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主 讲 人:托马斯•施耐德教授  加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学
地点: 中国社会科学院考古研究所八楼多媒体厅


第八讲:State and Empire in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及国家与帝国

The Egyptian state provided the structure of the political and economic system of ancient Egypt. This lecture will provide an overview of the key institution of ancient Egypt – Egyptian kingship – and the other core components of state, provincial and local administration. While the outward appearance of royal authority appears rather unchanged over the three millennia of Egyptian civilization, kingship changed markedly over time and was also subject to internal and external historical processes. The lecture will also reflect on changing modern perceptions of the role of Egyptian kingship, from traditional ideas of a despotist rule to more modern ideas in which the king was rather an administrator of the country’s financial and economic assets. An important aspect here is the relationship of the central authority of the court with provincial and local governance, but also with other structures of political authority, such as the Egyptian military and the priesthoods, and possibly ‘private’ entrepreneurs. The lecture will also look at state ideology and the religious role of the Egyptian king which distinguished sharply between the orderly world of Egypt and the chaotic world outside its borders, often in contrast to the social and topographical reality. In the 2nd millennium BCE, the period of Egyptian imperialism, Egypt extended its control to a colonial empire in Nubia and Syria-Palestine. The lecture will reflect on the causes and consequences of this phase of empire-building on the Egyptian state and Egyptian kingship.
第九讲:Religion and Temples in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及宗教与神庙
Egyptian religion has always been seen as one of the most typical and representative features of ancient Egypt. It was praised as the best religion of humanities by philosophers in Late Antiquity and the Renaissance. At the same time, it has often been misunderstood – starting from the ancient Romans who mocked the animal or hybrid appearance of Egyptian gods. Scholars as late as the later 20th century often wanted to place Egyptian religion in an evolutionary perspective, from primitive religion to modern monotheism. Only since the later 20th century has a re-assessment of Egyptian religion taken effect that seeks a proper understanding of Egyptian religion in its historical and geographical complexity. This lecture will shed light on some of the main characteristics of Egyptian theology, such as the appearance and nature of Egyptian deities, the significance and function of temples, cult and rituals, piety, and animal worship. It will single out the monotheism of the Amarna period as a special development of Egyptian religions and look at the importance of regional religions as opposed to state religion. It will also look at new types of Egyptian religion that emerged in its later phase, such as oracles and divination, the importance foreign deities in Egypt, and the spread of Egyptian religion to the Mediterranean world. Finally, this lecture will look at big questions, e.g. to what extent was it a guarantor of Egypt’s cultural identity? 
第十讲:Death and Burial in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及死亡与葬俗
Ancient Egypt has famously been called a civilization that was “obsessed with death”. This is not necessarily a reflection of the true situation but of the preserved textual and material evidence. Egyptian cemeteries were situated in the protected areaof the desert and thus protected from destruction, as opposed to the settlements of the living in the river valley and the Nile delta. On the other hand, mortality rates were high in Egypt and life expectancy low, which created a need to engage with the topic of death. This lecture will deal with the material culture of Egyptian burials: from royal tombs (including the pyramids) and private tombs to the simple burials of society at large. It will also look at human remains which today constitute an important source for our scientific knowledge of health conditions and diseases in ancient Egypt. Mummification was a means to preserve the body of the deceased for the afterlife for those who could afford it, reflecting also the social structure of beliefs in an afterlife. The lecture will look at the significance and development of texts of the Egyptian elite that guided the deceased through the afterlife, from the Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom to the Book of the Dead. Particular attention will also be given to the concept and function of Egyptian magic (and the important evidence of amulets) which suffered from particular disregard by scholars and is receiving renewed attention as a well-designed concept to regulate the world. 
第十一讲:Culture and Texts in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及文化与文书
Ancient Egypt has left us one of the richest inventories of art and literature from any past civilization. The monumentality of Egyptian architecture and the beauty of Egyptian art  left a lasting impact on the modern public, and its culture has been claimed as one pillar of Western civilization, and also been seen as a foundation of African civilization. At the same time, Egyptian art, literature and language give us a clear idea of a distinct cultural understanding of the Egyptian elite. This lecture will present and interpret select works of art and literature from the 3rd to the 1st millennium BCE and also look at Egyptian language as the mode of written and spoken conversation. What makes those works ‘Egyptian’? What specific symbolic system do they convey that was shared and understood by the Egyptian elite, from a particular vocabulary, a specific belief system, special artistic conventions and architectural forms to particular literary genres and distinctive clothing styles? The lecture will also show how parts of the country of Egypt, different groups of society and different time periods developed varieties of Egyptian culture. Particularly consequential was how foreign innovation was adopted by Egypt and contributed to cultural change over time – from the invention of writing to weaponry, technology, literature and religion. 
第十二讲:Society and Identity in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及社会与身份
Egyptian society was structured in a hierarchical way, with most of its population working as tenant farmers in agriculture, the basis of Egypt’s subsistence, but also in livestock breeding and the manufacturing industry. The population was ruled and administered by the king and a small elite working for the state and provincial administration, temple priesthoods and at least from the 2nd millennium BCE on, a military. Land was owned by state institutions (such as the treasury), but also temples and wealthy private individuals. The lecture will discuss the societal system of Egypt with regard to controversial issues such as: how much authority and influence did the king exercise? to what degree were the temples independent from the state? was there a private economy in ancient Egypt? The lecture will also discuss the ethnic composition of Egyptian society and how immigration to Egypt changed and contributed to Egyptian society. Was ethnicity (as opposed to social or professional status) an important factor of identity? The lecture will also look at the family as the nucleus of ancient Egyptian society and the role of women. While for a long time ancient Egypt was heralded as a civilization where women possessed rights almost equal to men, in recent times a more nuanced assessment has emerged. While throughout all periods of Egyptian history, women were legally and financially independent, their status still was fundamentally unequal to that of men, from politics to burial practice.
  托马斯•施耐德教授(Prof. Thomas Schneider)是加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学埃及学和近东研究教授,主要研究方向为埃及考古、古埃及历史以及近东地中海地区的文明同步化等。施耐德教授毕业于瑞士巴塞尔大学,分别于1990年和1996年获得埃及学硕士和博士学位。在1991-1992年期间,他还担任了法兰西公学院瑞士国家科学基金会研究员。从事研究以来,他著有大量文章和书籍,其中包括《尼罗河和它的人民:古埃及新史》、《古埃及101个问答》、《中王国至希克索斯时期的埃及外族》等。



