中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.385秒)

A Western Han dynasty ancient tomb group was accidentally found at a construction site in Puyang city, China's Henan province, on April 10.After a period of protective excavation of the tomb group, archaeologists found more than 230 ancient tombs in all, and a total of more than 600 cultural relics have been unearthed so far.During the excavatio......
The protective excavation of the No.1 site at the Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site was launched on May 16. This is the largest protective excavation since the Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site was first excavated in 1921.Largest protective excavation in historyIn order to eliminate safety hazards, such as sliding, holes, cracks and dangerous rocks in the se......




    兹定于本周五(6月10日)下午2:30在中国社会科学院考古研究所八楼多功能厅举办学术演讲会,邀请美国威斯康辛大学人类学系Jonathan Mark Kenoyer(基诺耶)教授以“巴基斯坦与印度境内印度河文明新发现(Recent Discoveries of Indus Civilization in Pakistan and India)”为题,介绍该流域古代文明的考古新发现与研究。
观 点
浅析城市类文化景观遗产保护 ..............................单霁翔8
山西南部早期建筑山西南部早期建筑 奏响中国土木工程保护华章 ..............................文/图 周学鹰 张伟22
平顺龙门寺 深山里的古建博物馆..............................文/马晓 图/张晓明38
任重道远  山西南部早期建筑保护工程.............................. 文/图 ......
New Shanghai-based research reverses the stereotypical Western notion that Chinese people cannot hold their liquor – at least, when it comes to pounding back grain-based alcohols like baijiu.The study released by Fudan University in the UK's journal Annuals of Human Genetics earlier this month found that people of East Asian descent, and pa......
Main Contents:
The Institute of Relics and Archaeology of Xiangyang City,
The Core-sampling and Surveying Brief on the PIngling Mausoleum of Zhaodi, Western Han dynasty   (3)
Yue Qi & Liu Weipeng,
On the Several Question About the Western Han Mausoleum System from the Aspect of Zhaodi’s Pingling Mausoleum   (6)
Han Guohe,
On the Related ......

A piece of traditional Chinese embroidery, a masterpiece, was shown at the Chinese Embroidery Masterpieces Exhibition in the Royal Culture Center in central Amman on October 24, 2007.
Among visitors standing in front of a traditional Chinese embroidery masterpiece named Sunset over the Dead Sea, 80-year-old Asma was the most eye-catching gue......

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