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Be the Pioneer of Cultural Heritage Protection

Wang Weiguang (Executive Deputy President, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

    As a multi-ethnic country with a vast territory, China has a long history and splendid culture, the cultural heritage of China is very rich and diversified. They are the crystallization of Chinese culture and the bond of the unity of Chinese nationality. To study, protect and pass down these valuable cultural heritages are related to the construction of the common spiritual home of whole nation.


    Workers of humanities and social sciences are the main power of the cultural heritage researches; the experts and scholars of archeology, history, ethnology, religion, literature and other fields must stand on the forefront of cultural heritage studies and dedicate to the cultural heritage protection cause. We should actively and consciously put meeting the needs of cultural heritage protection on the important position of our research work.


    During the past decade, especially in the recent years, our cultural heritage protection focused on large site protection has made tremendous progress; the government attached great importance, the society took wide participation; the investments are large, and the projects are numerous and the achievements are remarkable. All of these not only effectively improved the conservation status of large sites and efficiently enhanced the sustainability of cultural heritages, but also forcefully promoted the economic and social developments and the improvement of the people’s lives.


    In 1997, the State Council promulgated the Circular of the State Council Concerning the Strengthening and Improvement of the Work Related to Cultural Relics, which put forward the idea of the organic integration of the large site protection with economic and social developments and the improving of the people’s living standards, and fundamentally changed the unfavorable situation of the ancient heritage protection. In 2002, the State Administration for Cultural Heritage issued the Large Site Protection Scheme in the Tenth Five-year Plan to start the implementation of 50 key projects of large site protection. In 2005, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and Ministry of Finance jointly designed the General Protection Scheme of the Large Sites during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period to determine 100 large sites as the key protection projects. In 2006, the State Council promulgated the National Outline of Cultural Development Program in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, in which these 100 large sites are listed as key projects and constructions of national cultural heritage protection.


    During the past five years, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the local governments and cultural heritage workers of all of the regions, under the direction of the Scientific Outlook on Development and with the spirits of emancipating the mind, exploring innovation and being brave on practices, found a unique path of cultural heritage protection matching China’s national conditions and characteristics. We have done the following: holding on coordinating the relationships between the long-term interests and the immediate interests and the overall interests and partial interests; holding on the principle of being not only favorable to cultural heritage protection, but also favorable to economic development and improving the people's quality of life; holding on the principles of guiding by the central government and cooperating of the local governments, overall planning, concentrating the investments on key projects and effects-oriented; insisting that planning in advance, focusing on the key projects, conducting step by step, paying attention on the protection and demonstration of the main body of the cultural heritages.


    During the past five years, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage made great efforts to promote the cultural heritage protection by focusing on the important archaeological sites in the “Two Plots (Xi’an and Luoyang)” and along the “Three Lines (the Great Wall, Grand Canal and the Silk Road)” and making the construction of heritage parks as the key measures. For this, the central government invested two billion yuan of special funds to ninety-nine large sites in twenty-three provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions to promote local government to invest thirty billion matching to ensure the smooth implementation of a set of preservation projects. The concrete results include: the completion of protection plan schemes of one hundred large sites, the completion of protection plans of more than sixth large sites; the successes of Yinxu Site in Anyang City and Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom to be listed as the UNESCO’s World Heritages; the completion of the Archaeological Site Museums of Yinxu, Liangzhu, Jinsha, Hongshan and so on; the successful completion of the first group of National Heritage Parks including the Tang Daming Palace, Sui and Tang Luoyang City, Liangzhu, Hongshan and so on, in total of twelve Sites; the starting up of the construction of the National Heritage Parks including Niuheliang, Liye, Changsha Kiln, etc.; the fulfillments of the resource survey of the Ming Great Wall and the maintenance project of Shanhaiguan Pass; the application of the Grand Canal and the international cooperative application of the Silk Road for the World Heritages are being continued.


    Under the directing of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the local governments and the people of all walks of lives actively participate in the cultural heritage protection activities, including the on-the-spot meetings and the Large Site Protection Forums; the large site protection work conferences have been held in Luoyang, Wuxi, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Chengdu and other places, the “Xi’an Manifesto”, “Liangzhu Consensus”, “Luoyang Manifesto” and other documents published by which cleared the principles, purposes and approaches of the current large site protection of our country. The determination and confidence of the local government and the society to protect large sites are much firmer than ever before. We can promise that in the next few years, our cultural heritage protection cause will enter a new stage and erect a shining milestone.


