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Chinese ancient art does not always feature Chinese characteristics. The art can be western with carefully carved western faces or decorated patterns, due to cultural exchanges through land and sea Silk Roads.


Some creative pieces can be found within the “Sailing Far and Wide on the Sea: Exhibition of Treasures from the Maritime Silk ......

Archaeologists from Bulgaria's National History Museum have uncovered the roadside Sostra complex, situated on the Roman cursus publi-cus from Oescus to Philippopolis.


The roadside complex was an important point of rest for dignitaries and even emperors and their relatives who were travelling from Oescus (currently the village of Gigen,......

A University of Otago, New Zealand, PhD student analysing dental calculus (hardened plaque) from ancient teeth is helping resolve the question of what plant foods Easter Islanders relied on before European contact.

Known to its Polynesian inhabitants as Rapa Nui, Easter Island is thought to have been colonized around the 13th Century and is famed ......

  上虞禁山窑址解密瓷之源   首次发现东汉到三国窑炉发展过程







You will soon be able to see parts of Cambodia's landmark Angkor Wat temple in Beijing.

Following yearlong preparations, Cambodia's first major exhibition of its cultural relics in China has opened at the Capital Museum on Friday and will continue through March 25.

After Beijing, the Smile of Khmer: Cambodian Ancient Cultural Relics and A......







Antiquities from Fuhao Tomb (1) Antiquities from Fuhao Tomb (2) Antiquities from Fuhao Tomb (3) Antiquities from Fuhao Tomb (4) Antiquities from Fuhao Tomb (5) Antiquities from Fuhao Tomb (6) Antiquities from Fuhao Tomb (7) Antiquities from Fuhao Tomb (8)...
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