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“Usage Characteristic and Searching Produing Areas of Xuejiagang Culture Stone”

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2008-10-30


Zhang Lina published he article “Usage Characteristic and Searching Produing Areas of Xuejiagang Culture Stone” on the third issue of ”RELICS FROM SOUTH” in 2008.In this article she pointed out that after lothological appraising to one batch of Xuejiagang culture stone and searching produing areas of such stone according to the existing geological data, She discovered that the Dabie mountain in the northern area, the eastern of  Wuxue, the Huangshi area and the Xiushui area of Jiangxi’s Wuning are the produing areas ,also the southern Anhui area may be one of them, The number of present produing area is not big but this research has showed some explicit clues for the produing area and system of Xuejiagang culture stone .Simultaneously it’s thought that parts of the stone which is made of special materials are possibly from the lower reaches of Yangze River.      Translated by Liu Yu