    China Academy of Social Sciences is the highest academic institution in the fields of humanities and social sciences of our country; she has the most disciplines and well-known experts and scholars, so she ought to be the center of our cultural heritage protection researches. We have made some encouraging results in some fields, especially the ones of archeology, for our cultural heritage protection cause. The main ones are:  in more than two hundred cities and counties, the scholars from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences carried out thousands of archaeological fieldwork projects, which provides large amount of scientific proofs for the protection of the ancient sites and tombs in China; they actively involved in the archaeological work in the major national construction projects from the Sanmenxia Yellow River Hydraulic Engineering Project in the early years, to the Three Gorges Project, South-North Water Transfer Project and the urban and rural economic development projects in Xi’an, Luoyang, Anyang and other historical cities in the recent years; by various ways, the CASS trained and provided a large number of archaeological and cultural heritage preservation personnel for the local institutions; in recent years, the Institute of Archaeology applied strategy of paying equal attention to the archeology and cultural heritage protection, and raising the importance of the researches on the cultural heritage protection to the level of one of the standards of a world-renowned and domestic first-class Institute. The new-established Conservation and Research Center for Cultural Heritage actively promotes the integration of archaeology and cultural protection, and has made some achievements in the site protection, the onsite preservation of artifacts in excavation scenes, laboratory archaeology and the conservation of unearthed cultural relics, and so on; the scholars of the Institute of Archaeology are actively involved in cultural heritage conservation theoretical researches and practices, undertake a large number of cultural heritage protection research projects, and have proposed new concepts and ideas such as the archaeological specialties of cultural heritage protection and laboratory archaeology, which contributed greatly to theories and practices of the large site protection and heritage park constructions; they participated in the designing of the general protection plan of the one hundred large sites and the editing of the conservation and demonstration programs of a number of large sites; commissioned by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, they constituted the inspection and acceptance standards of the archaeological excavation projects, the guiding opinions of the archaeological work of large sites work requirements and Large Site Archaeology Scheme in the Twelfth Five-year Plan and so on.


    In his Celebration Speech of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology, Mr. Shan Jixiang, the Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, hopes us to give the personnel advantage into full play to build think tank of our cultural heritage protection field and to become a major intelligence bank of the cultural heritage protection of our country. For this expectation, we need to redouble our efforts to achieve.


    I think, our academy should make the following contributions to the cultural heritage protection cause of our country:


    First, strengthening the disciplinary construction of cultural heritage protection discipline. At present, our main tasks are concentrating on the researches on the basic researches, policies, laws and regulations and scientific and technological researches of cultural heritage protection.


    Second, doing well the researches on the archaeologies of large sites. Archaeology is the foundation for cultural heritage protection. In archaeological researches, the idea of cultural heritage protection should be effectively implemented, and the archaeological research activities should be directed to the route of more scientific, more standardized and more emphasis on the site protection. At present, archaeological fieldwork on the large sites should make providing adequate and reliable scientific evidence to the protection of these sites as the main task.


    Third, promoting the Laboratory Archaeology. Laboratory Archaeology is a new concept put forth by the scholars of our academy, the goal of which is to promote the transformational development of archeology - the tight integration of the archaeological excavations and researches with the cultural heritage protection, for which more new scientific and technological means should be applied. To be sure, this is a new academic growth point of Chinese Archaeology, as well as an important tendency of archaeology of the world. The Institute of Archaeology of our academy has achieved gratifying results, therefore, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage suggested to build a “National Center for Laboratory Archaeology” based on them, and this is a good initiative. We should understand and implement this task from the level of the disciplinary development of archeology and even the disciplinary construction of cultural heritage protection.


    Fourth, promoting the construction of archaeological site parks and museums. Archaeological site protection is the basic guarantee for sustainable development of archaeology. State Administration of Cultural Heritage is actively promoting the constructions of archaeological site parks and museums, which is an important measure to protect the cultural heritage of our country. Archaeologists have the responsibility, obligation and the reasons to take part in this cause to make our research achievements into the resources shared by all of the citizens.


    Fifth, doing well the education and training of cultural heritage protection. Fully take advantage of our personnel and research resources, promote local archaeological and cultural heritage protection researches. Various ways can be taken to cultivate practical personnel for all types and fields of cultural heritage protection.



















