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Contents ●Archaeological Work Tian Yaqi, Jing Hongwei, Tile End Art of Qin and Han Dynasties Unearthed in Yongcheng   (013) In the historical record of more than 600 years, Qin Kingdom had successively set up eight capitals, Yongcheng capital was one of the capitals with the longest history. And in Yongcheng, the central p......
    2008年11~12月,中国社会科学院考古研究所西安唐城队在配合国家大遗址保护“十一五”重点项目――唐大明宫遗址保护改造项目的南宫城墙遗址考古工作中获重要考古发现。    唐大明宫南宫城墙遗址位于今西安市自强东路以北、二马路以南、建强路以东、太华南路以西区域。考古工作者经过艰辛的细致的考古试掘,对大明宫南宫城墙遗址及悬而未决的相关城门遗址获重要考古发现。  ......
Main ContentsNanjing Municipal Museum, Jiangning District Museum of Nanjing City,Excavation of the Tomb of State Wu of the Three Kingdoms Period in Shangfang Town, Nanjing City   (4) From December 2005 to August 2006, archaeologists carried out an excavation of a tomb of State Wu of the Three Kingdoms Period in Zhongxia Village, Shangfang Town, J......
Bai Yunxiang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Archaeology CASS, visited South Korea from February 5th to February 9th 2009, at the invitation of the Chonbuk National University's Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology BK21 Division. During his visit, he was invited to participate in the “International Academic Forum on the Formati......
Main Contents
Xia Baoguo,
Marks on the Record “Moving the Gonggong’s Family to the Youzhou Area” in Archaeology View —— According to the fact that the Lower Culture of Xiajiadian was Originated from the II Culture of Hougang   (3)
       The Lower Xiajiadian Culture was appeared in the late stage of Longshan Culture in Liaoxi Area, in the ......
Main Contents
School of History of Zhengzhou University, Luoyang Municipal Archaeological Team,
Excavation on the Eastern Wall – site of the Eastern Zhou Palace – city at Luoyang, Henan   (15)
       In coordination with the capital construction engineering, the Luoyang Municipal Archaeological Team excavated a section of the eastern wall of ......

    刘建国先生的《考古测绘、遥感与GIS》一书已于2008年8月在北京大学出版社出版,650mm×980mm  16开本,15印张,彩插8页,正文235页,23万字,定价34元。    刘建国先生于1995年受聘为北京大学考古系(现为考古文博学院)主讲《考古测量》课程,后来将考古遥感、地理信息系统与计算机图形图像学等内容加入教学之中,课程名称更改为《考古信息技术》。刘建国先生近年来一直潜......
    A comprehensive conservation program is well under way for Yungang Grottoes, a World Heritage site, in Datong of northern China's Shanxi Province. 
    Of the program, an anti-seeping project has been recently approved by provincial cultural relics protection authorities, Huang Jizhong, deputy president of the research institute of Yungang Gr......
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