gu Shimin; Liu Zongyuan;
Xu Chunling
On the Combination of Human-animal of Ancient Jade
【Abstract】 The combination of human-animal jade in Zhou Dynasty which was added in participation and lead of human prominently reflected the further promotion of personality awareness in social values at that time. They also showed the artistic achievements of combination of human-animal. The dragon has been personified and considered as the god who connected the human world with spirit world in Western Zhou Dynasty. The jade rain god was the result that dragon’s cultural character promoted. 
【Key words】 ancient jade; combination of human-animal; rain god;
Wang Fengjun
Jade Objects Found in Xi'an
【Abstract】 In Xi’an area jade has appeared as early as the Yangshao culture of Neolithic, before Qin Dynasty the pattern and sculpture of the jade ware has a clear "Qin style", until Qin and Han Dynasties the Jade style of different region was alike. During Han and Tang Dynasties here became a major jade processing and trade center. After Five Dynasties, the local jade industry declined, the jade unearthed at that time in Xi’an was very little and most of the jades which were handed down were produced at eastern region. 
【Key words】 jade ware; Xian; feature;
Lv Jun; Zhou Liangliang
Red & Green Glazed Porcelain of the Jin Dynasty
【Abstract】 The wares with red and green enamel overglaze painting are being confirmed the one typical porcelain of Jin Dynasty, because they were to be excavated in the tombs of Jin Dynasty .The craft of the wares with red and green enamel overglaze painting of Jin Dynasty had an influence upon Jingdezhen products, especially upon the decoration overglaze and the Doucai products of Jingdezhen. It occupies a very important position in the history of ancient Chinese ceramics.
【Key words】 wares with red and green enamel overglaze painting of Jin Dynasty; the archaeological finding; craft; inheritance;
Sun Kai
Survey and Research on Mausoleums of the Kings of the Zhou State of the Ming Dynasty
【Abstract】 The Ming Dynasty Vassal king of Zhou tombs are located in Yuzhou, Kaifeng, Zhengzhou, Xingyang and other places. Due to lack of protection, they have been damaged seriously, and the relative information about them has been losing. In this paper, the author carried on a field survey according to the literature record and made a study about Ming Dynasty Vassal king of Zhou tombs conservation Status, distributing situation, burial system and the factors of influencing selection tomb sits and so on. 
【Key words】 Ming Dynasty; Vassal king of Zhou; tomb; field survey;
Kong Zhaohuan; Liu Changjiang; Zhao Fusheng
Botanical Remains in the Han Dynasty Laoshan Tomb in Beijing
【Abstract】 The paper is based on the morphological identification of remains plants(fruits and seeds) collected in 2001 from Laoshan tomb of Han Dynasty in Beijing. It also refers to the morphological anatomy and dendrochronological analysis of excavated woods of "Huangchangticou"(黄肠题凑) in the tomb and the characteristics of pollen assemblages during the corresponding Qinhan period from the sediments of the Kunming Lake in Summer Palace of the Xishan mountain. We propose that the natural vegetation consist of warm temperature deciduous broad-leaved forest and pine forest. At the same time, historical climate of Beijing in the Han Dynasty is warm and humid.4 kinds of cereals plants have been cultivated, including Panicum miliaceum, Triticum aestium, Glycine max and Cannabis sativa. Accordingly, our study contributes to the reconstruction of historical vegetation, environment and ancient people economic life of Western Han Dynasty in Beijing. 
【Key words】 Laoshan tomb of Han Dynasty; palaeoenvironment; paleovegetation; plant remains; cereal crops;