主 讲 人:托马斯•施耐德教授  加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学
地点: 中国社会科学院考古研究所八楼多媒体厅


第八讲:State and Empire in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及国家与帝国

The Egyptian state provided the structure of the political and economic system of ancient Egypt. This lecture will provide an overview of the key institution of ancient Egypt – Egyptian kingship – and the other core components of state, provincial and local administration. While the outward appearance of royal authority appears rather unchanged over the three millennia of Egyptian civilization, kingship changed markedly over time and was also subject to internal and external historical processes. The lecture will also reflect on changing modern perceptions of the role of Egyptian kingship, from traditional ideas of a despotist rule to more modern ideas in which the king was rather an administrator of the country’s financial and economic assets. An important aspect here is the relationship of the central authority of the court with provincial and local governance, but also with other structures of political authority, such as the Egyptian military and the priesthoods, and possibly ‘private’ entrepreneurs. The lecture will also look at state ideology and the religious role of the Egyptian king which distinguished sharply between the orderly world of Egypt and the chaotic world outside its borders, often in contrast to the social and topographical reality. In the 2nd millennium BCE, the period of Egyptian imperialism, Egypt extended its control to a colonial empire in Nubia and Syria-Palestine. The lecture will reflect on the causes and consequences of this phase of empire-building on the Egyptian state and Egyptian kingship.
第九讲:Religion and Temples in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及宗教与神庙
Egyptian religion has always been seen as one of the most typical and representative features of ancient Egypt. It was praised as the best religion of humanities by philosophers in Late Antiquity and the Renaissance. At the same time, it has often been misunderstood – starting from the ancient Romans who mocked the animal or hybrid appearance of Egyptian gods. Scholars as late as the later 20th century often wanted to place Egyptian religion in an evolutionary perspective, from primitive religion to modern monotheism. Only since the later 20th century has a re-assessment of Egyptian religion taken effect that seeks a proper understanding of Egyptian religion in its historical and geographical complexity. This lecture will shed light on some of the main characteristics of Egyptian theology, such as the appearance and nature of Egyptian deities, the significance and function of temples, cult and rituals, piety, and animal worship. It will single out the monotheism of the Amarna period as a special development of Egyptian religions and look at the importance of regional religions as opposed to state religion. It will also look at new types of Egyptian religion that emerged in its later phase, such as oracles and divination, the importance foreign deities in Egypt, and the spread of Egyptian religion to the Mediterranean world. Finally, this lecture will look at big questions, e.g. to what extent was it a guarantor of Egypt’s cultural identity? 
第十讲:Death and Burial in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及死亡与葬俗
Ancient Egypt has famously been called a civilization that was “obsessed with death”. This is not necessarily a reflection of the true situation but of the preserved textual and material evidence. Egyptian cemeteries were situated in the protected areaof the desert and thus protected from destruction, as opposed to the settlements of the living in the river valley and the Nile delta. On the other hand, mortality rates were high in Egypt and life expectancy low, which created a need to engage with the topic of death. This lecture will deal with the material culture of Egyptian burials: from royal tombs (including the pyramids) and private tombs to the simple burials of society at large. It will also look at human