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ABSTRACT : There are two major viewpoints in Chinese academic circles concerning the date of the eastward export of Xijiang Hotan jade to the hinterland. One of them believes that Hotan was an important source of raw jade in ancient China, especially in times after the Han Emperor Wudi opening the road to the Western Regions , but the question of when this eastward export was begun can not be solved for the time being. The other theory goes that Hotan jade began to be spread to the hinterland long before the Western Han period. According to available archaeological data , a number of Yin-and-Zhou tombs have yielded jades made of raw material f rom Hotan and other producing areas in Xinjiang , which suggests that as early as the Yin-and-Zhou period long before the road to the Western Region was opened , a lot of areas in China hinterland had imported jade from Hotan and many other places of Xinjiang. The objects made of Xinjiang jade unearthed from the Fu Hao tomb are far not the only evidence of this understanding.
KEY WORDS : Xinjiang Hotan jade  eastward export to the hinterland  Yin-and-Zhou period
关键词:新疆和田玉东输内地 殷周时代
    新近出版的《安阳殷墟花园庄东地商代墓葬》一书中, 附录有荆志淳等先生撰写的《M54 出土玉器的地质考古学研究》(以下简称《M54玉器研究》)一文。拜读之后,笔者对其中的某些观点持有异议,特写此小文,与荆先生交流、沟通,并希指正。
    在《M54 玉器研究》中,作者将安阳花园庄东地殷墓M54 出土的200 多件玉器,逐个进行肉眼观察, 进而运用便携式近红外光谱仪对每件玉器作科学测试, 并将测试数据予以公布。对于所测试玉器的玉料来源, 作者经分析研究后认为,“M54 出土玉器玉料来源很复杂, 可以肯定的是有多种来源, 主体玉料是镁质大理岩软玉⋯⋯”。但由于资料的限制, 该文表示,“在现有条件下, 我们不可能确定商代玉料的具体产地”。这种求实精神,难能可贵。
原文发表在《考古》2009 年第3 期



ABSTRACT : There are two major viewpoints in Chinese academic circles concerning the date of the eastward export of Xijiang Hotan jade to the hinterland. One of them believes that Hotan was an important source of raw jade in ancient China, especially in times after the Han Emperor Wudi opening the road to the Western Regions , but the question of when this eastward export was begun can not be solved for the time being. The other theory goes that Hotan jade began to be spread to the hinterland long before the Western Han period. According to available archaeological data , a number of Yin-and-Zhou tombs have yielded jades made of raw material f rom Hotan and other producing areas in Xinjiang , which suggests that as early as the Yin-and-Zhou period long before the road to the Western Region was opened , a lot of areas in China hinterland had imported jade from Hotan and many other places of Xinjiang. The objects made of Xinjiang jade unearthed from the Fu Hao tomb are far not the only evidence of this understanding.
KEY WORDS : Xinjiang Hotan jade  eastward export to the hinterland  Yin-and-Zhou period
关键词:新疆和田玉东输内地 殷周时代
    新近出版的《安阳殷墟花园庄东地商代墓葬》一书中, 附录有荆志淳等先生撰写的《M54 出土玉器的地质考古学研究》(以下简称《M54玉器研究》)一文。拜读之后,笔者对其中的某些观点持有异议,特写此小文,与荆先生交流、沟通,并希指正。
    在《M54 玉器研究》中,作者将安阳花园庄东地殷墓M54 出土的200 多件玉器,逐个进行肉眼观察, 进而运用便携式近红外光谱仪对每件玉器作科学测试, 并将测试数据予以公布。对于所测试玉器的玉料来源, 作者经分析研究后认为,“M54 出土玉器玉料来源很复杂, 可以肯定的是有多种来源, 主体玉料是镁质大理岩软玉⋯⋯”。但由于资料的限制, 该文表示,“在现有条件下, 我们不可能确定商代玉料的具体产地”。这种求实精神,难能可贵。
原文发表在《考古》2009 年第3 期