Be the Pioneer of Cultural Heritage Protection

Wang Weiguang (Executive Deputy President, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

    As a multi-ethnic country with a vast territory, China has a long history and splendid culture, the cultural heritage of China is very rich and diversified. They are the crystallization of Chinese culture and the bond of the unity of Chinese nationality. To study, protect and pass down these valuable cultural heritages are related to the construction of the common spiritual home of whole nation.


    Workers of humanities and social sciences are the main power of the cultural heritage researches; the experts and scholars of archeology, history, ethnology, religion, literature and other fields must stand on the forefront of cultural heritage studies and dedicate to the cultural heritage protection cause. We should actively and consciously put meeting the needs of cultural heritage protection on the important position of our research work.


    During the past decade, especially in the recent years, our cultural heritage protection focused on large site protection has made tremendous progress; the government attached great importance, the society took wide participation; the investments are large, and the projects are numerous and the achievements are remarkable. All of these not only effectively improved the conservation status of large sites and efficiently enhanced the sustainability of cultural heritages, but also forcefully promoted the economic and social developments and the improvement of the people’s lives.


    In 1997, the State Council promulgated the Circular of the State Council Concerning the Strengthening and Improvement of the Work Related to Cultural Relics, which put forward the idea of the organic integration of the large site protection with economic and social developments and the improving of the people’s living standards, and fundamentally changed the unfavorable situation of the ancient heritage protection. In 2002, the State Administration for Cultural Heritage issued the Large Site Protection Scheme in the Tenth Five-year Plan to start the implementation of 50 key projects of large site protection. In 2005, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and Ministry of Finance jointly designed the General Protection Scheme of the Large Sites during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period to determine 100 large sites as the key protection projects. In 2006, the State Council promulgated the National Outline of Cultural Development Program in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, in which these 100 large sites are listed as key projects and constructions of national cultural heritage protection.


    During the past five years, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the local governments and cultural heritage workers of all of the regions, under the direction of the Scientific Outlook on Development and with the spirits of emancipating the mind, exploring innovation and being brave on practices, found a unique path of cultural heritage protection matching China’s national conditions and characteristics. We have done the following: holding on coordinating the relationships between the long-term interests and the immediate interests and the overall interests and partial interests; holding on the principle of being not only favorable to cultural heritage protection, but also favorable to economic development and improving the people's quality of life; holding on the principles of guiding by the central government and cooperating of the local governments, overall planning, concentrating the investments on key projects and effects-oriented; insisting that planning in advance, focusing on the key projects, conducting step by step, paying attention on the protection and demonstration of the main body of the cultural heritages.


    During the past five years, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage made great efforts to promote the cultural heritage protection by focusing on the important archaeological sites in the “Two Plots (Xi’an and Luoyang)” and along the “Three Lines (the Great Wall, Grand Canal and the Silk Road)” and making the construction of heritage parks as the key measures. For this, the central government invested two billion yuan of special funds to ninety-nine large sites in twenty-three provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions to promote local government to invest thirty billion matching to ensure the smooth implementation of a set of preservation projects. The concrete results include: the completion of protection plan schemes of one hundred large sites, the completion of protection plans of more than sixth large sites; the successes of Yinxu Site in Anyang City and Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom to be listed as the UNESCO’s World Heritages; the completion of the Archaeological Site Museums of Yinxu, Liangzhu, Jinsha, Hongshan and so on; the successful completion of the first group of National Heritage Parks including the Tang Daming Palace, Sui and Tang Luoyang City, Liangzhu, Hongshan and so on, in total of twelve Sites; the starting up of the construction of the National Heritage Parks including Niuheliang, Liye, Changsha Kiln, etc.; the fulfillments of the resource survey of the Ming Great Wall and the maintenance project of Shanhaiguan Pass; the application of the Grand Canal and the international cooperative application of the Silk Road for the World Heritages are being continued.


    Under the directing of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the local governments and the people of all walks of lives actively participate in the cultural heritage protection activities, including the on-the-spot meetings and the Large Site Protection Forums; the large site protection work conferences have been held in Luoyang, Wuxi, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Chengdu and other places, the “Xi’an Manifesto”, “Liangzhu Consensus”, “Luoyang Manifesto” and other documents published by which cleared the principles, purposes and approaches of the current large site protection of our country. The determination and confidence of the local government and the society to protect large sites are much firmer than ever before. We can promise that in the next few years, our cultural heritage protection cause will enter a new stage and erect a shining milestone.


