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  截至6月18日,广州打捞局救捞工程处“南天顺”全体施工人员配合考古队人员完成了“南澳I号”古沉船八个舱位的平面图测绘、摄影工作,发掘打捞出水文物5100多件。 (记者李妍摄影报道)

    According to the Chinese-Indonesia cultural exchange programs, in the invitation of the State Cultural Relic Bureau of China, Hari Untoro Dradjat, the director of the Indonesia History and Archaeology Bureau of the Culture and Tourism Ministry, visited China accompanied with six members from 8th to 13th August, 2010. On 9th August the delegati......
Swedes will soon be able to see China's terracotta warriors and other valuable relics in the equally spectacular setting of Stockholm's secret caverns.
The warriors are the centrepiece of an exhibition that opens in two days' time in the Rock Heavens, a network of caverns originally built for the Swedish military.
"The Museum of Far Eastern Antiq......
Recently, archaeologists found prehistoric hats of human beings who lived 4,600 years ago from an ancient tomb site at Tongliao City of Inner Mongolia. Experts said it was the first time this kind of hats, which were made from bones, have been found in the same period of prehistoric culture.As of now, archaeologists have found and cleared near 40......
摘要:最近发掘的浙江上山和小黄山遗址(11400—8000 cal BP)是长江下游地区迄今发现最早的村落遗址。这两个遗址均出土有大量磨石,而有机物遗存保存很少。本文对7件石器进行了淀粉粒、植硅体以及矿物残留物的初步分析,以便检验这些方法在复原古代生计形态和器物功能研究中的可行性。鉴定出的淀粉粒包括橡子、根茎类、薏苡以及疑似菱角等,但是没有发现水稻。在发现的水稻植硅体......

基本信息作者: 河南省文物考古学会 等编    出版社:科学出版社 ISBN:9787030264831 上架时间:2010-7-13 出版日期:2010 年5月 开本:16开 页码:304 版次:1 
内容简介    本书为“纪念裴李岗文化发现30周年暨学术研讨会”的论文集成。它以学术研讨为主,多层面、多角度地对裴李岗文化提出了新的观点和见解。本书共分为五个部分:第一部分为此次学术研讨会及相关活动的......

作 者:张懋镕   出版社: 科学出版社   出版时间: 2010年7月1日   ISBN: 9787030283054   开本: 16开   定价: 128.00元

基本信息原价:320.00元作者:刘国祥,于明 主编出版社:科学出版社ISBN:9787030278807页码:649版次:1装帧:精装开本:16开出版时间:2010-6-1印刷时间:2010-6-1字  数:952000商品标识:20878767
内容简介    本书共收录中国玉文化及相关问题研究论文三十余篇,均为中国玉研究名家之大作,研究范围涵盖新石器时代至清代。从研究内容看,综合性研究主要包括中国玉文化起源、工艺技......
    Professor Bruno Genito from the Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale’s Asian Studies Department was invited to visit the Institute of Archaeology (CASS) on the afternoon of October 26th 2010, where he presented his lecture “Archaeology of the Steppes: Work, Methods and Strategies” in the multimedia conference room on the eighth fl......
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