中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.182秒)
Archaeology Institute of Shanxi Province 
A Brief Excavation Report on the Tombs of the 
Western Zhou located at Hengshui Town, Jiang 
County, Shanxi Province
The Relics and Archaeology Institute of
Xianyang City 
The Museum of Xunyi County
A Brief Excavation Report on the Tomb o......

【联系方式】    单位电话:65253598    电子邮箱
Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). 

Concurrent Posts : 
Member of the Standing Committee of the Society of Chinese Archaeology
Key Publications : 
-Qugong in Lhasa
-The Baijia Site at Lintong
-China’s Prehistoric Culture
-The Birth of Mankind : Searching for Chinese Civilisation’s Di......
Compiled by State Council Three Gorges Project Construction Committee Executive Office
State Administration of Cultural Heritage People’s Republic of China
The Tudiwan site, a well-preserved Han period village-settlement, is located on the riverbank of the Xiangxi River. Only simple stratigraphyic context has been discovered. Con......
Compiled by Anhui Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Bengbu Municipal Museun
       The site reported here is located on a terrace to Shuangdun village, in the middle section along the Huai River, and covers a total area of around 12,000 square meters. The site was first identified in 1985, 4 kilometers south of the Huai River. Th......

    From Nov 22 to Nov 24th, held in Changshu Xiangsu province, the conference “looking back 30 years – Archaeological work and Artifact preservation researchsince the reform & open policy of 1979 ,” was hosted by the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(IA CASS). More than ten experts and scholars from the IA CASS, Beiji......

珐琅彩瓷概述  珐琅彩瓷的正式名称应为“瓷胎画珐琅”。是国外传入的一种装饰技法,后人称“古月轩”,国外称“蔷薇彩”。是专为清代宫廷御用而特制的一种精细彩绘瓷器,部分产品也用于犒赏功臣。据清宫造办处的文献档案记载,其为康熙帝授意之下,由造办处珐琅作的匠师将铜胎画珐琅之技法成功地移植到瓷胎上而创制的新瓷器品种。珐琅彩盛于雍正、乾隆时,属宫廷垄断的工艺珍......
    The CASS Institute of Archaeology held an academic seminar entitled 'Chinese Archaeology in the 30 Years After the Reforms and Open-Door Policy' at the Institute's seminar hall on January 15th 2009. Six experts and scholars from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology, Jilin University'......
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