    China Academy of Social Sciences is the highest academic institution in the fields of humanities and social sciences of our country; she has the most disciplines and well-known experts and scholars, so she ought to be the center of our cultural heritage protection researches. We have made some encouraging results in some fields, especially the ones of archeology, for our cultural heritage protection cause. The main ones are:  in more than two hundred cities and counties, the scholars from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences carried out thousands of archaeological fieldwork projects, which provides large amount of scientific proofs for the protection of the ancient sites and tombs in China; they actively involved in the archaeological work in the major national construction projects from the Sanmenxia Yellow River Hydraulic Engineering Project in the early years, to the Three Gorges Project, South-North Water Transfer Project and the urban and rural economic development projects in Xi’an, Luoyang, Anyang and other historical cities in the recent years; by various ways, the CASS trained and provided a large number of archaeological and cultural heritage preservation personnel for the local institutions; in recent years, the Institute of Archaeology applied strategy of paying equal attention to the archeology and cultural heritage protection, and raising the importance of the researches on the cultural heritage protection to the level of one of the standards of a world-renowned and domestic first-class Institute. The new-established Conservation and Research Center for Cultural Heritage actively promotes the integration of archaeology and cultural protection, and has made some achievements in the site protection, the onsite preservation of artifacts in excavation scenes, laboratory archaeology and the conservation of unearthed cultural relics, and so on; the scholars of the Institute of Archaeology are actively involved in cultural heritage conservation theoretical researches and practices, undertake a large number of cultural heritage protection research projects, and have proposed new concepts and ideas such as the archaeological specialties of cultural heritage protection and laboratory archaeology, which contributed greatly to theories and practices of the large site protection and heritage park constructions; they participated in the designing of the general protection plan of the one hundred large sites and the editing of the conservation and demonstration programs of a number of large sites; commissioned by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, they constituted the inspection and acceptance standards of the archaeological excavation projects, the guiding opinions of the archaeological work of large sites work requirements and Large Site Archaeology Scheme in the Twelfth Five-year Plan and so on.


    In his Celebration Speech of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology, Mr. Shan Jixiang, the Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, hopes us to give the personnel advantage into full play to build think tank of our cultural heritage protection field and to become a major intelligence bank of the cultural heritage protection of our country. For this expectation, we need to redouble our efforts to achieve.


    I think, our academy should make the following contributions to the cultural heritage protection cause of our country:


    First, strengthening the disciplinary construction of cultural heritage protection discipline. At present, our main tasks are concentrating on the researches on the basic researches, policies, laws and regulations and scientific and technological researches of cultural heritage protection.


    Second, doing well the researches on the archaeologies of large sites. Archaeology is the foundation for cultural heritage protection. In archaeological researches, the idea of cultural heritage protection should be effectively implemented, and the archaeological research activities should be directed to the route of more scientific, more standardized and more emphasis on the site protection. At present, archaeological fieldwork on the large sites should make providing adequate and reliable scientific evidence to the protection of these sites as the main task.


    Third, promoting the Laboratory Archaeology. Laboratory Archaeology is a new concept put forth by the scholars of our academy, the goal of which is to promote the transformational development of archeology - the tight integration of the archaeological excavations and researches with the cultural heritage protection, for which more new scientific and technological means should be applied. To be sure, this is a new academic growth point of Chinese Archaeology, as well as an important tendency of archaeology of the world. The Institute of Archaeology of our academy has achieved gratifying results, therefore, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage suggested to build a “National Center for Laboratory Archaeology” based on them, and this is a good initiative. We should understand and implement this task from the level of the disciplinary development of archeology and even the disciplinary construction of cultural heritage protection.


    Fourth, promoting the construction of archaeological site parks and museums. Archaeological site protection is the basic guarantee for sustainable development of archaeology. State Administration of Cultural Heritage is actively promoting the constructions of archaeological site parks and museums, which is an important measure to protect the cultural heritage of our country. Archaeologists have the responsibility, obligation and the reasons to take part in this cause to make our research achievements into the resources shared by all of the citizens.


    Fifth, doing well the education and training of cultural heritage protection. Fully take advantage of our personnel and research resources, promote local archaeological and cultural heritage protection researches. Various ways can be taken to cultivate practical personnel for all types and fields of cultural heritage protection.

