中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.489秒)
时代发展了  文博事业也要创新发展   龚良(6)
安徽肥西塘岗遗址发掘   安徽省文物考古研究所 (7)
鸿声前房桥钱氏家族墓清理简报  无锡市锡山区文管办(30)
南京地区明代大型砖室墓.形制研究  夏寒(40)
后现代史学语境下的考古学   燕生东(49)
锶同位素分析技术在考古学中的应用研究  尹若春  张居中(55)
历史逻辑进程中的存在意蕴  莫光......

       Archaeologists have unearthed a 5600 year old kindling implement in Luoyang. It will help to untie the truth on how the Neolithic people preserved the kindling material six millenniums ago.
The Luoyang Cultural Relic Team and other institutions have jointly formed an excavation team by carrying out an excavation at the the Neolithic Zhai......
Recently, an archaeology team from the Hebei Cultural Relics Research Institute has found a chess set for Liu Bo Chess, thought to be the original version of Chinese chess and chess, in an ancient tomb belonging to the Western Han Dynasty in Pingshan County.Since May of this year, the archaeology team has carried out a protective excavation along......
    By the invitation of the director of IICAS (International Institute for Central Asia Studies), Dr. Jiang Bo, from the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, paid a 7-days visit to Antalya, Turkey, for the 13th Academic Council Meeting.

    As a direct outcome of the UNESCO Silk Roads Expeditions, IICAS was established in 1995 as a study center for ......
Canadians will have the chance to savor China's rich cultural heritage at an exhibition to open Friday featuring some of China's most precious artifacts. 
    "Treasures from China," to be shown at the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC), will display China's long history through a chronological setting of artifacts dating back to the Paleolith......

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