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Abstract: In the Northern Song, Jin and Yuan period, the “twenty - four piety” story was one of the important themes among decorations on tomb walls in north China, and exhibits a strong consistency in the theme. The content of the “twenty - four piety” story is different from that of the later popular Anthology of All Twenty - four Piety compiled by Guo Jujing, but completely tallies with that recorded in Piety Record in Gaoli, indicating that there were two different systems of “twenty - four piety” story in folk societies in south and north China. The“twenty - four piety” story recorded in Piety Record should be the most popular edition in north China during the Northern Song, Jin and Yuan periods. This provides the important evidence for validating the theme of decoration on tomb walls in the period.
Key words: Northern Song, Jin and Yuan period, decoration on tomb walls, “twenty - four piety” story, Piety Record in Gaoli


摘 要: 北宋金元时期,“二十四孝”故事是北方地区墓葬壁饰中的重要题材之一。并且在题材方面表现出很强的一致性,与后世流行的郭居敬《全相二十四孝诗选》内容有较大差异, 但却与高丽《孝行录》记载完全吻合。这表明在中国南北地区, 民间曾存在两套不尽相同的“二十四孝”故事系统。北宋金元时期,《孝行录》记载的“二十四孝”故事,应是中国北方地区最为流行的孝行故事版本。这为确认这一时期的墓葬壁饰题材等提供了重要依据。
关键词: 北宋金元时期; 墓葬壁饰; “二十四孝”故事; 高丽《孝行录》


    董仲舒提出“罢黜百家, 独尊儒术”的方针, 使得两汉以来, 儒家思想成为历代统治者维系其政治权力的法宝。唐玄宗亲自为《孝经》作注, 并大力倡导, 以巩固皇帝家天下的长治久安。历代儒学之士竭力宣扬“孝道”, 维护当朝帝王的统治, 认为只要重视孝道伦理, 一旦“教化已明, 习俗已定”,天下便可太平。
    在这种社会环境和时代背景下,当时人们的孝悌思想观念,在丧葬习俗上自然而然地反映出来。从汉魏时期开始, 考古发掘的各个时代的墓葬壁画、画像石和画像砖等壁饰中, 都发现有反映孝悌故事的内容。北宋金元时期的墓葬壁饰中,孝悌故事的内容更是屡见不鲜。特别是一些墓葬壁饰中,发现有带题记的完整“二十四孝”故事内容,为我们了解“二十四孝”故事题材的具体构成和风格传统等,提供了丰富详尽的实物资料。











Abstract: In the Northern Song, Jin and Yuan period, the “twenty - four piety” story was one of the important themes among decorations on tomb walls in north China, and exhibits a strong consistency in the theme. The content of the “twenty - four piety” story is different from that of the later popular Anthology of All Twenty - four Piety compiled by Guo Jujing, but completely tallies with that recorded in Piety Record in Gaoli, indicating that there were two different systems of “twenty - four piety” story in folk societies in south and north China. The“twenty - four piety” story recorded in Piety Record should be the most popular edition in north China during the Northern Song, Jin and Yuan periods. This provides the important evidence for validating the theme of decoration on tomb walls in the period.
Key words: Northern Song, Jin and Yuan period, decoration on tomb walls, “twenty - four piety” story, Piety Record in Gaoli


摘 要: 北宋金元时期,“二十四孝”故事是北方地区墓葬壁饰中的重要题材之一。并且在题材方面表现出很强的一致性,与后世流行的郭居敬《全相二十四孝诗选》内容有较大差异, 但却与高丽《孝行录》记载完全吻合。这表明在中国南北地区, 民间曾存在两套不尽相同的“二十四孝”故事系统。北宋金元时期,《孝行录》记载的“二十四孝”故事,应是中国北方地区最为流行的孝行故事版本。这为确认这一时期的墓葬壁饰题材等提供了重要依据。
关键词: 北宋金元时期; 墓葬壁饰; “二十四孝”故事; 高丽《孝行录》


    董仲舒提出“罢黜百家, 独尊儒术”的方针, 使得两汉以来, 儒家思想成为历代统治者维系其政治权力的法宝。唐玄宗亲自为《孝经》作注, 并大力倡导, 以巩固皇帝家天下的长治久安。历代儒学之士竭力宣扬“孝道”, 维护当朝帝王的统治, 认为只要重视孝道伦理, 一旦“教化已明, 习俗已定”,天下便可太平。
    在这种社会环境和时代背景下,当时人们的孝悌思想观念,在丧葬习俗上自然而然地反映出来。从汉魏时期开始, 考古发掘的各个时代的墓葬壁画、画像石和画像砖等壁饰中, 都发现有反映孝悌故事的内容。北宋金元时期的墓葬壁饰中,孝悌故事的内容更是屡见不鲜。特别是一些墓葬壁饰中,发现有带题记的完整“二十四孝”故事内容,为我们了解“二十四孝”故事题材的具体构成和风格传统等,提供了丰富详尽的实物资料。