remains which today constitute an important source for our scientific knowledge of health conditions and diseases in ancient Egypt. Mummification was a means to preserve the body of the deceased for the afterlife for those who could afford it, reflecting also the social structure of beliefs in an afterlife. The lecture will look at the significance and development of texts of the Egyptian elite that guided the deceased through the afterlife, from the Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom to the Book of the Dead. Particular attention will also be given to the concept and function of Egyptian magic (and the important evidence of amulets) which suffered from particular disregard by scholars and is receiving renewed attention as a well-designed concept to regulate the world. 
第十一讲:Culture and Texts in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及文化与文书
Ancient Egypt has left us one of the richest inventories of art and literature from any past civilization. The monumentality of Egyptian architecture and the beauty of Egyptian art  left a lasting impact on the modern public, and its culture has been claimed as one pillar of Western civilization, and also been seen as a foundation of African civilization. At the same time, Egyptian art, literature and language give us a clear idea of a distinct cultural understanding of the Egyptian elite. This lecture will present and interpret select works of art and literature from the 3rd to the 1st millennium BCE and also look at Egyptian language as the mode of written and spoken conversation. What makes those works ‘Egyptian’? What specific symbolic system do they convey that was shared and understood by the Egyptian elite, from a particular vocabulary, a specific belief system, special artistic conventions and architectural forms to particular literary genres and distinctive clothing styles? The lecture will also show how parts of the country of Egypt, different groups of society and different time periods developed varieties of Egyptian culture. Particularly consequential was how foreign innovation was adopted by Egypt and contributed to cultural change over time – from the invention of writing to weaponry, technology, literature and religion. 
第十二讲:Society and Identity in Ancient Egypt  古代埃及社会与身份
Egyptian society was structured in a hierarchical way, with most of its population working as tenant farmers in agriculture, the basis of Egypt’s subsistence, but also in livestock breeding and the manufacturing industry. The population was ruled and administered by the king and a small elite working for the state and provincial administration, temple priesthoods and at least from the 2nd millennium BCE on, a military. Land was owned by state institutions (such as the treasury), but also temples and wealthy private individuals. The lecture will discuss the societal system of Egypt with regard to controversial issues such as: how much authority and influence did the king exercise? to what degree were the temples independent from the state? was there a private economy in ancient Egypt? The lecture will also discuss the ethnic composition of Egyptian society and how immigration to Egypt changed and contributed to Egyptian society. Was ethnicity (as opposed to social or professional status) an important factor of identity? The lecture will also look at the family as the nucleus of ancient Egyptian society and the role of women. While for a long time ancient Egypt was heralded as a civilization where women possessed rights almost equal to men, in recent times a more nuanced assessment has emerged. While throughout all periods of Egyptian history, women were legally and financially independent, their status still was fundamentally unequal to that of men, from politics to burial practice.
  托马斯•施耐德教授(Prof. Thomas Schneider)是加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学埃及学和近东研究教授,主要研究方向为埃及考古、古埃及历史以及近东地中海地区的文明同步化等。施耐德教授毕业于瑞士巴塞尔大学,分别于1990年和1996年获得埃及学硕士和博士学位。在1991-1992年期间,他还担任了法兰西公学院瑞士国家科学基金会研究员。从事研究以来,他著有大量文章和书籍,其中包括《尼罗河和它的人民:古埃及新史》、《古埃及101个问答》、《中王国至希克索斯时期的埃及外族》等。

