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Full Schedule (International Forum on Ancient Civilizations and the First Bilateral Conference)

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-05-14


International Forum on Ancient Civilizations and the First Bilateral Conference
between the Institute of Archaeology, CASS and Stanford University (2009)

                                   May 25-26,2009,Beijing

May 25, 2009

Morning Session
Chaired by Xingcan CHEN, Prof. and Deputy Director of IA CASS

9.00-9.10  Wei WANG, Prof. and Director of IA CASS
Welcome Speech
9.10-10.10 Wei WANG, Professor, IA CASS
New Development of Researches on the Origin of Chinese Civilization
10.10-11.10 Ian Robertson, Assistant Professor, Stanford University
Social and historical factors in the emergence of an early city: Teotihuacan, Mexico
11.10-12.10 Xinwei LI, Associate Professor, IA CASS
   Excavations at Xipo and New Light on the Initial Stage of Social Complexity
   in the Heartland of Prehistoric China
12.10-1.30 Lunch

Afternoon Session
Chaired by Xiaoneng YANG, Curator of Asian Art, Stanford University

1.30- 2.30 John Rick, Associate Professor, Stanford University
Formative Routes to Hierarchical Societies in the Ancient Andes
2.30-3.30  Jigen TANG, Professor, IA CASS
   Oriental tradition in Chinese archaeology

3.30-3.50  Coffer Break

3.50-4.50  Laura Jones, Director of Heritage Services, Stanford University
   Heritage Resource Management: Best Practices and Strategies for
   Preservation of Important Sites and Structures
4.50-5.20  Discussion

5.30-7.00  Welcome Banquet

May 26,2009

Morning Session
Chaired by Yunxiang BAI, Prof. and Deputy Director of IA CASS

9.00-10.00 Xingcan CHEN, Professor, IA CASS
Centre and Periphery: Resource Strategy of Early State of China---A Case
Study from Huizui
10.00-11.00 Xiaoneng YANG, Curator of Asian Art, Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University
   Foreign Contacts before the Silk Road/Routes–Archaeological Observations
11.00-12.00 Jimmy Zhijun ZHAO, Professor, IA CASS
   The Wheat Route – Archaeological Observations of Early Wheat in China

12.00-1.30 Lunch

Afternoon Session
Chaired by Dr. Laura Jones, Director of Heritage Services and University Archaeologist
   for Stanford University

1.30-2.30  Richard Vinograd, Professor, Stanford University
   The Impact of Archaeological Discoveries on Art Historical Understandings
   of Chinese Painting
2.30-3.30  Jinpeng DU, Professor, IA CASS
Large Site Protection in China: Recent Development

3.30-3.50  Coffee Break

3.50-4.50  Michael Wilcox, Assistant Professor, Stanford University
   Questioning Collapse: Narratives of Disappearance at Chaco Canyon and
   the Hohokam Heartland in the American Southwest
4.50-5.20  Discussion

6.00-7.00  Dinner